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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. This is a very discouraging thread that I can't believe I just spent 10 minutes reading! I have 4 little ones and have flown several times with them. Toddlers are the hardest! But I am glad that I do not have to pay a full adult ticket price for them. I think as parents we need to be supportive of each other. I hope I never forget what it is like to travel with a bunch of kids (who generally are very well-behaved while flying) and the stress it puts on a mom with young kids. I hope that I remember this time of my life and be that nice older lady offering a hand and reaching out to a young mom, even if it is just a caring smile. YES, some parents are totally inappropriate and let their kids misbehave and do not use proper means to change diapers (I HAVE NEVER BEEN ON A FLIGHT THAT DID NOT HAVE A PULL DOWN CHANGING TABLE IN THE FRONT BATHROOM--tight squeeze but it works IF you need it). Too bad that this conversation even took place. No one enjoys a crappy, disruptive flight. It really stinks when families get split up.....like the time my husband had one kid, I had one kid and the two others were on there own. Sitting with strangers?!! The airline screwed up our seats and when we boarded the flight attendant asked if anyone would switch so we could be together (6yo,4yo,2yo, baby) and we got many nasty stares--we all stood there for about 5 minutes humiliated. Then a sweet older couple gave up sitting with each other so our kids did not have to be alone. BLESS THEM. Just be gracious and forgiving of us moms with little ones. MANY (not all!!) try very hard to not be disruptive.
  2. It's that time again, where I think I am set on using something then I start questioning whether or not I should.... I was originally planning on using Spelling Power for my 3rd grader. I am wondering if this will be the best fit. Any posts out there comparing different programs like AAS, Spelling Power, Spelling Workout? I realize what may work for my dd may not work for kid 2, 3, or 4. :tongue_smilie: All I have about my dd is that we did Rod and Staff Spelling by Sound and Structure in 2nd and it was very easy and not at all challenging. She seems like a natural speller but still too soon to tell. If I can throw in one more question....if I did go with Spelling Power, would you recommend the loose leaf edition? Thanks!
  3. I was wondering if I could get some input about which books are possible ones to get. I am not familiar with a lot of the books on the lists and do have some of the more popular ones. Can't find my Honey for a Child's Heart book either, of course! So, which books are your kids working towards?
  4. Thank you. That was helpful. So I could use TOG or MFW but it just wouldn't be paid for? They don't have a "you may only use this or this" list of curricula? I would probably not like someone asking questions, etc. How much does the state give per year/per child?
  5. I had asked a few questions on this previous post about why people even bother with charter schools. I didn't know that you get money!!!!!!!! SO, my question is: Do many Christians use the charter schools? Do you find it difficult to implement what you would like to use? Like, I use MFW and will use TOG. I bet I couldn't if I belonged to a charter school? Is that correct? I am so bummed finding out about this financial help. And it can be used for extracurricular activities!!! I have 4 kids! This would be so nice. I don't really want to answer to the public school/government though. :confused: Any input would be so helpful.
  6. Why would one want to be monitored by the government? I have heard lots of OH, you have to homeschool in California?!! But, I really don't see it as that big of a deal. We have to register our child and then that's that. And I hope for no one to be knocking on my door, a little paranoid. :D
  7. If you all don't mind me jumping in (a bit off topic)... I also live in California and do the private school choice for homeschool. Why do so many belong to a charter? I am a newbie, so be nice...but what am I missing. I have looked in my area (Los Angeles) but haven't seemed to find a charter school I could belong to anyways. I guess it seems like I would have to pay in order for someone else to keep records that I can keep myself and then they are picky about curricula too? I don't want to take over this thread...so you can tell me to start a new post or PM if you'd like to give me some tips!! Another question: What do we need to save? Workbooks, worksheets, ALL of her Math Mammoth work? THANK YOU!!
  8. Little bit off topic....but the school year is coming to an end (for many of us), will you all save the completed work? And if so, for how long? I hate papers sitting around.... I have been wondering if I am to be saving these or not. :confused:
  9. Hi-- Was just checking to see if anyone is near LA. Looks like you two are the closest! Where are all the LA homeschoolers....hmm. I have lived here 2-1/2 years. I came from Michigan. Took a little while to get use to. Anyways, I am up near Glendale/Eagle Rock. We have some people from the OC off the 22 that go to our church. And another couple comes up from Tustin. I don't know anything about Sky Mountain? What is it? :)
  10. Can I ask what denomination/ who this is? Just curious...:001_smile:
  11. Good points. I am excited to teach my kids about each people group and focus on praying for them!
  12. I just have my daughter color them and put the sticker on, read what she wants from the back. I am skipping all the books for the remaining states. I think we are on Michigan? :001_huh: I got bored teaching them, too (though my daughter didn't complain...). I am finishing up the year with focus on Abraham Lincoln, Oregon Trail, California Gold Rush, Morse Code, etc. Skipping the states except for CA (where we live). I may just review where each state is located, see if she remembers the abbreviations, etc. OK, not much help, but I know how you feel!! Others will have good ideas. Hope I don't get this bored next year with ECC!! :001_smile:
  13. Thank you everyone! I have a lot of options to look into...or just wait it out. :001_smile:
  14. Thanks for the support and encouragement. I definitely don't make her feel babyish and just let her know that we should try to work on it. (She also has a 5yo brother that has been dry since like 3!!!) I need to consistently be waking her up at night, etc. I was hoping she would just out grow it...when she was six. Maybe 8 is the magic year.:D I will look into magnesium, though I'd hate to spend money on that unless it is short-term.
  15. She doesn't snore. She does seem to toss and turn a lot....as do I.
  16. I really just think she sleeps "hard" and doesn't wake with the urge to go. :confused: She has always wet at night, so it is not something new and not something I would link to a UTI or anything.
  17. I am embarrassed to say that I have put very little effort into getting my dd to stop bedwetting. She wears a big kid pull-up every night. Every morning it is wet. Really wet. :glare: I tried to eliminate drinking after 7 PM (she goes to bed at 8 PM) but sometimes she begs for that sip of water.... I thought of asking for help here tonight because she just realized she ran out of Pull-ups and is trying to be sneaky (from her 3 brothers) to get a diaper on. She is embarrassed, too. Any ideas? I may try to wake her up at 11 PM or midnight and take her to the bathroom. Other than that ???? THANKS for any help. I was a late bed wetter, too. Guess I could ask my mom what she did. :001_huh:
  18. Great idea. Now if you could add TOG to that chart.... :D
  19. What ages is this for? I heard Suzuki is more for 4ish and younger? I have the same dilemma! I am getting a good piano from a friend but can't afford lessons.... ($30 a week I was told!!!). I could try to find a high schooler maybe.... Thanks for the good advice here. Helpful to me, too!!
  20. I had this problem too. I noticed it for Grade 1 mainly, though I only briefly looked at Gr 2 and 3. I did email Maria and she asked if I were using a MAC, and to make sure I was using Adobe updated. I did have Adobe updated but realized that I was opening it in Preview. Once I opened in Adobe I saw the missing images. BUT, now I can't print this stuff. According to things I read online supposedly the updated Adobe does not print from Mac Snow Leopard (?? is that the recent one). So, now I will have to email Maria again and see if she has any tips. I can get the other years to print in Preview but will have missing images for GR 1 if I do that. Have you figured your's out yet?
  21. My family likes it with chicken, broccoli, tomatoes and feta and some olive oil as a one dish, easy dinner. Definitely with the feta!
  22. If you don't mind, could you (or anyone else that agrees) elaborate on this?
  23. I felt like I should wait a little before starting TOG, too, even though I will have a 3rd grader and 1st grader (along with 2 younger ones). Some TOG fans say go for it, some say SOTW w/AG is enough. I have been recommended MOH or told to just start TOG now! I decided to go with MFW ECC for next year. I have used MFW 1st and Adventures. The ease of use has attracted me. I manage to get reading, math, grammar and spelling done. I don't have to do much planning, except for getting books from the library, etc. For now, this works for me and my kids are getting some history and science in. I love the looks of TOG and hope to use it in older years....unless I decide to stay with MFW (but something keeps bringing me back to looking at TOG!!). So, I don't know your whole situation, but MFW is a good option. You could use MFW 1st that nicely focuses on reading readiness, etc. I guess the history is not too much, maybe not what you are looking for. BUT, I bet you get a lot of votes here on simply using SOTW or MOH. I think those are good options, too. Just shared what I am doing. If anything, I feel better prepared as a homeschool teacher with starting in using MFW. I know what works for my family, what schedule I like, etc. It at least has build my confidence to feel ready to use TOG for 4th grade! So many decisions, huh?!! :confused:
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