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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Don't do it. If they admit him, it is highly unlikely they are going to offer scholarships or financial aid because all of that is determined in March. You will be on the hook for the entire amount.
  2. Oh, so you have met my dead father! Ya. I just walked away from him, and we kept our distance. There was no behavior modification that fixed that mess.
  3. I ma team sure thing. We have a flagship who does some of this conditional nonsense and the students pay out of pocket for the program, almost none get accepted for fall. It is a money racket for the school.
  4. I think job A because a happy, less stressed mom is worth a lot to the kids and to your health.
  5. We have two colleges within 90 minutes of us whose student bodies are 70% or so commuter students. They refuse to close no matter how bad it gets outside unless the sheriff of their respective counties actually orders them to close and begins shutting down roads to emergency vehicles only. Every year they have a few students die trying to make it to class because of the zero tolerance policies on attendance. I have heard that some professors don't always want to drive on it, and will hold a zoom lecture from home so students do not have to drive for that class.
  6. Thanks for the tip. I will go look when I have a break from the grandkids. In other news, my sister who lives near Nice, France a mile from the Mediterranean, messaged me asking for advice about starting her plants indoors for moving out in March. Really. I mean, she knows me or at least I thought she did. Is she begging me to kill her hopes? 😂😂😂
  7. It used to be a mild exfoliating wash from Mary Kay and a light moisturizer with sunscreen. I have a heavier night time moisturizer for winter when my skin gets really dry. Lately with everything going on, it could characterized as, "Skin? What's skin????" 😜
  8. Strike my textbooks off the list. Due to our grandson being born premature, and me needing to be available here for childcare and household help and support, I had to withdraw from my coursework.
  9. Yes. When someone is this toxic, this determined to cause pain, it isn't healthy to continue to have contact. I liken it to this. If one feels a religious need to honor a toxic parent, then the ultimate act of honoring them is to no longer willingly provide them prey on which to be a predator. Think of it as eliminating at least one source of sin if that is a religious factor. Some people can't stop being predators, but we can do whatever is reasonable to limit their destructive power.
  10. I see what you are saying. I am in a low crime community to begin with, and yet, we would be better off with the money going to all the things that benefit people living better lives like lots of mental health counselors and psychiatrists, and free healthcare, and decent housing for homeless and low income folks, better food in the food pantries which is mostly not very nutritional stuff. And the reason I say this is that our state police post has reached a place where they literally do NOTHING except traffic and writing tickets. That's it. You can call 911 all you want, but they are cowards and will not come when the chips are down or someone dangerous is in the area. They won't come out and take a report after the fact either. They draw their paychecks for doing very, very little of anything that benefits the community. But, our sheriff's department is wonderful and the sheriff is an excellent human who rigorously vettes his employees so IF you can get a sheriff deputy to respond, then you actually get help. I have watched a multi-car pile ups, and EMS, Fire, and Sheriff are working. State police officers stand around talking, doing nothing. They view themselves as too good to get dirty, above all of the other responders. So I would be in favor of some of the money being diverted to the sheriff. But we know that we know that we know that investing in the community in the form of mental health services, social workers, free quality counseling, healthcare access, alleviating issues related to poverty, getting early intervention in schools, cleaning up water supplies, all reduce crime by huge amounts. For instance, the science is in on water. For every $1 spent on lead abatment, $14-17 is saved later in the costs to society to house prisoners because lead damages the frontal lobes of children leaving them with very little impulse control and emotional self regulation which means high rates of crimes committed later. We are at a crisis point where we can either step out of the bubble and do the things that work or just simply continue to sit around and wring our hands, tsk tsk tsk, some more police brutality. What a shame, and then continue about our days and hope it never happens to us or to our kids. Fear of "what if" will be the immobilizing factor that ensures nothing changes, and it only gets worse. When a community cannot call 911 because they don't know if the decent LEO or the many many bad LEOS will be sent, that community should not be paying for a police department anymore.
  11. Really neat story! It is nice to know because mostly I only know the worst or most infamous information about our presidents. Hr seems like a truly special person who really cared about the country.
  12. I can see that. I had a 9 year old, and three 3.5 years and under. So one just potty trained, one potty training, and a new baby and after that it was like, "Okay, so the music studio and waiting area, the half bath needs to be kept clean for the piano students and parents. The kitchen will get disinfected regularly. The play room, bedrooms, and living room are just going to be a mess, and I am going to try not to think about it." Eventually those boys started picking up.
  13. Dd just got up and gave me the update. She talked with the night nurse and night nurse manager. It was a very good, productive talk. Things have been resolved favorably, and the night nurse report was very encouraging. I am now deleting the rest since I did give a lot of information and some folks know the location. I want to be respectful of dd's privacy. I sure do appreciate the support and advice! You all came through at a time when I REALLY needed it!
  14. Dd is sleeping right now so I have not been able to discuss the outcome of her discussion with his night nurse or find out if she discussed this with the nurse manager.
  15. I think if I were in your shoes, I would change my cell phone number and never give it to her warning everyone else to never give it to her as well. Put a note on the door that she is not welcome. Please leave. Lock the doors. Don't answer. She has done this to you so many times that you are going to end up with a heart attack or something. She is provoking flight or fight too much. It isn't good for your health. Sometimes we do have to save ourselves. That is a valid choice.
  16. Us too. Three was the killer, and four was the nail in the coffin of normalcy so to speak. Double out numbered means just give up the pretense!
  17. Could your son switch to a different league/team/time so that his father's family does not know the schedule? Due to your circumstances, your concerns are definitely valid. If this was unsettling for your son and made him feel unsafe, I would take that as a cue to let him quit the team or change sports if he wants to. It is the one decision he can make that will make him feel like he has just a little control, just a little say in his life during such a fragile time.
  18. This was my thought. And it wasn't just a nervous nellie mother. The feeding specialist who is a former NICU nurse did not like the lack of response to stimuli from T and wanted his nurse, was yelling for help, no one came, and when she went looking for his nurse after T stabilized could not find her. But, I wanted to make sure we are not overreacting. So yes, he came around under the care of the nurse specialist and his mother who had medical training, however, I feel like it shouldn't have fallen on the two of them to make sure he was okay and did eventually respond to stimulation. It occurred to me though that never having been through this before maybe hospitals really do put this level of medical burden on parents due to the staffing crisis. Things have been wonky to say the least since the pandemic began. Dd is at the hospital now and is going to talk to the night nurse because she is worried about the possibility that he aspirated spit up. The only thing I could think of is that multiples of much less stable.babies than T were coding at once, and it was a kind of all hands on deck thing, just an unfortunate set of too many bad things happening at once. Yet, even if that is what happened, four hours of not rounding to see him is too long. Progressive status or not, he is in the NICU for a reason. I don't think babies in the regular nursery on the maternity floor would go four hours without being checked. Shoot, I couldn't manage a four hour nap after my kids were born without someone poking and prodding me or banging about in the room.
  19. From the time that Dd arrived and met the day nurse until she left, and he was not checked on by his assigned nurse during that time was top to bottom four hours total. They only have two patients per baby.
  20. I don't know what to think. If it were one of my sisters in law, so wouldn't think twice. But your sil, the crazy sil, I just have a hard time not thinking the worst.
  21. Thanks everyone! I sure do appreciate the support and advice. I decided that since people may have an idea where this happened/location, it might be best to now delete the detailed, medical information just because Dd and baby do deserve some privacy. Everything wad resolved satisfactorily and the morning report for Baby T was very encouraging. I just can't thank all of you enough! ❤❤❤
  22. Okay, you really have to keep us updated on this. I am team DS for the record.
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