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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I am wanting to make a vegetable beef soup in the crock pot today. The recipe I have calls for some fresh and some canned vegetables. I have a bag of frozen vegetables (peas, green beans, corn and carrots) instead of the canned vegetables . At what point should these frozen veggies be added?
  2. Haha that sounds exactly like something my boys would say.
  3. My 6 year old dd doesn’t ask us to sharpen her pencil, she asks us to charge it.
  4. My oldest son also hates this sound. Maybe Carhartt? Pretty sure they are waterproof, but don’t take my word for it.
  5. I was picturing the same conversation.
  6. Meh. I used to have a guinea pig named Sarah, now a daughter. 😆
  7. I new we were a minute away from this.
  8. Is he in jail or not? Is he still with his family?
  9. Looks like she announced her baby girl was born. I had read about them using M names and an article speculating they would never use Madison because well… you know. She named that baby Madyson. 😬
  10. Yes!! We rake leaves just to jump in play with them and just scatter them back out and leave them. 😂
  11. I’ve called my mom every single day since I moved out. 😄
  12. Funny, we just heard about Moxie for the first time last night. We are watching a YouTube channel of a family hiking the Appalachian trail and they were served Moxie in Maine.
  13. Can you throw some interesting brands and flavors? My kids love soda (of course) and I try not to have it much, but that might be fun for Christmas.
  14. Right? I hate the feeling of trying to keep up with what the other parents are doing. Withdrawing from society has been so healthy for me. If I could kick social media, 👍
  15. I’m annoyed by myself because I’m a jealous brat. I’m jealous because my 50 year old, single, childless sister is buying a house that is 1,700 sq ft house with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and 4 acres. I feel so frustrated when I live in a 3 bed, 1 bath, 1,000 sq ft house on 1/4 of an acre. My kids and I spend so many hours outside on our tiny little space and we would love to have room to spread out and explore. My sister will literally never do Anything outside. There are 6 of us crammed in here. Why does 1 person need 2 bathrooms. It just looks so impractical from my point of view. Why does she even want a place like that. Like I said, that’s all on me, I’m a jealous brat. Also, I lost my grocery list. 😩
  16. Nope being around people doesn’t appeal to me at all. I cannot read around people either. When my boys have reading for school, I always ask them to go off somewhere to be alone and they always decline. They don’t mind reading in the chaos. 😜
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