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Everything posted by Tiberia

  1. Angie, I'm glad you're still here. I'm sorry if my response sounded snarky or condescending. Sometimes I get an idea and have to get it in print and forget that there's a living, breathing, sincere human on the other end. These forums are great for information on such a wide range of subjects. I hope you stick around and make yourself at home. I think you ask good questions and make great comments. I hope to learn from all the people here. I've already learned so much already. Plus, some threads are just plain fun and funny, not to mention you can get Nutella recipes! Take care, and thanks for your graciousness. Joann
  2. When this is our favorite family joke: Kid: What's the name of the woman pharaoh? Mom: Hatshepsut. Kid: God bless you. Here's a kleenex. Now, what's the name of the woman pharaoh? Mom: Hatshepsut! Kid: God bless you. You must be getting a cold, mom. Can't you think of her name? Mom: Hatshepsut! and so on... We also get excited when we hear ancient Egyptian, Greek, or Roman names in the news or on TV. "Mom, did you hear? They said something about Aeneas!" Like he's a long lost relative of ours or something. I love these threads. Makes me feel that we're not alone and weird, or at least we're a good kind of weird!
  3. Gotta jump into this for a minute: Yes, worldview does matter. But your worldview is what your kids will get if you teach them. I can't be the thought police for every author and publisher out there. I can teach my worldview to my kid no matter what curriculum I use. I can teach the evils of Hitler using Mein Kampf, showing the author's gaps in logic and historical data. I can teach about the God in whom I believe, while still teaching about Egyptian gods, Roman gods, and Harry Potter. I'm not afraid of new, different, ideas. If my faith can't defend itself, it's not a very good faith. I don't have to close my eyes and my mind to all that's out there. If my Christianity can be undermined by a slightly different viewpoint, I'm in trouble. To accuse other Christians like this is just rude, and makes me question motives. Am I going to say KH is not a Christian brother? No. Is he using poor judgement and logic? Yes.
  4. My daughter recommends Athena and Aphrodite.
  5. Thelma and Louise are sort of historical, but you might be asking for trouble. Cleopatra and Alexandra, shortened to Cleo and Alex. I'll keep thinking. THey are very cute!!!!!
  6. I like it with potato salad too. But, I've noticed it gets a little stinky after six days.
  7. My Dd does this sometimes with math. I think it's her way of protesting. But it backfires on her when I take the time to reteach the concept. "But Mommmm, I already know this!" I'm hoping she' learning that it speeds things up when she does her best. Stalling and protesting only lengthen the assignment. She hasn't quite figured it out yet.
  8. My 1st grader started Simply Music in September. The program starts with playing songs based on patterns, then learning chords and rhythms. It builds gradually, and before you know it, the kid (or adult) is paying all kinds of cool stuff. We have really enjoyed it! It gradually introduces theory and sight reading, but starts with lots of playing to build enjoyment. I think it's a great program, but it's definitely not "traditional." I took 5 years of lessons and didn't like it, way back in the day, using the traditional method (by that I mean, learn notes, timing, technical stuff, then move to more fun stuff). I can play by ear, and SM makes sense to me in that respect. My dd has an ear for music and is doing well in SM, but I know it also works for people who don't play by ear. We are taking it from an instructor, which is a little spendy, but I think you can buy the dvds and books and do it yourself. THe guy teaches the patterns on the dvd. Sorry to sound like an infomercial, but we really love it. Kid can play several SM original songs, which are sweet little songs, part of Fur Elise, Ode to Joy, accompaniment to Old Lang Syne and Amazing Grace, songs with a blues rhythm, and she's starting to learn how to compose her own stuff. Sounds intimidating, but it really is step by step. She's been at it for only 7 months. Hope this helps. Joann
  9. Chocolate problem? What's a chocolate problem, other than not enough. Chocolate is a nutrient. Thanks for your book confession. I come from a long line of addicts. My mom got in trouble when she was a kid for reading at night and putting her bloomers over the lamp to hide the light. They caught on fire. I used to put a bathroom towel next to my door so my parents couldn't see the light at night when I was reading after hours. Now we have to tell my daughter to stop reading at night. I think it's hopeless. Do not try to seek help. Give up. Say, did you get the B & N discount coupon in email today? Up to 50% off! By the way: Confessing to this forum is like asking another crackhead if you should take another hit. Go for it!
  10. I'm like you. I always look decent and presentable, but I just don't go for that stuff. My friends think I'm somewhat of an anomaly.
  11. How 'bout this? I've really got to go to bed now. But I don't know how I'll get the image of Bill burning his bra out of my mind.
  12. Sounds yummy. I've got to put the little human to bed now. Enjoy your meal and your music! I enjoyed the Nina Simone. Never heard of her until now. I think I might become a fan. Have a great night!
  13. Google "I will survive alien song." You might get a kick out of it.
  14. What are you making?! Where are you? I'm getting ready for bed! Here's one. You have to watch the whole thing (it's short). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K2Q59eT2Us
  15. OK, you've got me in serious time-wasting mode now. Here's another "Sisters" video. and another Annie Lennox song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K2Q59eT2Us Thanks. I needed the brain break. But I must get off the computer now. Must get off the computer...
  16. Aretha and Annie Lennox. "Sisters are doing it for themselves." The fashions are pretty funky too.
  17. I'm a Capricorn, which means I'm a goat. In Chinese astrology I was born in year of the rat. I had an exchange student who was explaining this to me, and she said I was "Rat of the year." Love chocolate cake and homemade frosting. Dunked in milk. I homeschool for both religious and educational reasons. I can't separate the two any more than I can separate my heart from my head. They are both integral parts of me and are not in opposition; they work as a team. I believe in creation by God. I don't much care how long it took, but I will fight for your right to your opinion, as much as I fight for my right to my opinion. My kid turned 7 in December but I've been too lazy to change my sig. I'm enjoying this thread. Thanks for starting it!
  18. You did a great job! I would have probably engaged her in a deep grammar discussion about whether she should have said, "You are better than I" rather than "You are better than me." http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/than-I-versus-than-me.aspx But you were much more gracious. Ignore her. Her behavior will put people off more than any defense you can make.
  19. Thanks Mods! I know we're a pain sometimes, but I appreciate that you try your best to walk the line between free and open discussion, while keeping out the Latvian spammers, not-so-hidden-agenda-first-time posters, and other nefarious characters. You're doing a great job!
  20. Susan, You're a product of homeschooling and you seem to have turned out ok. Well, better than ok. You're my homeschooling guru. I like your overall plan in TWTM, and I also appreciate the flexibility and trust of parents' instincts and abilities. Thanks for being our tour guide on this awesome journey of educating the most important people in the world. Joann
  21. I'm an English major, but I'm thinking I know enough about science to know you have a problem...
  22. I choose to believe the book, not the last chapter-optional-analysis by the psychiatrists of what could have "really" happened, because they are trapped in their rational world. The true story is what you decide it to be. Is it a grand adventure, or is it a horrible tragedy? That's kind of the point of the book. That's life: grand adventure or horrible tragedy? I choose the former. I loved the book. Give it away.
  23. Love the Goldens! They shed some, but our yellow Lab sheds more (little white hairs that are hard to pick up- they're everywhere!) Golden fur is easier to clean up. THey are such wonderful dogs.
  24. I give mine a "screen time" limit. She gets one hour a day, if we have time after school. Screen time includes computer, xbox, tv, movies, etc (or I let her watch a whole movie on a weekend). If we're playing or watching as a family, which we do only on occasion, the limit doesn't apply. I love technology, but hours and hours of anything is out of balance, I think (except for reading maybe:).
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