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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I think you may be making it harder on yourself than necessary. I would pick "one style" and go with it. If you really want your own style... (which is what you're saying) and you realize you'll never be able to pick up an already done copybook... then choose something like Startwrite and go back and forth changing styles. You can try a sample free :)
  2. I wouldn't offer a "grade", I would offer a 33/100 or whatever. Let their parents choose what they think that gaining 33 points out of a possible 100 is... or however you scored it. Why should you allow them to redeem a grade? Usually, their college professors won't! Now, if ALL the students had failed... or if it was all the youngers had... and the olders earned scores... then I might think differently about it. :)
  3. I'm thinking... k... hoping.. that he didn't mean it like *that*!! scary if he did...
  4. No password, No friending?? No computer!! (And ours would have passwords to log on) Basically, it's totally your responsibility to monitor it... and their problem if they don't understand... YET... they will. Also, I look at pms sometimes... just to see what's happening. It's not that I care... unless there's something I should care about. I also look at texts and such... (on their phone) Nope.. I have nothing more exciting than to make sure everything's ok with us... as their parents. (We pay for it all!) And, we've reminded them that stuff will stick around forever... and be there when people are looking at their resumes!! :)
  5. In this case, with there being a waiting list... and you still sticking with a group, then YES, I would think they would "transfer" your registration fee. Give her a call today! Let us know! :)
  6. Hey There, I'm taking it that it's the CC co-op. Some people don't get emails until they've added people to their contact list. I have someone who asks for everyone to expect their "got it" email back. Personally, if you have emails over and over from the same person... I'd think you would add the person to your contacts... (to make it so they don't go to spam... accidentally) Registration money is usually not refundable... since that's what registration is all about... you want your spot saved... it's letting your Director know that she has enough students to hire another Tutor. I've let all my people know... it's decide before... because I can't refund the $$$. As soon as I have enough students... I'm on my hunt for another great tutor! But... to answer the email thing... I answer everything within 1 or 2 business days.... if not... somehow it's slipped my mind. (doesn't happen often... I'm professional about it.) Also, If I have to ask someone something... I either cc the person to let them know, or send a "I'm asking about this. In (how many every days), if I haven't responded... feel free to email or call me". Sorry that the person hasn't been prompt... :(
  7. I think that's awesome! I have no idea how she's doing it... Page 50... I'm trying to figure out what unit that is... Great Job! You can increase vocabulary later... when she needs a break! :)
  8. Funny! I thought you meant you were going to find all of us that are "funny grammar posters" and call us out! :)
  9. Yum!! Sour Cream, green onions, cheese, rice is great! I like all this... with those big Fritos on the side. My mom always makes cornbread with soft butter.
  10. Hey There, My husband is probably interviewing for two jobs in Cupertino. We're pretty excited!! What do you all know about it? :)
  11. I've always thought I'd grow out my hair and make my own hair piece for when I'm older... and want what I've lost :)
  12. Oh... and I have the BEST crepes... you make them with oats that are gluten free... if that's a concern... :) Yummy Crepes 14 eggs, 3 cups kefir or runny yogurt... (or, as we do... yogurt with a little added milk 1 tsp sea salt 1 TBS molasses Process Above ingredients in blender till smooth.... Then stir in... 1.5 cups arrowroot powder 1.5 cups oat flour. (Get Oat groats from coop, healthfood stores, or some places where they have bulk. Looks like wheat berry.... and you need to "grind" like wheat. Perhaps you know a spot to do this? I hear that you can use a coffee grinder, but I've never tried this.) Stir until lumps are dissolved. If the batter is too runny, add arrowroot pwd in .5 cup increments until the batter is about the texture of heavy cream. Spoon by .25 cupfulls into a well-buttered crepe pan. Cook around 30 secs per side. You can half the recipe... or freeze left overs. I like to fold in quarters... and put a few in each ziplock.. (after cooled) I take them out... thaw a bit... and put in my iron skillet with a bit of butter... and when warmed... spoon in apricot fruit spread... Yum! (BTW my forward slash is broken on my key board... ugh)
  13. Hey There, If you still have your Bosch, I'd take it to a Licensed Bosch repair center to see if there's hope... :)
  14. You had your (5??) year old start Henle? I'm just curious! How's that going?? :)
  15. Yup, You're right... it is Leigh Bortins. If you're gonna get it, this would be a great time for her, because it's a pre-order. :)
  16. Use of Church for Co-op. What do you pay? Do you provide your own insurance? (I meant to use the building Thanks!) Hey There, I was wanting to compare what we pay... to others. I'm curious what you pay for co-op use of churches, and if you pay insurance. Everyone meets for different amount of weeks... so total, and then "per week", would be great! Thanks!!
  17. Crockpot it, and it will turn out yummy!! I'd put barbeque on it, and serve it over rolls. Yum!!
  18. I think she may be able to get it annulled. You can get annulments easier now than before, it's not exactly the same as... "no s*x". Sorry for your sis... glad they don't have their own kids yet. It's his problem to feel bad about the girls and what he may be doing to them!
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