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Everything posted by cara

  1. Thanks! I grabbed a book on projects for any states, since we will be working on our own state history soon.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check them all out. I'm not married to the spine at all. I like DK books because they are colorful but their format drives me crazy.
  3. I purchased Elemental Science Biology for the Logic Stage. It looked like a good solid science program. Then I started planning, right off the back I noticed that it was too writing focused for my child, so I took out most of the writing assignments and added in extra experiments and projects. Ok great, no problem. Then we started using it and even after only doing one day of science I can say it's not detailed enough for my sciencey kid. My first issue is the spine for most of it is a DK book, while I like DK books, they don't lend themselves to being very good spines. They are colorful but don't go into too much detail. The second issue, is that the sketches in the book aren't that well sketched out to the point, even I had trouble trying to figure out which parts of the cell where which. The third issue is if you follow her suggested schedule, the reading is after you do the sketches / labeling. I'm not understanding this, how is the child supposed to know what is what if we do the reading last. We basically did a week of science in one day, which I know to a lot of people that's a good thing but again I have a sciencey child who wants to do science. And I also don't think he got anything out of the lesson. So now I'm stuck. I don't want to or can't afford to buy a new science curriculum. However, I need to supplement and I'm not sure which way to go. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  4. Science and History don't count in the elementary grades here so they are almost pushed out completely here. My friend teachers 5th grade, she has a grand total of 40 minutes to teach both subjects, 20 minutes of that is eaten up by announcements, packing to go home, and bus rider dismissal. So she basically has 20 minutes for both subjects each day. I agree with that they are pushing critical skills in math too soon and not dealing with the basics. As my friend told me, there is no time. Oh and recess is gone from a lot our schools also.
  5. Cursive writing or handwriting in general is on the backburner. Science and Social Studies / History are being pushed aside because they don't count on the test. Music, art, pe, these are the main ones I see.
  6. Rainbow Resources and the Book Depository. I snagged it on Amazon for $16 used but it looks like all the cheap ones from there are gone. http://www.bookdepository.com/Encyclopedia-Nature/9781405323802 http://rainbowresource.com/product/sku/021342/1309466115-745587 Did you join the yahoo group Paige has set up? I know she has been actively trying to deal with this situation.
  7. We joined the Y. For DD, they don't have much but she's 2. I take her swimming and she riders her bike around the house all day long. For DS, besides swimming. The Youth and Teen Center tries to keep them active it seems. They also have a kids yoga classes and zumba classes for DS's age group. On top of that they offer Martial Arts, Sports and Gymnastics. This fall they are offering a scouts type program for 5 and up.
  8. The OP has already stated she has looked into this and can't apply and the attorneys have told her the same thing. She has to be on medications for 3 months and the medications cause her to becomes worse.
  9. I don't know, I'm kinda of sad for the little girl. Being lonely sucks, watching everyone play sucks. Maybe she just doesn't know how to act? I like the idea of granting forgiveness each day and letting her play until something happens.
  10. What I'm wondering and no one has mentioned, who is paying for day care (not cheap or free) while the OP works 20 extra hours a week unpaid?
  11. I would lean towards the 11 yr old. It doesn't sound like unschooling is the right type of environment for the 11 yr old and he needs more academic structure. He also needs to catch up on his skills. I think an unschooling environment works well for younger children and your 5 yr old may surprise you and thrive in that environment this next year. I wouldn't worry about reading too much just yet, either. Like others have said it's easier to supplement his education afterschool than it would be the 11 yr old. Also if your 5 and 8 yr old can't be left alone for even a second, this would weight heavily into my decision. And that would be to separate them during the day, so you an get work with your 8 and 11 yr old done.
  12. We started the first cycle late and ended up abandoning it 3/4ths of the way through. Next year for 4th grade we are going to focus on World and US geography. In 5th and 6th we will focus on US History and then start the cycle back in 7th grade which will also be when the little one will be starting the cycle herself. That's the plan right now at least.
  13. Your going to get different advice depending on the person. I personally like Nikons. I would take her to a camera shop and let her play with the cameras and see which she likes best. As far as books, get her Understanding Exposure.
  14. I'm with everyone else, if your current dishes are usable in the camper than take them with you.
  15. Hugs and prayers from New Orleans. I honestly wish there was a better way to handle the overflowing Mississippi than to flood other areas. I understand the reason behind, but I don't like it. I'm also not trust of the Army Corp after Katrina and I'm worried about us here, even if they claim we are safe. Yesterday I saw a barge over the top of the levee on the river, being pushed by a tug boat. I have never seen a barge up that high. The river is scary right now.
  16. Starting a year round schedule this coming school year, took all of last summer off and it was way too much time. Start - July 10 Break 1- October 10 - 14 - DD's birthday week Break 2 - October 31 - November 4 - Halloween Week Break 3 - November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Week Break 4 - December 19 - January 6 - Christmas and DS's birthday week Break 5 - February 13 - March 9 - Mardi Gras and Vacation End June 8th Summer break - June 11 - July 6 This gives us 37 weeks and around 185 days (we only need 180 for the state)
  17. We're alternating between Teaching Textbooks and Life of Fred Fractions / Decimals, I'm just not ready to go to pre algebra yet even though we will be there at the end of the year. If we keep on the current track we will be finished all maths up to pre-calculus by 9th grade -- YIKES
  18. When DD gets to that level, I think I'm going to use both. I like the depth of ES and the experiments in RSO. RSO is below my DS's level so we dropped it for the year and we are going to start ES Biology for the Logic Stage next year, he's not a writer so I dropped all the writing assignments and added in some extra experiments / activities that Paige has put in as extras.
  19. I'm on the fence with TT for next year. Ds is working through TT6, he's doing great and likes it. He's starting to get bored with it though. He skipped from Horizons 3 (and we don't did half a year) to TT6. He's very mathy. So now, I'm on the fence of moving him up to Pre Algebra or going with TT 7, or going with Life of Fred for a bit.
  20. Thanks everyone, I figured I was overthinking it , I tend to do that. I hope DS enjoys it, I read the first 5 chapters and it seems fun and light. Do you supplement it with anything else or do you use it as a stand alone?
  21. I got Life of Fred today, I wanted to switch from Teaching Textbooks next year and thought this may be a good fit. I have one issue with it, the answers being on the same page sometimes as the problems they have to do. Those that have used it before, how did you handle this part?
  22. We're doing it also, the only thing I have seen that needs to be taken out are the prayers, DS and DD don't even know they exist.
  23. Thanks Jen, I thought I remembered reading that before. It's what it looks like from the table of contents. I think we'll move on to Pre-Algebra next year.
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