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Everything posted by sbgrace

  1. The s. bouldari isn't colonizing--it would be gone within 5 days--so if your body does well with that strain, you would want to keep taking it. I just take it if I need an antibiotic. One son takes it daily--has for years.
  2. Most (all?) of the bone drugs are for post menopause I think. I'm not there. Given I have some estrogen, I could possibly stil do some good. I'm going to try. I probably won't use the stronium. I've been reading, and I am going to get a weight vest. I'll incorporate more jumping than I already do. (This is the discouraging part--I've already been trying so hard--and I know I'm past bone building age) The thread Acradia linked mentioned osteostrong programs. I wish there was one near me. The closest is 1.5 hours away. Maybe when the kids are not needing me day in and out for school I will pursue that.
  3. I got a DEXA scan (pre-menopause, but nearing 50) because of my risk factors for osteoporosis. My doctor today shared my results: -2.5 (just at osteoporosis) in spine, -1.7 femoral neck, -1.4 hip (the last two osteopenia). The discouraging part is I'm doing weight bearing exercise multiple times a week, taking D3, magnesium, calcium, K2. Eating stone fruits. The doctor pointed out I might be worse if I weren't doing those things. He suggested stronium to help my spine. He said there is some controversy about it, but it is his best suggestion for me. I will consider taking it. I may get a weight vest--doctor didn't love that idea (said it could shift/I might strain something etc.) I will research it and decide. I'm not shocked exactly...but I didn't expect to already be at osteoporosis. Does anyone have suggestions?
  4. This has been really helpful. Thank you all so much. I think I'm convinced he needs to go back, with me working with him again, to shore up algebra weaknesses this year and into next year if needed. I'm going to think about whether it would be more palatable if it was presented as review days together with move forward days. Maybe that will help. The goal will be to be as solid as he can be in Algebra and work on math focus skills. (I'll build in the breaks idea. Additonally, he's just this week starting using tones (something he did in the algebra 1 past) to cue his focus during math--his idea to resume use..he knows there is a problem). My plan is to either use the book I purchased, which should be here Monday, for the review while, if he wants, he also keeps moving through his Algebra 2. Or, if the book isn't what I hope or too miserable for him, I will just use the MUS Algebra2, from the start, to review. Maybe he could test through and then re-do anything weak that shows up. Spiraling in review throughout a course is really hard for me. I've tried in the past. I can try again. He's not going to like either idea--going backward or me sitting w/him again--I know. But he does realize things aren't going well. So I think he'll do it.
  5. He doesn't know what he wants to do in the future (won't be a field that requires a heavy math load). Because of that, I don't want to make choices that close doors. No, he won't be doing a GED. I just want to make sure he's solid on whatever he might need to enter, perhaps, community college. I wondered if GED level math would get him there, but, in looking closer, I don't think that's going to be what he needs. The idea of preparing him to somehow tackle whatever might be required in math earlier--whether through auditing a course first or CLEP--that seems really wise. I think pacing is going to be a problem for him at that level--math takes a lot of his bandwith and he just mentally tires out with it. You've given me some good ideas. Thank you!
  6. I guess it could have been the break (he went to camp for a couple of weeks), but it feels more like his special needs and math aren't mixing well at this point. I don't know. Do you have a suggestion for how test him thoroughly? I know he can't tolerate long math sessions. I found an inexpensive book that says it covers high school math. It didn't have many reviews, and maybe it won't be at all what we need. But I'm going to see if it might be something I can just sit with him and work through at whatever pace he needs. I don't know. I'm concerned.
  7. I wonder...could I go through a GED math prep program with him, making sure he really understands it all, to prepare him for next level math? Would that be a better use of his/my time than adding another program?
  8. One of my sons has special needs (ADHD, autism spectrum, OCD). Academically, these have always most impacted his math. He has trouble focusing, gets distracted, makes careless errors, and tires easily. Math just takes a lot of focused time and attention to detail and he struggles. He hates it and sees himself as bad at math. We spent 2 years with Algebra 1--working through CLE and Lial's. It was torture for both of us, but I felt that his Algebra 1 foundation was pretty strong at the time. It was misery, though. That was 2.5-3 years ago I think. I used MathUSee for geometry. It was a breath of fresh air. He felt competent and the quickness of the lessons was great for him. He continued, successfully I thought into Algebra 2. He had a rough time last year w/OCD and things felt slow but steady. He wanted to take more ownership over his math, so I allowed that, just grading his tests. He had a short math break over the summer due to travel, it maybe got more complicated--I don't know--but It's going badly now. He's doing systems of equations--working on this chapter for way too long--and he's making tons of errors. Some are careless errors because these problems are long, but it's also feeling like he's not really solid generally. I don't feel like things are clicking--he's making careless mistakes, but also making poor choices as he manipulates equations and just generally. He has 4 more lessons in MathUSee Algebra 2. I had planned to move him to MathUSee pre-calc, realizing he really needs that to just cover Algebra 2 concepts. But now I'm not at all sure what to do. Should I find a different program and repeat Algebra 2 instead? Is there a good way to remediate? He's not ready for SAT type testing--hasn't even covered enough math for it. I've no idea how he would make it through a college math course. I'm really concerned. Thoughts?
  9. I did braces for an overbite only for one of mine. His mouth didn't hold the correction after braces removal, and the orthodontist adapted his retainer to maintain the overbite fix. That has worked. My other son also had a bit of crowding on the bottom I think, but also primarily an overbite. His overbite fix held after removal. Why I did it--I have an uncorrected overbite and straight teeth otherwise. I have moderate sleep apnea solely from my overbite/jaw position. I have to wear a dental device (custom ones are expensive even with insurance coverage) to maintain jaw position at night. I think, had I had braces, maybe I wouldn't need that now. Maybe I wouldn't have had so many years of uncorrected sleep apnea before diagnosis. Further, jaw position affects swallow during the day as well. I had some treatment for that, too, and it made a huge difference in my health. So..braces for my kids, even though neither myself nor my husband had braces growing up. (Husband has to have correction at night due to mild sleep apnea as well).
  10. How do you get your scores/reports back?
  11. I'll send a message. CASA's really do make a difference for their kids.
  12. I'm a CASA. I'm happy to share with you. I will send a message.
  13. My son is taking the PSAT in a neighboring county school. Guidance indicated my son will need a school code for his PSAT test. What would that be for a homeschool student?
  14. Family holiday meals are a major stress point for me, and I am accomodating just one anaphylaxis person. You are doing so much work. I imagine family doesn't see this poorly, and if they do they have issues. So I vote keep doing what makes your kids happy without any concern. I'm going share what I do, though. I make two things that are safe for my son and others will eat (a side dish and a dessert in our case). My son gets his serving(s) of those two things first, before they are even put out on the table for anyone else. The rest of his safe meal, I bring just for him. He gets his entire plate ready before anyone else starts serving/eating. We've been doing it this way for years. Once I figure out what works for him and others will like--I bring the same two "shared" things every year. It still feels awkward a bit, even after all this time. In your case, almost no one from your family is actually eating any of the shared food. I wouldn't feel even a tiny bit guilty about not contributing.
  15. I'm wondering. Do you think I could take 2 capsules of magnesium threonate at night along with 200 mg of l-theanine? I'm really struggling with sleep and ordered some magtein today, I didn't realize it would be only 144 mg per dose.
  16. Oh, sorry. I take K2 and D3, also for bone health.
  17. Praying for your sister and your family.
  18. I do! Although, I could probably tie it to daily events if I wanted. I wake up in the morning and take either magnesium or calcium (my 500 mg pill dose). I set a timer for 2 hours later, and take the other of those two. Two hours after that, I eat my calcium (and take K/D) at lunch. (I don't generally need other alarms because if I'm taking another mineral on a particular day, I just tie it to dinner or later in the day. But I haven't found it bothersome personally to do alarms. I hesitated to post all this originally because I know it sounds complicated, but it's not actually felt complicated to me once I decided to do it this way and started.) I take my other magesium dose at bedtime.
  19. I hadn't even thought of potassium. But, in looking, yes it interferes with magnesium absorption in a linear/increasing dose fashion. It's probably not good to take them together. I put my minerals a minimum 2 hours apart. So I'd suggest making sure there is at least two hours between those two minerals. To some extent, you just have to do the best you can. (I have been eating potassium containing, safe for calcium I thought, fruits with my dietary calcium and also with my magnesium, though...without even thinking about potassium and mineral absorption).
  20. I'm trying to fight bone density issues. I've discovered a couple of things which may be too much information, but I'll share in case it's helpful. First, magnesium shouldn't be taken with the calcium. You do need it (and vitamin K2 and D3), but magnesium blocks calcium absorption. All minerals block the absorption of other minerals--it's not specific to those two. Second, you can absorb only about 500 mg of calcium at a time. I have decided to take one 500 mg dose away from food (to increase absorption) and get another 500 mg at another time of day through diet (dairy--I found that most other foods that contain calcium also contain calcium absorption inhibiters). I truly think that, if you're careful with absorption and take other things to help increase bone, 1000 mg split in two 500 mg doses is good. I do do a (diet source) smaller (about 250) dose later. I imagine your calicum intake is high and, maybe not well absorbed--increasing your bind up issues. I take my magnesium (in two 400 mg doses--one morning, one before bed) away from the calcium. (I take my K2 and D3 with my dairy foods). Some magnesium forms (citrate for example) are better in terms of stool loosening.
  21. We are doing a my side of the family (16 people) gathering for Thanksgiving spread over several days. Everyone eligible is vaccinated and my parents have a booster. I have a public school neice and nephew unvaxed due to age, though I think my sister will test them prior to coming. I'm not at all sure how much the vaccines will protect any of us if one of us is contagious. I have a pretty small social circle and have received news of 8 break through infections just in the last few weeks. All sick/symptomatic, with some pretty miserable. It's discouraging. We have a trip, with plane flight, to the grand canyon just before Christmas. I hope we can avoid COVID going into and during that trip. We'll do good masks. I'm nervous about it. I have no idea about Christmas at this point, but I can't see either side of our family being ok with no gathering again this year. My brother in law is anti-mask, anti-vax but not obnoxious to our faces about our choices.
  22. Oops. I didn't mean to post to this thread. I hope you get relief really soon.
  23. I don't give my teen boys (17) iron. I would supplement a girl with iron-Solgar gentle iron is a good source. They take: iodine vitamin D3 (2000 IU per day most days) vitamin K2 magnesium (one at breakfast, one before bed) vitamin C b vitamin (we use thorne's) probiotics (culturelle and florastor) one takes: NAC for anxiety twice a day one takes: pycnogenol for allergies sometimes zinc (monomethione)--seperate from the magnesium/other minerals fish oil I personally don't like multi-vitamins because minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, etc) block the absorption of other minerals. All minerals in one pill isn't ideal and I don't want certain things (copper, calcium, iron) for them for various reasons so we just supplement individually--they take almost all at either breakfast or before bed. So it's not a big deal in life to do it this way. If I did do a multi, I would look for one with absorbable forms safe for MTHFR, preferably without copper or iron.
  24. Thank you for posting this! I'm curious as well. I'm also curious about experiences with the program. Is the instruction good?
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