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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. Can I ask what movies you get for homeschooling? I read some say Science. Like what for example? Is this something for older kids?
  2. We really like Vos here. But we prefer the 3-volume of it put out by Banner of Truth (no images of Christ). Here is a link for Volume 3.
  3. I did not see anything on the website about the Spanish. Are there samples of what it is? Looks interesting. Would you order this for a 2nd grader and a Ker? Is it worth the price?
  4. Anyone else have any advice? Spanish first? What curriculum recommended for 2nd grader/K?
  5. Do you have a beginner Spanish program that you recommend?
  6. Just thinking about the next school year and know that some start language at 2nd grade. Is this about right or would you wait until 3rd grade? My other question is Latin first or Spanish? Spanish is a must, but I would like for my kids to learn Latin, too. Does the order matter? Thanks for the input. I will have to do some searches on Latin and Spanish, too. I have no idea what I would want to use for teaching them!
  7. Have any of you had to decide between these two? What did you pick and why? I am still debating.... I really want to use TOG and definitely will in the future. But, right now I have a soon to be 2nd grader that I would get TOG for. I was thinking MFW Adv would be easier (use wise) especially with a 5yo, 2yo, and 1yo. But, I still keep looking at TOG.... Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks.
  8. I don't mean to take over this thread. But how do you combine these two? Buy all of CLE and all of Singapore (IG, workbook, textbook, etc)? Thanks.
  9. :bigear: Always interested in hearing what people say about CLE/Singapore. :001_smile:
  10. I will share my experience: I haven't used MFW K, but I had started my daughter with 100 EZ when she was 5 and did only about 40 lessons so she did know cvc already. She started MFW 1st when she was 6 and did really well. She loves reading, reads well, etc. I think that it does move fast, and I couldn't believe that it actually worked! I would think one would need more review. She didn't. It is a really fun program though, and I love how it incorporated the Bible. I agree with Crystal, that if review is needed, just slow down and add some more in. You could easily supplement if needed.
  11. ok--that helps a bit. I probably would need to look at the others and maybe that would help, too.
  12. I know that there are spiral and mastery programs. But, if you take the approach of Singapore and compare it with the approach of CLE Math, for example, what is the difference? Or even Saxon, etc. Singapore is supposed to be so different from all the others out there. I have only used it for 1A and some of 1B but don't quite understand what is so different about what I am teaching. You know? Lots of manipulatives and pictures....so what do Saxon, CLE, others do? I am assuming they use manipulatives, etc. Make sense? Just ignorant about the difference in approach. :confused:
  13. There are two different versions of it. I know that it is widely used in the Reformed world but don't think that it pushes any views.??? None that I have noticed. My kids love it. One version has images of Christ in it. The other version, put out by Banner of Truth, does not have images of Christ: Find it here.
  14. Hmmm, no one that has that view has commented, though I guess it is kind of setting them up (unintentionally)... I guess I was hoping for an explanation on why MFW looks babyish/not challenging to them vs what they are using. What am I missing? What don't I see? That kind of stuff. Where is it lacking, if at all. The spine is history, so is that the weakness? People add on their own math, LA, etc.
  15. In the past few days, I have read things such as MFW is babyish, and also came across something that said it is not rigorous or as academic. :confused: Any of you think this? Why is that? Just curious. I only have used MFW 1st, so I don't know what to expect with other years. I look at it and it LOOKS good. Looks like the book basket would add alot, too. Don't see how it is much different than Sonlight. I have looked into TOG and decided it would be too much for me right now, but I do get a "more intense" and "more rigorous" feel from that. So, if you have felt this way, can you help explain why you think that? Where do you think it is lacking? Thanks!
  16. [quote name=starrbuck12;1686108 I do agree with the previous poster. I have 4 kids and one is a 2 yro... Boy' date=' do I feel like dropping her off with relatives sometimes. She can be a pain in the booty. She likes to grab papers too...and climb all over the table...and fight with the 5 yro...and call people on my cell phone...and marker on the carpet... Phew! Glad I got all that off my chest! But, really, congratulations on your baby!!!! :) :lol: Boy can I relate to that! My newborn was not a problem at all. The 2yo and 4yo make it a challenge. If only they'd play really well together or stayed on task for longer than 5 minutes... I had my 4th in June and started 1st gr with my 6 yo in August. I was ready and fine and had just moved into a new house. :tongue_smilie: I used MFW 1st that was a nice start into homeschooling. I had the only goal of getting dd to read. Took it easy and it went well. I know everyone is different, and some have needy babies and others don't. I say ease into it and see what you can handle. You can do it!!
  17. Thanks for all the input! I probably would use MEP...but I just don't get how so many people can use it without the answers. :confused: OK--might go with Miquon or Math Mammoth....or CLE or .....!!!! :D
  18. Wondering why the link for how to line up Miquon and Singapore is not working? http://www.singmath.com/SM_Miquon.htm Also, are there samples of Miquon anywhere? I am looking to use it for a supplement with Singapore but am a little confused what the program is like and if I would actually like using the rods. Thanks. :001_smile:
  19. I keep debating back and forth with R&S 2 and PLL, too. AND, I have FLL but just don't want to use it. :glare: Anyone else use both? How do you do it?
  20. We definitely don't do baby talk over here! But a lady at a book sale yesterday was baby talking to my 6 yo. SIX. Sigh. Weird. Thanks for all the great advice! I am on a mission.
  21. Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I will get my husband in on helping me. He has a much better vocabulary. How come no one else has posted on how they feel my pain and have a bad vocabulary, too..... :001_smile:
  22. What are these vocabulary programs? For older kids? Maybe I could do them.
  23. That is what I was afraid of. I try a little. I could make a better effort. It seems kind of overwhelming. Also words I have tried to learn just don't stick. :glare:
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