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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. I prefer the wooden pattern blocks. My 4yo and 5.5yo have a lot of fun doing their own thing with them, but my 5.5yo has also enjoyed this book: Pattern Animals. We have these for blocks. They do like these magnetic ones, but they are travel size. Tangoes.
  2. I will be using MFW 1st. I have heard great things about it and am looking forward to it! :) I should also mention that I used Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (we did about 22 lessons) and really liked it.
  3. Shoot! Well, try the Sam's brand and then maybe and hopefully if that doesn't work you will love 8 o'clock (unless you have my coffee tastebuds, then it will not work)!
  4. I just started reading this book to my 5yo, 4yo and 2yo (if he even listens...). They are so excited about it and just can't get enough. Today they drew pictures of what we read about last night. Just thought I would share....:tongue_smilie:
  5. We are huge Starbucks fans but tried to save some money and tried several different brands. The best we found to save a few $$ was the Costco Brand--Kirkland. They seem to vary types that you can get (french, sumatra, etc). We usually prefer a dark roast. At one point we were getting the Sumatra. Then they no longer sold that. They had a few others in between what we are now using, the Espresso beans and enjoying that. Not sure how to help if you are not a Costco member. If you have a Trader Joe's, we like their coffee, though I am not sure about the price. I say try Sam's brand of Members Mark. I think I have tried it in the past but do not remember if we liked it or not... As for Eight O'Clock, we tried that on recommendation from a friend that we would just love it and found it was along the lines of Folgers, IMO.
  6. My soon to be 6yo will be starting first grade here in a few days. I was wondering if it is preferred/best to use FLL once a child is able to read? My daughter is not yet reading (will use MFW 1st). Should I just focus on teaching reading or can I add in FLL along with her learning to read? Thanks for any help/suggestions!
  7. I guess I should google things first. These I am assuming? http://www.lamplighterpublishing.com/products.asp?dept=49 Looks good! Thanks.
  8. We're looking for a nightly read aloud too. What are the Lamplighter books?
  9. Hi-- Besides the obvious places like Amazon, half.com, bookfinder, etc...does anyone know of a used book store online that has a HUGE selection of books but only charges one shipping price? I have a list of books that I would like to get, but don't want to pay 3.99 per book! I also would like the books used (unless the new price is cheap!!). Thanks so much!
  10. Thank you. Since my oldest will only repeat cycle one, do you think she is missing out by repeating the other cycles at an older age? Or do you think repeating the cycles like my 2nd child will do is too redundant?
  11. I did send an email to My Father's World, but also thought maybe someone here could help me. Here it is: Hello-- I am planning on starting my daughter (6) in first grade this school year 2009. I have 3 younger children in addition to her and was trying to figure out how this would all work out. My question is in regards to 3rd grade, in that I am not understanding what my daughter would do for 3rd grade (year 2011 age 8) after doing Adventures in 2nd grade. If you can help.... 2009 school year I will have a 6yo, 4yo, 2yo and baby. When the 6yo is done with 1st, she does Adventures in 2nd. When I have an 8yo in 3rd grade the next child will only be starting 1st grade. Do I just start my 8yo in the first cycle and she ends up repeating the 1st cycle in 8th grade? Am I understanding that correctly? Does she miss out to only repeat the first cycle? She will then start high school versus repeat the cycle at an older age? Hope this makes sense. If you can help, I would appreciate it. Maybe I answered my own question. Here are my childrens ages as of school year 2009/10: 6yo (first grade) 4yo 2yo baby (June 2009)
  12. I have not been able to find cheaper prices for the Standards edition. The US Edition is slightly cheaper. I think the $100 is because of it being the Standards? Most homeschool resource stores don't seem to carry Stds, even MFW which I plan to use. They only have US Edition. :( Not sure if I want to spend that much on Math alone... (the price includes shipping)
  13. So-- if I am looking to buy Singapore 1A/1B Standards edition I would need: 1A workbook 1A textbook 1A home instructors guide (is this really needed for 1A?) 1A practice and same for 1B. Is there somewhere cheaper than Singapore.com? That is around $100 total. Is that what you all spend for 1 year math? Don't mean to take away from original post--just thought this was along the same lines of the conversation.... Thanks!
  14. Hi-- My daughter is to start 1st grade this school year (according to CA laws) and I have been researching and researching curriculum...my head is spinning. I was going to use MFW 1st grade. But I see many like HOD. Or should I just list the required California subjects and fill in the blanks with my own choices under that? Question: If I go with MFW 1st, should I add anything to that? Many talk about FLL, WWE, Singapore, Spelling such as (AAS), SOTW for history....then there is Explode the Code, HWOT, etc, etc, etc. Just MFW 1st? Just math and reading? Forget history, etc? Use my own list with the following (required CA subjects): English (grammer, spelling, writing, reading, etc....) Math Social Sciences Science Fine Arts Health PE (if you go this route, how do you know what to do the following years....through high school and make sure to cover "everything?" We never did much for kindergarten. My dd is working on finishing 100 EZ before the school year. I believe she is where she should be. Besides dd (6 in November), I have ds 4, ds 1-1/2, and ds 2 weeks old. So a tad busy. I am sorry this is so long and kind of rambly, but after reading this forum for over a year I still cannot decide what to do for curriculum. I feel like I need a program set up for me, so that nothing gets missed through the years of homeschooling. But it seems like a lot of people have each subject listed and pick under each... But then I start thinking about the ease of MFW, HOD or even am tempted by Sonlight.... Help? New to this and thankful for any help.
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