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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. I very much agree with this. The pastor at my mom's church is absolutely obsessed with this issue.
  2. Ours will be 1 pm. Not only do Mark and I find it uncomfortable to eat large meals after 4 pm, but the elderly moms wilt and are ready for quiet time and bedtime preparations at 8 pm. The young folks will eat on leftovers in the evening. I am not a fan of weird eating times especially when children are involved. Our family always at lunch between noon and 1 pm because that is also when we ate at school. Grandma always insisted on the big holiday meals being at 2:30 or 3, then mom wouldn't let us eat lunch so we wouldn't "ruin our dinner". My brother and I would be feeling nauseous by the time dinner was served, and with 25 people eating, and grandma insisting on sitting down and having everything passed, it would take forever for food to make it to the kid table. When our children were old enough for this to be an issue, we told my mom and mother in law that if dinner wasn't served by 1 pm, we would be feeding our children separately, and eating a sandwich ourselves. Mother in law pitched a fit that first family get together, so we called and said we would be having our own private, family Easter dinner, and would stop by to visit with everyone around 4 pm. She never changed the meal time while our kids were little, and so she never had us there for a holiday meal which she complains about to this day. 🙄 LOL, now I am in charge and we have had family holiday meals at 1 pm or 6 pm every time we have gotten together for these events. She thinks it is fine now! Sigh.
  3. Maybe do the outside stuff like seeing the tree at Rockefeller Center and ice skate, Central Park, etc. or do something indoors where you can socially distance easily and probably has upgraded ventilation like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and stay away from any traveling exhibits that draw the long lines of folks waiting to see. I am not sure about outside dining, but usually the little grocery stores in Manhatten have great deli food, so you could consider planning your meals around dashing in, picking up food, and going back to your hotel room to eat it.
  4. I dread to agree with Ting Tang because it is so depraved that dance teachers think this stuff is okay, but agreeing that in the 2019 dance recital of the local school of dance, some girls in the 12-14 age were wearing BDSM stuff. I also do not believe that no on in the corporate board room knew about this. Ads and marketing are profoundly expensive and someone in authority, probably more than one, approved these. And it is entirely possible that some perv at the top knew exactly what the photos could mean or convey. That said, I also know there is no actual movement to normalize child s.a. the vast majority of people recognize the moral repugnant nature of hurting children in this way. If anything, laws and enforcement are likely to get harsher not easier to circumvent. The issue, as with the dance school above, is that common sense is not used when considering appropriateness and messaging. So much impulsive decision making,....oh this would be so cool or so hip or so relevant...and off to the races without thinking about it, baffled when there is backlash.
  5. Looks great! I don't think my crescent rolls turned out looking food, but I did sample one and it tasted wonderful so I guess that is the main thing. Scones are on hold until the dishwasher cycle is done because I tossed some stuff I there I needed without thinking, and didn't remember until it was too late to retrieve them. I will grab them before it goes to the drying cycle and then get back at the baking.
  6. Several things are done but not the scones or the potential pecan shortbread cookies. I am trying to marshal my energies to go to the kitchen test again. Why do we have holidays whose sole purpose for existing is FOOD? Could people just stop eating please? I need some 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤.
  7. So my baking day so far is going like this: Last month I was in Alabama to help DD with our grandson's Halloween party, and assist with some homeschooling. Since she does not have a good rolling pin and I was making cut out cookies, I took my very very nice and ONLY rolling pin with me. Wouldn't you know it. I left it behind. Sigh. I discovered this Nov. 9, and went to our local shops to find one only to discover that CRAP was the only rolling pins being sold. I didn't have time to go to the city, so I ordered a marble one (I have always admired the beauty of marble rolling pins) from Amazon. It got here a few days later and when I opened it, I discovered it had a huge, very deep crack in it. Amazon agreed to a return and said they would ship a new one immediately since I really needed it. Mail was slow, very slow, and I didn't get it until two days ago late in the afternoon. Yesterday morning I opened it, discovers that BOTH handles were split and this one had a major crack in it too. Sigh. Amazon is taking it back, but now I have NO rolling pin. The current crescent roll dough will have to be rolled with a wine bottle when it is ready. I can't borrow my mom's or mil's because they are busy making pie crusts today. I give up on the marble and Amazon. I need to find a wood one from another source. My Alabama one is a heavy, long, wood one with no handles. Any suggestions where I could order one? My nearest city has a Bed Bath and Beyond, Walmart, Target, and Kohls. Wal-Mart in my county did not have any nice rolling pins. I hate to venture into the city between now and Christmas because it is such a madhouse which makes my "I hate shopping and stores" attitude even worse!
  8. The fabric but strikes again! I am glad to know I am not the only victim. Sheesh. I have been a crazy, fabric lady. Two quilts down, for more to complete by Dec. 24.
  9. This is awesome! The Danish tradition is to light trees with real candles, and burn a Yule log on a hearth. Dh says the only way we are having real candles is if we decorate the half dead small blue spruce outside with them, and he stands guard with the kitchen fire extinguisher and the hose. He says he would consider it since we have to cut it down in the spring anyway. But having to dance around the tree in snow and 15° weather dampens my enthusiasm for the tradition! 😁
  10. I am thankful, ever so thankful, that your church stood for what is right, and embraced that little boy with open arms regardless of the potential cost. That is about the most Jesusy thing I have heard of any church doing in many, many years. I am heart broken that there is an act of bravery in this country for your church family to do this.
  11. I have pie crust chilling in the refrigerator. Tomorrow I will make a batch of chocolate chip scones, and three dozen homemade crescent rolls. I don't have any other baking that I have to do, but Mark was hoping for a batch of pecan shortbread cookies which he likes to have at night with tea. He put in a very long day with his mother so I think I will make some IF I get the other things on my list done tomorrow, and that list is not exactly short.
  12. We have a drawstring bag that has a commercial basic kit of supplies in a gallon baggie, and then we added to it. Tourniquet, roll of larger gauze, hand towel, two Mylar blankets inside little baggies, Mark's epipen, Immodium, water purification tablets, can't remember what else is in it off the top of my head.
  13. You did not say it had to be a good gift, just unique. So suffer the consequences! 😂
  14. If this is for children, I would start with a bag of tangelos and fill the toe of the stocking which when broken down will be a dollar per person if you are filling three or four stockings. Then I would get a bag of fun pens, like the gel twisty pens, and divide among the kids. Usually someone has those on sale. I would buy a box of raisins, a bag of chocolate chips, a container of peanuts and a container of cashews (assuming no nut allergies), and make up a bowl of trail mix, and then make up some baggies of trail mix by cutting squares of cellophane, pulling up the sides around a scoop of trail mix, and then tying with cheap ribbon. I would divide one bag of candy among the kids because that is always fun, and instead of just dumping it in so it falls around into the crevices and does not take up room, I would also do it in a pile in cellophane and tie so that it helps take up space and provide support in the stocking. A couple of packages of glow sticks from Dollar Tree can be divided among the kids so $2.50 plus tax, among three stockings, that is less than a dollar, and the same goes for the playdoh which comes in mini packs of six or eight per $1.25 package. I would then buy a $3 bag of apples and fill the rest of the stocking with that. For teens and adults, I would get a package of AA batteries when they go on sale (many places do run good sales for the holidays) and divide them among the adults. Everyone always needs batteries. You can tape them together. Amazon Basics are 9.02 right now for twenty. If you are filling three stockings, each person could get two battery packs of three batteries which is $3.00, or a $1.50 stocking stuffer, but for adults, you can hardly do better than that. I would also do tangelos and apples and trail mix, a couple of ramen noodle packages, and I would get a pack of four or five wash cloths (these will likely go on sale at Wal-Mart so they are a dollar a piece) and then some 99c hand travel size hand lotion, wrap the hand lotion in the washcloth, and tie with ribbon. In my experience, it seems like everyone is always having their washcloths or even dish clothes wear out so it is a nice, practical gift, and in the winter, people tend to always wish they had hand lotion with them. Same goes for lip balm if you see it go on sale. Post it notes, 4/3.19 at Wal-Mart right now so that is less than a dollar per teen/adult and those are always handy. On the go travel packs of Kleenex are 97c for a pack of three at Walmart. Again, always something nice to have, so if you buy three packs, you can give three to each of the three stockings for only $1.
  15. I absolutely agree about the older Millenials and GenZ. They.are.done. They have inherited a nightmare, a planet on fire, education industry in the toilet which was a massive disservice to them over which they had zero control, out of control college and trade school costs, overpriced housing market, healthcare system battered beyond recognition and so costly they figure they can never really afford to actually take care of their medical issues, shrinking safety net, two decades of national debt almost entirely due to wars for the enrichment of defense contractors but that produced virtually no moral good and leaving the Middle East even more unstable, labor and civil rights rolled back, and the total and utter disrespect of the previous two generations who talk about them like they are a locust plague on the earth. Putting up labor abuse will not net them any of the "good" that Gen X had, home ownership, financial security, some healthcare access, new car ownership, a reasonable vacation, the ability to afford to have and raise children, you name it. Their situation is hardly worse if they say, "No" and walk off the job. And the interesting thing is, I think that in the next ten years they will have more power than they think they will have because all the boomers will be retired, half of them elderly, Gen X was a smaller generation with the first five years of that generation in a position to retire, and that leaves employers desperate for employees. I think they will be able to set the terms of their employment, and suddenly the oligarchs are going to be sucking their thumbs and really crying the blues about the peasant uprising. I wonder what the brain drain will do to the nation. All three of my kids in their twenties actually have options to move overseas if they choose. Each one holds a degree or is employed in a field that other countries want, many of these nations being far better choices for financial security, healthcare, and quality of life/happiness, and very much encouraging immigration due to their own low birthrates. How many Millenials and GenZs will leave and without immigration what will that mean for employers in the future? It is going to get pretty darn tight when a huge generation of folks are on Medicaid to get nursing home care covered, and a piddly number of people are paying into the system. I mean, the defense budget could be cut in half, and we would be plenty secure enough, and could take care of folks.
  16. This makes me so sad. I just can't imagine the suffering, and am totally supportive of a strike. I do want the workers to take whatever back pay they can get if possible and then walk. Maybe if enough walk off the job never to return, and the rest strike, the railroad oligarchs will be forced to cave. It is unconscionable that the federal and state governments refuse to protect workers by passing laws and enforcing them. The human rights abuses in this nation are staggering! There are developing nations ( A term I hate by the way) that have more sane policies than we do. It is barbarian what is being done to railroaders and so many other workers!
  17. Today I had a mid morning omelette with some sauteed spinach, red pepper, mushrooms, and green onion topped with a little parmesan. I had some V-8 juice, and then nothing else until supper because I spent most of the day running the mothers to various doctor appointments and helping them with their holiday grocery shopping. Tonight I made a chicken pot pie. Carrots, potatoes, leeks, mushrooms, celery, peas, and green beans, minced garlic, lots of other herbs. I used four ounces of chicken breast and chicken broth with corn starch to make the gravy, and pre baked a homemade gf pie shell. It was very yummy. Tomorrow is going to be insane. So I am putting on a crockpot of meatless chili on to cook, and will toss baked potatoes in the oven later in the day. We will eat on the chili all day as we come and go, and at some point stop long enough to eat the baked potatoes. I am tired just thinking about tomorrow. Thankfully, the chilli is dump ingredients, turn on crock pot, and walk away.
  18. Yesterday was not a great eating day. We were invited to a charity breakfast with Christmas music program. The only gluten free item was pancakes which were made on a separate griddle. They had small cups of fruit, but I normally do not eat carbs like that in the morning. My mom is type 2 and so is my brother. We had traveled a good distance to get to the event, and had of course the return trip to make, so I ended up acquiescing and ate a small pancake and a few berries. Ugh. I am not type 2 simply because I control my blood sugar entirely by diet. I am certain if I was not super careful about carbs and sugar/sweetener intake, I would be classified type 2. So this was a little upsetting for me. The carbs didn't last long so on the way home I was hungry. We stopped at a Mexican grill, and I had brown rice with black beans, a bunch of grilled vegetables, and some shredded chicken with a small amount of cheese, quacamole, and sour cream. My choices are limited due to wheat allergy, and this is one place where I seem to do okay with not getting cross contamination. High calorie for sure. But under the circumstances, I figure enough fiber, vegetables, protein, and fat to regulate blood sugar well. I then ate a couple of boiled eggs on a salad for supper.
  19. This. We have a trans family member. We are very rattled, and I cried this morning because I feel like this person is not safe anywhere in this country. I am advocating for them to move to Europe if possible.
  20. This is just inhuman. Laughably "the stores are stocked" is just hilarious. Nope. Stores if one cannot get coal for electricity, other fuels that travel by rail, certain foods, paper, wood, minerals, manufacturing components...people are going to feel it in a big way especially on the energy level. 28% of goods in the US are moved by rail (and it should be more like 75% because moving by rail is so much more efficient that it it a much more earth friendly, climate change necessary mitigation) and there is no way this doesn't have a major effect on human life. I weep. This is human slavery even if there is a "paycheck", serfdom to wealthy, narcissistic overlords, greedmeisters who plague the earth, looting and pillaging and creating disaster at every turn. I 100% support a massive rail strike. Unfortunately, the economy will have to be brought to its knees or become close to it in order to create any hope of change. Loss of money or the threat thereof is the only thing that motivates the oligarchs and their political allies because they are so evil money is all they care about.
  21. Way way way more than a blip here.
  22. I think some folks just aren't used to it. We drive 12 hours to get to our house in Alabama in a sh for day. It is normal for us, and we enjoy the time together. We are natural born road trippers. But,not everyone is and some find that much drive time to be really hard on their backs and knees.
  23. Agreed. When my grandmother had wanted to host Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter every single year, all of their adult children contributed funds so the cost was not all on grandma and grandpa. Since three out of five had to travel long distance and would not arrive in time to help grandma, they did a ton of the clean up. My mom and dad would go over and help grandma with prep. We only lived three blocks away. No one was thoughtless about it at all. I think we must have been lucky because it all kind of shook out organically without any angst or drama. Maybe it was my auntie. The one I was very close to. She was a wonderful communicator and mediator so possibly there was something going on behind the scenes I didn't know about. This whole, "Host me at your house and cater to my whims thing" is not just rude, it is disrespectful.
  24. We have used Smirnoff lemon vodka before. It was a long time ago though so I don't have a solid memory of how well we liked it. It was the one and only time we've done lemoncello.
  25. I was just thinking in terms of having no idea where the bullet was so hey why not open up a two foot section and go rooting around. That one just seemed pretty darn illogical.
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