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Everything posted by kwg

  1. kwg


    Thank you. That is how I feel! Jesus. And we have been married for 18 years? I think he does want me to see someone. He has hinted at it a few times. I am thinking about it. I tried a couple times but it just did not feel all the helpful. We have not tried the marriage counselor though. Thank you <3
  2. kwg


    I just thought that I should prob say I have been depressed and really anxious. SO he does have cause to be worried. When he said " how can I tell you I am worried without you taking it so personally?" because I started in on "look I am doing the best I can" I told him he could tell me what he would like me to do specifically. He keeps saying he is worried but what does he want me to DO with that? I mean...specifically how can I ...change?
  3. kwg


    (I do not mind honesty but I am kinda emo lately so if in your response you could keep that in mind.) Thank you!
  4. :grouphug: :grouphug: I am so sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  5. Thank you for your kind words. Some of them even made me cry. I like all of these suggestions nad will get/collect the journal, sudoku, book for my trip. I forgot my friend gave me a sketchbook for zentangles. The other things will be helpful at home.
  6. I am already on meds, not against them...oops. They usually help but the last few months I have been kinda a mess. Plus I need to get moving today. I think the trigger is I have to leave my family. My dad was killed 6 months ago and since then it makes me really anxious to leave them bc I get this thoughts like what if something really bad happens to them? I mean he-my dad- was just basically walking in his back yard and was shot so..... I do not want to go and feel paralyzed. I have left them for a weekend and once I was gone, it was fine. It is the leaving part that made me nutty so I am hoping once I am there I will not be this sad. I need to go bc my oldest is moving out of the country and she needs me to help her set up, etc. My dh is at work, but I think I am going to tell him when he gets home that I really need his help with packing.
  7. What helps? (besides meds) Thanks!
  8. :svengo: One of the comments talked about not giving into political correctness. :glare: How can you even respond to that? :huh:
  9. kwg

    ASL Video

    This is so cool. http://time.com/3900314/eminem-lose-yourself-sign-language/
  10. I did not really understand how long the parents knew what was going on before they did anything. Which was nothing. I feel so sorry for those girls. http://www.13newsnow.com/story/life/people/2015/05/28/timeline-josh-duggar-19-kids-and-counting-tlc-sex-abuse-scandal/28066229/
  11. oh. So he did not go to the "reeducation" thing? I have my own history with being hurt but was feeling a bit of pity for him for that bc I was in one of those for two years and they are tough. They use food and sleep deprivation, humiliation and really unethical counseling practices. The brainwashing that goes on is really hard to explain. But I can shelf my pity now. Good. B/c that was confusing. :lol: ETA- I know nothing about these people or their politics. We have a Hobby Lobby but I have not been. I am not much of a crafter. lol.
  12. What one did he go to? I googled briefly last night and could not find out anything really about it. Was it a brainwashing cult thing?
  13. Aack my earlier post was judgmental. Great thread! Thank you!
  14. lol I was talking about that family in kentucky- the Nauglers. There is another thread about them.
  15. I have just read the op and skimmed until I got here but did you know there are people on the internet that post pics of their kids playing in poop? and then people who support people like that? It was probably one of them.
  16. kwg


    I saw that, about the finances. Made me smh. They have no income, no garden, no- i don't know- beds!-....???? Yk what is getting me? Before all this- when she posted like the picture of her kids all around the outside area sick from eating days old pancakes or when they were sleeping in the car bc the "house" was too cold- no one said "hon, your life has become unmanageable. You need to change" SHe was posting the pics same as she is now! What is that about?!?
  17. kwg


    I just can't understand how they do not see how messed up this is. I needed the cat when he popped in. I was getting so sad!
  18. kwg


    I do not think I saw this posted yet. http://www.wave3.com/slideshow?widgetid=157540
  19. kwg


    Yes, that is what I meant earlier. Cut her losses and start anew.
  20. kwg


    I havent read all the replies but so this may have been said. But she isnt being charged with anything? So she has potentially ruined 10 little lives and could keep on having children.
  21. kwg


    I read through the comment on the other linked thread and am horrified. I saw this post by Nicole and was bothered: Olivia loves babies. Babies love Olivia. I can always count on her to be helpful. She wants to be a midwife when she is older. Having been in my assistance with 3 births she is doing pretty good so far, considering she is just now 8 years old. At first I thought she meant she was the assistant to the birth of her brother/sister. But maybe the mom had a friend giving birth and the little girl went to assist? I hope so bc to give an 8 year old that level of responsibility is clearly batshit crazy. Oh, sorry. 7 year old. This is the same little girl who took care of all the puking kids outside I believe.
  22. kwg


    Where does it say they sold the things previously given? And that they always lived in filth? I looked at her blog and she seemed "normal" for a while.
  23. Well, but wouldn't they have more money?
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