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Beth in SW WA

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Everything posted by Beth in SW WA

  1. My favorites for dd9: Hands On Equations (age 8) TT Prealgebra TT Alg 1 (first half considered prealg) http://www.Cybershala.com (NEM online classes) MUS Alg 1 could potentially be a prealg for some students. Dd9 is currently using it. Steve Demme is a kick. My older dc used CD Prealg in grade 7. I don't recommend it for younger students.
  2. This is dd9's rough draft. I haven't gone through the rubric with her yet. She is finishing it tomorrow. This was a tough one for her. HTH! Johannes Kepler, a student at the University in 1590, learned astronomy. He excitedly remarked, “I am moved by an exceedingly powerful desire for knowledge of the heavens.” One of his teachers also taught him heliocentrism because he believed Copernicus’ theory. Copernicus claimed that all the planets move in a circular way around the sun. Other people believed in geocentrism by stating that all the other planets orbit the earth. It was like taking sides. One person would choose geocentrism, and another person would choose heliocentrism. In 1600, Kepler met Tycho Brahe and became his employee. Working together, they observed the orbits of the planets. They also admitted all orbit were circles. However, there was one problem that puzzled them the most: Why did Mars move slower and sometimes faster? Later, Tycho Brahe died and Kepler kept on trying stressfully in a mathematical way to figure out how to solve it. Finally, after five years of hard work, Kepler claimed that he had solved it. Mars was going in an ellipse. Kepler also made a law of planetary motion. Planets move in an elliptical orbit, and the sun is one focal point of orbit.
  3. :iagree: Dd9 does the MCT practice books (PI/GT) independently and checks her own work. She prefers to teach herself. She does WWS very independently also.
  4. I needed the IG from week one because I'm lazy.:tongue_smilie: We are on week 7 and I'd be lost on these science lessons w/o the IG. Completely.
  5. Today dd7 built her squares from 3B Practice page 51 with our new MUS blocks. I'm sure you folks have already done something like this. If not, I recommend it. Dd uses her mini-fig of Cap'n Jack Sparrow to help evaluate the squares and square roots. :) Pics here of dd working on 3B page 51 I can't imagine teaching Beast w/o manipulatives. Anyone else feel this way? :bigear:
  6. Updating my list here... Instead of LL7 I registered dd9 for Landry Academy English 102 which uses MCT and other lit selections. I ordered 3 Science Fusion modules (A, H, I) for dd9. They look fantastic. The group-buy ends this week. (She will do this instead of Aha!Science which she has almost completed.) I also purchased Sonlight F (Eastern Hem) from a friend and will use sections of it for our Chinese lit, history, geo. Hopefully no more changes. (My energy can now be spent helping dd16 navigate his cc choices.)
  7. Dd is in grade 3 but is working on alg. Looks like it does start gently on prealg. Check it out.
  8. Thanks! I registered last week, received the login & password tonight, and dd just did a couple lessons. This exponents lesson was perfect for dd tonight. Free is a great price. Thanks again for sharing!!
  9. I've got a couple back-up plans if he can't get the needed cc classes. He can take AP at a local high school near our house OR take it at his current high school. He would rather go to cc than attend his private high school next year. He is registered for cc, private and public since we are unsure of class availability. This isn't how I thought his senior year would flesh out. But I'm game. :)
  10. This series by Hakim is wonderful! Dd9 is thoroughly enjoying the first book. We just received the set from Amazon and I'm reading through them also. We will read them together, take our time and keep it light and enjoyable. I will consider it an add-on to our regular science. I'm trying to increase dd's non-fiction reading. She is a fiction hound. This, along w/ HO and others, should do the trick. I just ordered the $8 Student's Quest for the first 2 books -- but I'll skip the Teacher's Quest for now. Anyone else have experience with these books? Thoughts? :bigear:
  11. Kathy, This post is tremendously helpful. I ordered AoPS Precalc & Calc for ds today. He is finishing up a year of college alg/trig at school and doing well. He is unsure what he wants to do for his senior year. He is planning to do a STEM major (engineering/comp sci). His options are calc 1, 2, 3 at cc or AP Calc at a local high school. Either way, AoPS should keep him busy this summer regardless of what he decides.
  12. This is where I am currently. Ds goes to school, does sports and goes to work so I'm happy to make calls and emails to research college stuff. He needs to decide whether to attend full time cc next year or part-time cc/part-time high school. He wants to get calc 1, 2, 3 and physics done at the cc. I just don't know if he's ready. AP calc & physics is offered at his school but he really wants to move into the college universe next year. Our evenings are spent discussing big topics relating to his future. I've been on the phone this week w/ UW (visiting next week), OSU, Montana State, WSU, UP, Boston U and a couple others. Phew. So much I didn't know that I didn't know. :tongue_smilie: I'll keep hanging out here with you ladies and learning all I can. It's great to know that I'm not crazy. Or am I? :) :lurk5:
  13. :lurk5: Ds wants to take the AP Comp Sci test next year after self-educating. I bought him the Barron's book to study. Anyone have an AP CS syllabus to share? Thanks in advance!!
  14. I'll ask ds for details when he gets home from work.
  15. I just bought Sonlight F from a friend for that reason. We will do just the China section next year. Tons there to work with for a couple years. :)
  16. OnlineG3 uses LL for younger students but they do the whole program in one semester. We will spread it out over 1 year. I wanted a workbook'ish, open & go lit analysis program for dd. She will read and do the workbook and we will discuss. I used LL Early American w/ older dd in 8th. I like the simplicity of LL. The comprehension questions are perfect for what I need. I will add my $.02 of course. :) Dd will do the writing assignments intermixed w/ WWS. I have Figuratively Speaking also. You might be fine with just that. HTH!
  17. Ds16 registered a couple months ago. He is taking the computer science class from Stanford. He watches the videos, does the homework, and will take the final. He loves it although it is mainly review. HTH!
  18. My younger dds are Chinese (adopted at age 1) and we talk about China a lot. We are starting to study the culture, history and geography more formally and they meet their new Mandarin tutor on Saturday. We just started BetterChinese. They LOVE it. :)
  19. Dd will be 9/4th when we start LL7 in the fall. Looks like a gentle approach to lit analysis. She has read a few of the selections already but we will reread with a different purpose.
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