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Everything posted by kwg

  1. :grouphug: I hate that we can not fix everything and prevent everything also :grouphug: Sounds like you handled it perfectly and your ds is bouncing back.
  2. He was turning 12. lol. It is really fun! I have this article to read soon. (My son could be weird, I fully admit this!) http://sciencealert.com.au/features/20140910-26311.html
  3. We bought my ds some of that kinetic sand that has been a huge hit. He likes things like that tho- thinking putty, playdough, clay..... http://www.amazon.com/Waba-Fun-Kinetic-Sand-2-2lbs/dp/B00CO5AQ12/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1412982546&sr=1-1&keywords=kinetic+sand
  4. kwg

    Ugly Pie

    I keep thinking of the book lol http://www.amazon.com/Ugly-Pie-Lisa-Wheeler/dp/054423961X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1412978244&sr=1-1&keywords=ugly+pie oh! and then there is Enemy Pie.....
  5. :coolgleamA: I will delete this later so please do not quote. :coolgleamA:
  6. I need this today. I am so unmotivated. I must do laundry, clean my house (I am so embarrassed!) \. I should eat breakfast first. Then I suppose I will tackle the kitchen. :glare:
  7. I taught K and First over a decade ago. ( :leaving: ). I love Miquon, Sentence Family, WWE, and WWS (My ds12 is not a fan of this program but admits it is teaching him a lot).
  8. kwg

    Book Club Picks

    Thank you both! I will check out all the suggestions and the thread!
  9. kwg

    Book Club Picks

    Bump for morning crowd :-)
  10. That are not depressing. I am tired of feeling sad. Any ideas?
  11. My kids are so picky! But maybe we could try one or two and see. My dh just got laid off so there are going to be some big changes around here.
  12. Yes! that is how the book did it. But why is ds' wrong? Shouldnt they come out to the same no matter how they were combined? Oops I was speaking to Matryosha. Thank you Cosmos!!!
  13. Compute- (1+2+3..........49+50) + (99+98+97.........+51+50) Ds did (25 times 51) + (25 times149) = 50 times 200 = 10,000 The answer is 5,000. Ds is excited he found a case where the Laws of Mathematics Have Failed :lol: . But I am thinking I need more coffee; I can not see where he messed up. TIA for any help (I know I am being dumb).
  14. At what point do you stop? We were doing Phonics Pathway, stopped for the summer. Ds7 started reading magic tree house books alone and we are reading Little House in the Big Woods together (each a page).
  15. Kinda of a spin off- where do they get their dolphins especially but other animals also? Just wondering.
  16. Our first year was very overwhelming! So much so that we needed a year break to recover, lol. We are trying again this year and feel much better. What are some field trips people are doing/have done?
  17. kwg

    Doctor hive

    I went to the doctor today and she poked around (still not pleased about that :cursing: ) and I have an ultrasound scheduled for the morning. SHe is thinking gallstones. I felt so bad today I cried in the parking lot! I have my follow up scheduled for a week and a half away and already it feels like too long! But we are supposed to go to the beach so I suppose there is not much I can do. And anyway I am not sure there is much she can do.
  18. :lurk5: We only meet once a week. Aack! already I feel stressed. lol.
  19. Thank you! I got this from the library and there is a ton of notebooking pages on homeschoolshare :hurray:
  20. I wish we had something like that! My ds would love it!
  21. Wow! Lori thank you! Lewelma- that book looks great! Thank you! Tanaqui- juvenile. Dh gave Alex all these grown up books and a friend was horrified bc I guess maybe it has some really foul language? And she rec those. I am a little embarrassed putting it out there that my just turned 11 year old is reading that but he doesn't seem to have grown any extra heads or anything. Thanks for all the great ideas!
  22. For vacation- light reads or in between but probably not classics. I mean it is ok, but he might not be that into it. For what he has read- hmmm....lately he has read some Neal Asher, Enders Game series a few times, something about the Uglies, Maze Runner books, City of Bones, Hunger Games, DIvergent, etc. My husband gave him Old Man's War and the sequels which he loved. *sigh* I gave him some Heinlein but he said it was so similar in theme to other books he did not want to read it. I just looked at "customers that purchased" and he did not like Eragon :confused1: We are pretty liberal I guess. I mean- nothing too crazy. And it is a vacation!
  23. We are going to the beach next week and he gets a ton of reading done! Dh got him a bunch of books for the kindle and he read them all already! :glare: :lol:
  24. That made me kinda sad. I am not sure what I would do OP. knowing me- I would let it go mainly bc i do not like confrontations. At all. :grouphug: I am curious what you decide and I think it is tricky all around :grouphug: .
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