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Everything posted by MamaBirdX7

  1. A quick google says it's a brief shot of Rochester.
  2. Jeggings are adorable with a tunic length shirt and they look better than leggings because they are a thicker fabric and therefore hide imperfections better. Also if you can find ponte leggings, they are thicker and more fogiving than basic leggings. I am so fat that even straight leg pants are HUGE on the bottom. Boot cut looks ridiculous on me and the silhouette looks dated. I do have have straight leg NYDJ that are actually tapered so they look straight on and oh they are lovely. NYDJ are my favorite jeans - they fit the torso without looking like grandma (mom, lol) jeans.
  3. The toilet paper always gets wet if left on the counter so it has to go on the roller. I am the designated changer and I used to do it at our old church often. I only done it a time or two at our current church so churches must be allowed to house more than one Changer.
  4. Excellent, thrift stores are the best. Nothing like treasure hunting!
  5. Someone else might have a different opinion but I think the Lifepacs are just enough different that they work as a follow along book. You can print out the lessons though. You might find, as I did, that one of your children really doesn't respond well to computer schooling. My child in question is very kinesthetic and high emotional IQ so needs more personal interaction. Edited to add, we aren't using SOS at this time, but I might use it again for a subject or two.
  6. Nah, not too old. A lot of people don't even START having children until they are your (our) age. I don't think children are expensive (I have 6). I think adult toys are expensive. I think cable is expensive. I think cell phones are expensive. We, society, spend ridiculous amounts on adult junk. How much food does one small child eat? By the time said child is a chow hound, your other children will be grown. Diapers? Cheaper than lattes. Clothes? Since so many people only have a one or two children these days, one day of yard saling and come out with enough like new clothing for 10 kids. Well, up to a certain size, however, by the time your baby is "that" size, your other children will be grown. See how this works?
  7. One idea for those you are close to and will be visiting or picky people, is to make a menu of the desserts or meals you would like to offer them and while visiting have them check off a dessert of the month club menu. Then every month you show up for a visit bearing goodies.
  8. From my tiny bit of research for my own issues and the fact that your doctor prescribed Mirena and the fact that I don't know about you save the info in this thread, I am guessing you have low progesterone/ are estrogen dominant. Have you already tried the oral meds route? Mirena has levonorgestrel, which is a synthetic derivative of the naturally occurring female sex hormone, progesterone. (googled the last sentence which is the reason for the odd bolding) I was wondering if you've already have tried Prometrium which is a prescription only bioidentical progesterone oral supplement. Just my first thought when I read this thread.
  9. I generally spend about 50 cents per purse. I do like leather purses. I do not want the same bag for 2 years, let alone 10. I also have 6 kids. From my view point, yes, spending $200 or more on each of several handbags is unfathomable and to *me* is wasteful.
  10. Elf is #1 - my kids watched it all summer (I picked it up at a yard sale). Fred Claus is second. A Christmas Story? Not exactly sweet but a yearly staple around here.
  11. Any Whey by Optimum Nutrition. It has very little flavor so it's one of the few I can tolerate. We use it in smoothies to up the protein. http://www26.netrition.com/optimum_any_whey_page.html
  12. This. With 8 people in our household it's always a balancing act between time and money.
  13. TARGET. Even the style snobs pick up stuff at Target. Really, though, your style isn't entirely dependant on where you shop. If you want to change your look and you haven't been into fashion for awhile or you're not someone with the fashion gene, my suggestion is to look around at blogs and fashion magazines and other women when you are in town and frankly, copy what you like. You probably already have some really great pieces that work for you. When you look around, notice how the people you find stylish are putting their outfits together and what accessories they are using. Accessories can make a dull outfit go zing.
  14. I'm the original curriculum junkie. I figure I'm about neck and neck with many people's latte habits and I can resell my vice!
  15. I saw people buying the Zhu-zhu pets one, my 9 yr picked out Mario Kart, and requested Cooking Mama. There was a fashion designer one I thought she would like.
  16. I do not think 90% of men are battling porn. I do think 90% of men have viewed porn some time or other, maybe 99%, it's too ubiquitous in today's society. My dh is one that doesn't look at it, own it, seek to view it but he did when he was a youngun'. He's extremely not sneaky so if he did view it, I would know. I do keep an eye on computer history because we have a lot of children with easy computer access.
  17. DH used to skate. My older son started skating when he was 4. My boys were skating daily when they were 8 and 10. It seems to me that they liked World Industries. I know we had Libtech and a Birdhouse - but the B (Tony Hawk) was a small one for one of the littles . The boys have moved to soccer, but before they quit skating they were breaking boards so were using blank decks bought from ebay. So keep in mind, whatever board you buy, it's likely to get broken. Eight years old might seem young, but they can acquire some amazing skills pretty quickly. Get good trucks, bearings, and wheels. Know that the actual board part is quite disposable. The graphic is also not a super big deal it just gets scratched off and covered with stickers. If you son ends up liking skating, it gets expensive fast. Once they start trying (and trying and trying) to land tricks, decks and skate shoes only last a few short weeks. I started making them duct tape their shoes. I also bought used ones at the thrift store (shoes not children).
  18. I think if it's for your son, the cool factor of the flippy waffle iron is a must. There were two local stores that offered them as one of their Black Friday items and the flip waffles irons were the first houseware items to be sold out. I would buy an inexpensive one because it's not likely to be an every day item (after the first week, anyway).
  19. We have one of the Klutz Paper Fashions books and I love it. It has little stencils, paper with different designs, and awwwww...the cutest tiny little hangers.
  20. This is not unheard of in modern America. In Cheaper by the Dozen, the remade version, the parents tell the oldest (20something) daughter she cannot room with her boyfriend in their house. We don't smoke. We have friends and relatives that smoke. We would have no problem telling our friends and relatives that we love them but our home is a nonsmoking home.
  21. Depends on your lifestyle. My children did not use theirs because they were already computer savvy and prefered our computers (we had three at the time). If you children do not have frequent access to computers or gaming systems or handheld games, they are more likely to appreciate the Leap Pads. I see a lot of them at yard sales.
  22. If you are talking Bitty Baby (AG), anything larger than preemie is too large. Dresses work best. The pants and sleepers don't fit right. I used to stalk after Christmas/Easter sales to pick up fancy dresses for Bitty Baby. Preemie diapers work well.
  23. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20022631-504083.html Oh dear, I mis-read about the jogging buddy portion. I'm sorry. However, the fact that it's a friend's child is even more disturbing to me.
  24. I would tell them before some nosey or well-meaning person told them. Kids hear things from their parents and repeat them, harshly, to other children.
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