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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. Seems like you have enough responses to get a good idea, but I will share mine anyways! My Father's World Adventures for history, bible, science, literature Spelling: Rod and Staff, Spelling by Sound and Structure Grammar: Rod and Staff, Gr. 2 Math: Math Mammoth 2 Cursive: Handwriting without Tears 2 and some Classically Cursive Writing: WWE 2
  2. So glad I saw this! Mine was in the spam box, too! :001_huh:
  3. I would definitely give it a try if it were free! Then either I would love it and stick with it or I could finally stop drooling over it and move on to something else for younger years. :001_smile: Such a hard decision!!!
  4. I guess I am having trouble figuring out how to eventually be teaching science to 4 kids, 2 years apart (currently, 7, 5, 3, 1). Do I do some kind of rotation: Biology, Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, repeat? Will that work out using something like Apologia or Elemental Science? I guess I could email either of those curricula and ask the writers.....
  5. I am trying to decide between these two, also. Elemental Science appears easier to use and I like the lapbook for Biology. RSO seems to be loved by many on these boards but seems to have a lot of hands on/experiments. I don't really like lots of experiments.... I understand, this is science, and there should be some. Is it mostly experiments though? I don't like the idea of trying to find some of the things listed....like looking for snails?! Never have seen any around here! :tongue_smilie: I would appreciate any feedback, too.
  6. Overall, I think it is fine the way it is. Looking back I wish I would have gone with using a math program (MM or SM). It would have worked better for me to do this, not because MFW 1st was lacking. I just couldn't get into all the hands on and needed some more guidance maybe? I also added in a Pathway Reader and Workbook which we did once and awhile for fun. My dd did great with MFW 1st and took off reading quickly and well!
  7. Wow!! Thank you so much for this helpful post! I really appreciate it.
  8. I am bringing up an old posts here...but wondering the answer. Does it matter if one is a Christian and uses a secular science in the younger years? I can't imagine it would be too big of a deal?? Unless mother nature is talked about frequently....:tongue_smilie:
  9. Do people use Science as they do History (MFW, TOG, etc) to combine with multiple ages? For example, trying to line up using Apologia, would I eventually have different groups of kids using different levels, since Apologia is K-6 and then 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are all individual? And I have 4 kids, all 2 yrs apart. Hope this makes sense. :glare:
  10. As a TOG user with little ones (3?), do you think that right now it is too much and you could have waited to start later? I am sure you are happy with it, but what do you find to be your pros, cons with using it. I know I am getting a bit off topic....but it all applies. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Thanks for the replies. It has been driving me crazy trying to decide what to do! Seems like many people simply use SOTW w/AG in younger years. I heard TOG is really an expensive book list for younger years. I know it is more than that. Who am I kidding that I will read and learn on my own! Hard enough to find time for devotions. MFW ECC is part of my debate- then using TOG when I have a 4th grader and 2nd grader. I just really got sick if the same wksheet with Adventures and supposedly it is the same thing with ECC but with countries instead of states. I would want to start TOG from the YR 1. So that is the problem. Not sure what year to start with SOTW. Wouldn't want to do Ancients again in 2 years. Thanks for listening to my ramble.
  12. Anyone have some insight for me? SOTW 1 now and then possibly Ancients in 2 years seems?
  13. Their are so many good choices! I need to figure out what the differences are overall (I understand some things, but not so much philosophies, etc). I have used MFW 1st and Adv so understand MFW a bit but not what the future years hold. VP seems too hard to use with 4 kids 2 years apart down (thinking future here). I keep thinking about the future years, high school, but by then who knows what my preferences will be. I don't really want to invest into expensive programs and then not use them again. Where I am at: VP looks good in many ways (don't know what I think about the main focus on Western cultures and lacking in others). TOG looks like what I want but maybe not until kids are older? MFW....well, Adv made me lose overall interest and I heard ECC is more of the same (stylewise). SOTW: Used with AG, this looks like enough for younger years? I am fairly stretched now trying to get the basics done with my dd, having 3 little boys running around. Will try to have more routine next year with one of the boys jumping in to the schooling (more so than now). I have read a lot of previous posts. It seems to be all about preference. But, how do you know until you try it out?! I read somewhere that TOG is not really suppose to be used until oldest is in 5th grade. I could easily wait 2 years.... :) Thank you.
  14. My dc that will be schooling next year will be 8 and 6 (3rd and 1st). If I waited to start TOG until possibly 5th grade (2 years), what year should I start for SOTW? Does it matter? TOG Yr 1 is Ancients. Or should I just continue with MFW ECC, and then _____? Thanks!
  15. Sorry to bring up an old post..... But the mention of YR 1 being updated in 2012....hmmm, should I wait? Even though with DE I would get the updates for the future? Does it really matter? Still trying to decide if I should just jump in and use TOG. I am a bit intimidated by it and not sure if it would be a good fit for my 3rd grader and 1st grader (with 2 younger ones running around...). I printed out the 1 week sample for Yr 1!!!! Yikes!!! Lots of stuff there. OK. It is hard for me to buy something that I know is being revised currently. :tongue_smilie:
  16. How much does it cost to get one year printed at Kinkos or Staples? Anyone do this? I realize that while I got a good deal at 50% and can use it for all my kids....I will be printing 4 years worth at a time when they are all in school. Yikes. Lots of printing.....
  17. :bigear: I am wondering the same thing.
  18. Thank you for the input. WWE seems easier to implement than IEW. At least it is cheaper! I will listen to SWB's lectures.
  19. I can't believe that there is no advice on this. :001_huh: Does anyone have any general recommendations on which writing program they use/like? Or know anything about the differences between the mentioned programs?
  20. Can anyone tell me the differences? Veritas suggests IEW. TOG suggests Writing Aids. I like the WTM so may like WWE's approach. Can't forget that MFW recommends Writing Strands. :tongue_smilie: !!! So any advice for this newbie? I should mention that it would be for a 3rd grader. Also, it looks like Writing Aids goes along nicely with the Year you are doing, i.e., Year 1 Ancients, so you write about mummies, etc.? Would I be missing out with the writing program if it did not match up with TOG? THANK you for any help!! I couldn't really find a good post on this. Maybe someone will start a poll--since for some reason I can't.
  21. OK! Signed up! I hope we can get to 50%! :D
  22. Wanted to maybe get my kids on some kind of vitamins. What is essential, etc? Fish oil? Vitamin D? Anyone recommend a good multivitamin and where to buy it? Thanks.
  23. I love Birkenstocks! I find them to be very comfortable. I think I usually end up with originals though and not Birkis, Papillo, etc. I have this current pair in leather, not suede: http://www.shoesopia.com/shop/product/1/1509-119/Birkenstock-Cozumel-Suede-Sandals-Black-Women.html They took me a little time to break in, couple weeks not months. Now they are so absolutely comfortable. Definitely need a little bit of time for the cork to fit to your foot. My kids all wear them and my husband, too. :) Try to buy cheap off ebay and then you can always resell if they just don't break in. ??
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