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Beth in SW WA

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Everything posted by Beth in SW WA

  1. Dds will be 3rd/4th next year and will do Exploration Education among other things for science. It is hands-on physical science.
  2. Control. Perfectionism. Fear of failure. Add a bit of sass for good measure. It's a perfect storm. For dd8 anyway. She performs better for other teachers than for me. There is zero drama with her outside teachers. The bar can be raised so much higher because she wants to please and perform -- and she is fully engaged without the distraction of drama or emotion. With me she gets a bit more dramatic but she has learned it doesn't get her anywhere. There is no payoff. Just today she got dramatic during a TT alg word problem. It took awhile to write out all the variables and diagram the problem. She had to stop and really think it through. The answer did not come easily but she got it. Translate the word problem below into an equation; then solve. Rosalyn and Naomi left their homes which are 330 miles apart, and drove straight toward each other. It took 3 hours for the two to meet. If Naomi's speed was 10 mph slower than Rosalyn's speed, what was Rosalyn's speed? So much comes easy for her that it's good to persevere through tougher problems. All this to say...Be strong. Be patient. Be consistent. Have appropriate expectations. Only you will know what is appropriate for her. Abi told some guests on Saturday that her favorite subject is math. :001_smile:
  3. :bigear: You guys are awesome. Just starting Mandarin here.
  4. Dd8 read this for 3rd grade along with lit. Complete Book Of US History I wrote about it in this old thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=306735 She is currently reading Johnny Tremain. Loves it. We did a 2-week east coast road trip which helped it all come to life.
  5. You're welcome. Pay the $5 to access the Crewton Ramone advanced lessons. He is fantastic!!
  6. RS place value cards, RS Base 10 picture cards, RS abacus, Base Ten blocks, RS fractions chart... Legos :) I just bought a set of MUS blocks. Where have these been all my life? :thumbup:
  7. :iagree: Dd8 is reading JT this week. She LOVES it. I have the PP guide for questions. :)
  8. Oh, yes. Teaching alg w/ blocks seems logical. This is such a great way to teach squares, square roots, exponents, completing the square, etc. Why doesn't everyone use blocks to teach this? Am I the only one coming late to this party? :tongue_smilie: I regret that I didn't introduce this method to my older dc when they were 7 & 8. My younger dds benefit from my years of trial & error. :) ETA: I need to give credit to Crewton Ramone's House Of Math...again. This page on square numbers was enlightening for me -- especially the videos.
  9. Why has no one told me how fun those little blocks are? Dd7 is building squares & rectangles and doing her Beast lessons with our new blocks. Dd8 is building squares and factoring polynomials. Quite painless and actually enjoyable for all. Even dd7 can see how it works. :) Crewton Ramone's House Of Math videos have given me some fabulous ideas. If you haven't watched his youtube videos...do it! Steve Demme's alg 1 videos are fantastic. I just received MUS Alg 1 this week and we already LOVE it! This should be FUN! Anyone else using MUS blocks for algebra? My young learners are truly enjoying this. Currently dd7 has her mini-fig of Jack Sparrow measuring the sides and areas of her squares/rectangles and other random shapes in Beast. Yay, homeschool.
  10. Shamelessly showing off my older kids :) Thanks for indulging. They had a photo taken of them together at their high school's spring formal....
  11. Dd8 CLE Bible 3 CLE Reading 3 plus classic lit WWE3 SM 3b/4a, KTF, TT6 (finish), HoE Chinese history/geo Mandarin tutor + BetterChinese Piano Violin Tennis Art School Homegrown electronics course: Exploration Education Engineering Is Elementary: Circuits, Squishy Circuits, LittleBits, Snap Circuits 750 ps science class 2x/week, OMSI weekly science class, Aha!Science online, Lego Robotics team, Scratch programming Dd9 Bible WWS/MCT TT Alg 1/MUS Alg 1 + weekly online alg class LL 7 (begin) + classic lit Chinese history/geo Mandarin tutor + BetterChinese Piano Tennis Homegrown electronics course: Engineering Is Elementary: Circuits, Squishy Circuits, Littlebits, Exploration Education, Snap Circuits 750 ps science class 2x/week + chem tutor, OMSI weekly science lab, Aha!Science online Lego Robotics team, Scratch programming
  12. Pics of our spring break trip to Sedona, AZ...Just dd14 & me. :) My parents hosted us. Wonderful vacation...
  13. :bigear: I have 2 Hunan spicy-girls (adopted at 14 months). They are starting to learn Mandarin with Mei-Mei videos and songs. I am looking for a tutor. I have the free trial with Better Chinese. :lurk5: ETA: I found a local Mandarin tutor who will use Better Chinese materials with my dds. I purchased the full BC program.
  14. :iagree: Your dd sounds like quite the go-getter. My dd8 would fall apart during a competition. Her anxiety would kick in and it would NOT be pretty. For anyone involved. The stars need to be in perfect alignment for dd. No stress. On her terms only. She is napping now because of overstimulation. I just found her in bed sound asleep. And today has been quite relaxing from my vantage point. Dd just experiences life at an exhausting level. We all scratch our heads. A contest would never happen here. For dd7, yes. Dd8...no way. :tongue_smilie: It will be fun to watch your dd knock off the competition. :)
  15. I'm going for it. I plan to use the blocks for algebra. Thankfully I have 2 kids that will use them to justify the expense. We have used manipulatives sporadically over the years. I never imagined I'd be buying blocks for algebra. :tongue_smilie:
  16. Jackie, This post of yours from months ago really got me thinking.... I have looked at adding MUS Alg 1 for dd since she loves the hands-on approach and visual appeal of some math methods. We are starting to work on factoring polynomials and I want to demonstrate those lessons concretely first. So....I ordered MUS Alg 1 and it should be here in a week or so. Dd7 looked at the youtube sample of MUS Alg 1 and loved it also. We will probably spend the summer building & factoring polynomials. I wish I had learned alg this way as a youngster. I'm gambling that quadratics will be a breeze for dd. We should hit that topic formally in TT this fall. ETA: This is dd8's alg homework from her NEM online class on Monday. Coming at math from various angles has been AWESOME for her. She loves every moment. Yay, homeschool. :) Graph the solution set of each compound inequality. 1. m ≥ -5 and m < 3 2. s < 3 or s ≥ 1 3. w > -3 and w < 1 Write a compound inequality for each solution set shown below. 4.  -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 5.  -1 0 1 2 3 Solve each compound inequality. Then graph the solution set. 6. 4m - 5 > 7 or 4m - 5 < -9 7. y + 6 ≥ -1 and y - 2 < 4 8. 10 - 2p > 12 and 7p < 4p + 9 9. 4 < 2x - 2 ≤ 10 10. 3n + 10 ≤ 13 or 2n ≥ 5n - 12
  17. WWS should come with a warning: Rabbit Trails Ahead! :) I like to introduce the topics so dd has a sense of the big picture. We have discovered some new and fascinating info due to our WWS rabbit trails. Ironically we started the Titanic lesson on the 100 year anniversary of the sinking (which I hadn't planned on). We watched a couple docs and now we're resuming the lesson. We are taking WWS very sssslllllooowwww. It's so wonderful. No need to rush. :)
  18. Holy science-samples, Batman! This link is awesome! Thanks for sharing! I was planning to just use one of the middle school modules next year -- but this 5th grade sample looks fantastic. :) Actually, they all look great. Decisions, decisions.
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