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Everything posted by mirth

  1. Blogger's reason #2 is so idiotic, it discredits anything else he/she might've said that might have been vaguely plausible.
  2. Ladder and stepstool Box of those Mr. Clean scrubber sponges A key rack
  3. National Geographic makes good globes that seriously resist peeling and are simply visually appealing. NG is my favorite. Repogle is ok and offer some kind of free globe updates, but their topos do not stand up to heavy use. There is one other sort of expensive German brand but the name escapes me. I agree illuminated is great. If that's all you've ever had, you will miss the difference if you get a non-illum one.
  4. Marion Nestle wrote a lot about sweetheart deals between schools and junk food providers in Food Politics and that book is probably 10 years old. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the kid free slushies or whatever to get the ball rolling.
  5. I kinda missed that part about age 12-13 as the inaugural year of literacy. If you think anyone in the family is actually hoping to be reported, then yes I would.
  6. I would read the MSDS for the well known cleaners. There is no such thing as non-toxic. I don't care what Crayola says. Everything is toxic in the wrong amounts or present in the wrong places. MSDS for Windex can be found, for ex: http://www.scjohnson.com/en/products/msds/msds_united_states.aspx
  7. Consider making breakfast the biggest, meatiest meal of the day; lunch a little less meaty; and dinner like a pauper. You can get some kind of rich breakfast thing made in a crockpot to cook all night, and he -- eggs cooked to order, pizza/soup/sandwiches for lunch, and some fruit and cheese for dinner with no apologies. Unless the kids have very energy intensive evening activities like swim or track, this should work. Your name of wabi sabi makes me think you yearn for a much simpler meal plan anyway.
  8. Wheat grass or green kamut juice? Also, Any favorite green smoothie recipes? Could you recommend any commercial bottled grass juice drinks which taste better to "beginners"?
  9. If this were real, the air would be cloudy with flour and the everyone would be coughing like crazy.
  10. So ... I've learned that royal icing is an icing that hardens as it dries. It is essentially powdered sugar and egg whites (either liquid or powdered -- if powdered, add some water). I have pasteurized liquid whites, and Deb El Just Whites. Is this to say that if I add enough powdered egg whites to anything sort of gloopy (example: N U T E L L A), I can turn that into a hard icing if I work fast enough? Or if I add enough liquid egg whites into dry (brown sugar), I can turn that into a hard icing also? If you've played with royal icing --- please, please share your knowledge. P.S. I'm not trying to write fancy lines or fill in shapes using RI, just a simple continuous coating. Even a few dots or a roundish blob of icing on a cookie would be considered a success.
  11. Add it at the beginning when everything is still cold, or add hours later when soup/broth is hot?
  12. ... photographs of people modeling clothes in a catalog would state each size clothing that the person in the picture is wearing?? This would be be sooo helpful, and is not that revolutionary an idea! Especially for kids clothes, swimwear. Sigh over.
  13. Jonathon Edington. I remembered something about this guy from 2006 . He immediately killed the neighbor that his wife said molested their 2yo daughter. What my 2011 google search turned up ... Turns out the neighbor had not done such a thing, and the wife had PPD. And the husband is now in prison for 12 yrs, and the wife is probably broke from civil suits. I don't believe it takes a special upbringing to become violent, but I do think allegations of child molestation can be used to manipulate people and turn otherwise mild, rational people into killers.
  14. At least fake candles provide illumination -- i.e. serve some sort of purpose. What about fake shutters nailed to the outside of a house? Attached garages fashioned to look like barn doors? I have no candle nostalgia whatsoever. In fact, I wouldn't even want to be in a room with a "real" chandelier -- that lit with multiple candles burning brightly overhead. The real problem with candles vs. electric lighting is that it's hard to suggest to someone when it's time for them to leave. In the past, if you didn't want company for long, just put out shorter candlesticks. Oops, getting dark -- party's over.
  15. I wouldn't assume any glaze US or otherwise is free if lead or cadmium unless there is at least a claim made on labeling. But i can only think of Fiestaware and Corelle in the US anyway and they do make these claims. I think Pb and Cd are used to give glaze more even coverage, so maybe white glaze is least likely to contain those metals. Potters please correct me. I thought decades ago fiestaware had some sort of clay from a radioactive soil, so glaze is not always the only culprit.
  16. Does it seem like they purposely place their price sticker to obscure the country of origin? I mean .. it is not necessary to hide where something is made. We are adults and can deal with it, and will peel back the sticker to find out anyway!
  17. I would've suggested one of those crock pot molten/pudding cake type desserts ... but think you should consider sticking with root beer floats, even in the winter. They are special and for some reason, not something people conjure up often.
  18. Is this to say that he has an idea already formed (i.e. does not need permission to proceed) for the students above elementary age, or does your school only have elem age children?
  19. There are so many. Some people take them because they think it will ward off cancer. (I think the VitC-combination takes a greater aim at cancer prevention) Others for allergies/inflammation. I'm sure there are other reasons. Be careful because they do have drug interactions. For example, quercetin and bromelain both reduce the bioavailability of statins (used to control cholesterol). Below is a good reference: J. Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Feb 2009, Complementary and Alternative Medicines: Herbs, Phytochemicals and Vitamins and Their Immunologic Effects, pp. 283-294.
  20. This guy is not a nut. Scientists who fabricate data are very sane lowlife. And it's not drivel. Drivel is harmless. Imagine how many grad students currently have him as an advisor and how many others graduated under him. This is direct harm done to people he knows, aside from the general dousing of fabricated fuel on the conflicts within racism, food purity, etc. This is what this guy wanted to make a name for himself. Scientists who fabricate data are lowlife.
  21. I think the issue is cost. Many things prev mentioned are fine, just none are as cheap as PB. OP, I wouldn't discount the idea that some kid(s) may start arriving w/ their own PBJs. Being young creatures of habit and all that. Ideally you could get the library to enforce their own no-food rule which I'm sure exists. Sandwiches can be eaten outside afterall before the session begins. I also think that giving kids food to eat just to keep their hands busy is sad. Humans being creatures of habit and all that.
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