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Everything posted by tdeveson

  1. Absolutely true. But she's out there with a big "LOOK AT ME" sign on national tv. She's hard to miss. The bottom line is that she signed up to be a public figure. She gets cash to put it all out there in front of millions of complete strangers.
  2. I don't care what she wants. I don't go to her house, she comes to mine. As to witnessing, I'm an atheist, so I care even less about that. And she's encouraging people to do what? Have 20 kids and have the oldest raise her youngest while she lays on her back and churns out more? Please. It's great entertainment and I've watched spinets while channel surfing, but she's no role-model.
  3. Hang in there. I had the exact same thing happen to me with my last pregnancy. My betas went down, and the ultra sound results showed an empty sack. I was devastated. My midwife called it a "blighted ovum." She said it would reabsorb. A couple of weeks later I went back for another ultrasound to see if the blighted ovum had reabsorbed. The "blighted ovum" had a strong heartbeat and he's almost 11 now. Your family size is irrelevant. All babies are precious, and the loss of one is tragic. Don't despair. Science and technology are our friends, but they are not infallible by any stretch. I won't tell you not to worry -- from personal experience I know that is not possible. :grouphug:
  4. Of course they're doing it for the money. I don't have any problem with that -- everybody has to make a living and there are worse ways, but pretending they're doing it for any other reason than ca$h is disingenuous.
  5. Hehe... my favorite vacations are when dh takes ds camping and they leave me behind. :D I'm fascinated by the concept of unschooling. One of my favorite bloggers (Doc of Doc's Sunrise Rants) is an unschooler and she has a pile of kids doing great in university. I'm wretched at it, though, so I'm looking forward to reading the collective wisdom here. I really wish I could do more unschooling.
  6. You and me both. I thought it was a big bra. :tongue_smilie:
  7. :grouphug: Hang in there. When I was 43, I started getting hot flashes and missed a period. My doctor gave me blood tests to see if I was starting menopause. My "menopause" will be eleven in March. I'm hoping that you will feel better soon and that all this will be sorted out.
  8. Michelle Duggar is not my friend. She puts herself and her children out there for money. She does labor and delivery on national TV. I'm just doing what she wants -- talking about her. Beyond that, I think my question was posed very respectfully. Oversensitive much?
  9. I didn't know this, but having one kid on top of the other without waiting can lead to stillbirths, premies, and a bunch of other bad stuff, including maternal and infant death. http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/forbabiessakepregnancyspacingmatters;_ylt=Ag5pDLImOM8PnSro.03CqOGs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTQ5MDF2OWx1BGFzc2V0A2hzbi8yMDA5MTIxNy9mb3JiYWJpZXNzYWtlcHJlZ25hbmN5c3BhY2luZ21hdHRlcnMEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwM4BHBvcwM1BHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5faGVhZGxpbmVfbGlzdARzbGsDZm9yYmFiaWVzc2Fr I, myself, spaced them 17 years apart. (I know -- a bit much. I ended up raising two only children.) What sayeth the Hive?
  10. Yes. In fact, the new research shows that the people who are promoting this theory have manipulated the date to fit their personal theory. You're right about that. And you're up late! (I have insomnia tonight.) :(
  11. I love both names. People are going to mispronounce the girl's first name. If that's ok with you, go for it. Very pretty.
  12. What? Are you raising his children, cooking his meals, washing his clothes, and cleaning his house, or does he do that for himself? You better believe it's your money.
  13. Totally supportive. He wouldn't have it any other way. I had trouble breastfeeding the second, but he was completely on board. He wants the best for his kids and he knows formula is not it.
  14. I'm not sure the researchers were out to debunk the theory. It's what they found when they analyzed the data. Who knows.
  15. 78, and the A/C is running all day and half the night. It's been unseasonably warm in Miami -- about four or five degrees above average -- for the past three years. I put my tomatoes in last month, but none have set fruit because of the heat. It was 87 the other day and half the flowers fell off the plants overnight. My lettuce is bolting. That's the first time it's happened to me in December. Ever. Good thing there is no Global Climate Change.
  16. Does scientific research really support the existence of different learning styles, or the hypothesis that people learn better when taught in a way that matches their own unique style? (i.e., visual learner, etc.) Unfortunately, the answer is no, according to a major new report published this month in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. This large-scale study looked at existing literature on learning styles and found that although numerous studies have purported to show the existence of different kinds of learners (such as "auditory learners" and "visual learners"), those studies have not used the type of randomized research designs that would make their findings credible. Nearly all of the studies that purport to provide evidence for learning styles fail to satisfy key criteria for scientific validity. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091216162356.htm
  17. Six weeks outdoors, 12 weeks inside where she has to breathe everybody else's germs. Newborns' immune systems are not strong enough for that kind of assault. (By six weeks indoor, I mean public places. My kids have always gone outside every day for a bit of sun and fresh air.)
  18. I nursed #1 for 2 years. Back then that was obscene and I didn't tell most people. (She's 27.) When I arrived at the hospital to have her, the nurse went to give me a shot to dry my milk without even asking me -- she said everybody did that. I was out of it, but my mother intervened and sent her away. If my mom hadn't been there, that would have been that. #2 wouldn't latch on at all. (He's 10.) We hired a lactation consultant who tried all sorts of things, but I ended up attached to a big hospital machine for hours and hours every day expressing milk. Dh took three months off when ds was born, and it was his job to feed ds with a syringe and a little tube the lactation consultant came up with. This went on for eight months when I finally had to quit because I couldn't stand it any more -- being attached to that machine month after month damaged me. I still grieve this. A lot. :( I have all kinds of respect for dairy cows now.
  19. I would never recommend to someone to lie to their pediatrician, not even by omission. If you don't trust yours, get a new one, but omitting information you know he needs doesn't seem fair to the child. Just my opinion.
  20. Other than this great forum, what other forums do you visit regularly?
  21. My family practitioner has prescribed 3 oz. of red wine with dinner every day. She was specific about it being red wine because of the resveratrol content. She knows dh and I drink rarely if ever. There is plenty of evidence that a glass of wine daily promotes a longer, healthier life. She also mentioned that two glasses seem to void the results, so only one for health.
  22. I've been giving to Heifer for a long time. They don't give money to people, what they do is go to a village in Africa or some other third world country, and even in impoverished areas of the United States like the Mississippi Delta, and show up with animals (chickens, ducks, pigs, honey bees, oxen) and staff to teach them animal husbandry. When they leave a village, they leave behind families that are empowered to support themselves and don't need to beg. This also discourages the powers that be from stealing the gifts. They're happy to steal food and supplies, but who wants to steal chickens you have to feed, water, and take care of before they give you the first egg or drumstick? They also set up a system where families who receive animals share the offsprings when they arrive. I've done a lot of research on charities -- I want the most bang for my money and I don't need any CEO's making huge salaries like at the Red Cross. The Heifer Orgnization has an amazing track record for keeping their overhead extremely low. Each year I ask my family to buy animals in my name. I don't get 'stuff" under the tree. I get certificates from my husband, sister and children telling me what they donated. I usually get several flocks of chicks, honey bees, and my husband often goes for something expensive like an ox which makes me deliriously happy. An entire village can share a couple of oxen to tend their fields. As an aside, for two years running, ds has asked that we put a note in his birthday invitations asking people to not bring him presents, but instead give to Heifer. He gets a lot of baby chicks, baby ducks, and other various baby critters. I would have never asked him to give up his birthday presents like this, but I believe that an example is the most powerful way we can teach charity. I'm very proud to say that my son considers charitable gifts in his honor to be superb gifts. As for me, ever since I've had a strict rule not to give me anything for Christmas other than a certificate from Heifer, I feel that I've gotten the very best Christmas gifts I could ever want. Every year each of my gifts is exactly what I wanted. ;) http://www.heifer.org/ I can't recommend them enough. Merry Christmas, everyone!
  23. Love the names. Congratulations. What a wonderful Christmas gift!
  24. :grouphug: I'm don't pray, but I offer a shoulder and a friend. I'm sorry life is bad right now. The advise of the previous posters is good: one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Don't look too far ahead or behind. You're not alone.
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