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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. Oh, I know what you are going through! Have you tried Bendaryl at night and use Benadryl cream during the day for sanity? I would get it really bad on my legs and then certain "hot spots" on my body that would itch and then break out into bumps and be very red. The cream helped me not tear my skin off and the Benadryl help eased itching so I could sleep. When I got pregnant it seemed to go away for the most part though I have had maybe one or two flare ups. :/. Weird, I know. I was trying to track food and see if that was the issue. Do you have bad reflux or any other GI symptoms? I am wondering if my itching is related to that since the itching seemed worse when I would get swollen in the stomach or/and have reflux, even though taking Pepcid. Not much help. If you have insurance ask a doctor for some tests. Then let me know. :). I was going to get some testing done then got pregnant. All this is on hold. I am actually hoping it doesn't return because it is jut awful! :grouphug:
  2. I just finally received my Fall issue of TOS magazine and in the pack had two coupons for free shipping and 10% off order. I misplaced those. :/. Anyone have those?
  3. :iagree: I generally do more cleaning on Saturdays regardless of whether or not we have people over. But we do not put on any kind of front or show. There are real Martha Stuart like pastor's wives out there but not me!! Everyone knows I'm tired and that it is the fellowship we find important. My kids get naughty. Holding your pastor's family to higher biblical standards than your own is unkind. There are special requirements for a pastor in scripture but not perfection.
  4. I am a pastor's wife. I think that hospitality is very important, though harder for some of us than others (it is not a gift of mine!!). I am so exhausted on Sundays, primarily because of handling all 4 of my kids alone, and the way our services are set up we have service, fellowship lunch at the church, service and then many run home to get some rest! But, we try to open our home. I haven't been very good at it. I think hospitality is not ONLY for the pastor's family, but elders and every single member. Scriptures command pastors and elders to be given to hospitality (1Timothy) and Paul tells us all to seek to show hospitality in Romans 12. It had a huge impact on my becoming a believer (my previous pastor having opened his home numerous times along with others in the congregation) and now here at the church my husband pastors to feel connected and as a family. We are smaller so much easier than mega churches. :001_smile: I say, invite the pastor and his family over. That will show that it is important to you and maybe they will return the favor.
  5. The second I feel itching/tingling on my lip and a small bump I put Anbesol (comes in little tube) on it. I think it is cheaper than Abreva so probably why I picked it but it works very well. Two to three times a day and I have managed to avoid huge gross cold sores.
  6. Thank you! I am surprised there hasn't been others with more resources? There isn't a popular book on this? I think Cathy Duffy talks about different styles in her 100 top picks book?
  7. What resources (books, websites, etc.) are there for information regarding different learning styles and how to teach. My dd8 and dd6 are very different learners and I already find that something I used for dd (curriculum) will not work for ds. Ds is not good at sitting still, more hands on, etc. He is that learner where random advice I have read says to have him bounce on an exercise ball during school, give him thinking putty, etc. I want to know how far to take that. I want him to just learn to sit still (like he'd have to do in school) and not be so active! :tongue_smilie: But, I more importantly want him to learn! There has to be a healthy balance, right? My f-i-l, a grown man, cannot sit still. It drives me nuts. My ds is similar to my f-i-l in many ways. I don't want him to be this adult that always is moving and never picks up a book! (though he is a very hard worker that accomplishes much). Anyways, what do you have for me?! :001_smile: I am so "frazzled" about ds not catching on to reading like I would like. :chillpill: I know there are late readers, etc., and I am trying to be patient but it is frustrating.
  8. :iagree: This is what I would do if you don't have one already! I know a lady that gets funding through a charter school and used some of the money towards an ipad.
  9. Which book do I buy to go along with SOTW AG? I am assuming the older one would correlate to the page numbers since the date of the AG is 2006? http://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Encyclopedia-World-History/dp/0794526888/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1327553446&sr=1-2 or http://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Internet-Linked-Encyclopedia-World-History/dp/0794503322/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1327553639&sr=8-2 Also, which Kingfishers do I need? The AG just gives titles but not dates.
  10. :bigear: Thinking about trying gf for a month (?) since I have bad upper swelling after eating and wondered if maybe it could be gluten related. I guess a list of do eat and don't eat would be helpful.
  11. Seems like there is a little less or everything I want to see ends up being a DVD (which we don't pay for). Lately we have been watching Merlin. My husband forced it upon me :D and I actually enjoy it. Not sure if that is your thing.
  12. I kind of feel sick to my stomach seeing the sizes of boys on there! My dd is 8 and her size is comparable, but I have been stressing a bit since taking my ds 6 to the doctor the other day. (not his regular doctor and for eyes so didn't discuss weight). Ready. ...... He is 6-1/2 and shoe size: 3, height: 51 inches, weight 77.2 pounds! :001_huh: All my boys were huge at birth. Height predictor says he will be 6'4 at 18. He seems short to me but I guess all my kids are actually really tall for their ages. Does obesity run in the family? Yes, indeed. We eat normal, not too strict but not like other kids (all the ones I know) eat-- juices, animal crackers, goldfish, carbs and more carbs. :glare: Had to get that off my chest. We try to teach healthy options. He looks a little chubby to me but others say no. We encourage seconds at the table be the non-carb items. Guess I should encourage more exercise.
  13. So if I added Veritas Press cards would I need the TM or is it all pretty self explanatory? Do you recommend the CDs? I haven't been able to see a good example of the cards (just the front of one) and can't find an audio sample fir the CDs.
  14. I don't plan on avoiding mythology, studying pagan relgions, etc. I want my children to have a balanced view and ability to discern biblically according to the Scriptures. I have much ignorance when it comes to knowing what is taught in history in general and want to make sure I am presenting things properly. :tongue_smilie:
  15. Can I ask why you decided to not continue with MFW using CTG? I see you are using ECC right now.
  16. I am hoping to use TOG when my kids are older. Seems like many use SOTW for younger years. Is there something that people use along with it to aid in a Christian perspective of history? Veritas? A certain book (besides the bible:)), etc. I will have a 4th grader and a 2nd grader. Or if you are a Christian, do you find that it is even necessary to add to SOTW? Thanks.
  17. I am attracted to both TOG and Veritas. I also like the lessons planned out in MFW but not sure it is working for us. I start looking into Veritas, think it looks great and not as overwhelming as TOG and then read someone saying that it is Western focused and not focused on other parts of the world. We want to raise our kids with a strong missions focus, knowing about all peoples of the world and the history there. Can anyone speak on this? I am not very educated when it comes to history so what is exactly lacking in VP? How would I add to it to make it more complete and what I am looking for? Is this not a problem with TOG? Can you give me an example? I know it isn't a problem for MFW. Thanks for input. Trying to grasp what others are saying about it.
  18. Wondering if anyone "for fun" tests their children using state tests or something else? I may join a charter school here in CA next year and I heard they do require testing according to the state. I don't even know what those tests are and would kind of be a little curious as to how well my kids would do. Is there anything out there, free, that people use? Thanks!
  19. Dd1- stopped at 3 years Ds1- stopped at 22 months Ds2- stopped at 16 months Ds3- stopped at 18 months Plan on nursing dd2 when born Never needed solids before 8 months and I have large 10 pounder newborns. My kids start solids when sitting up and have a few teeth and can put the food in their mouth by their self. :001_smile: Editing to add in response to OP question if anyone I know finds it abhorrent: yes, my entire family and my husband's entire family. Why? I don't know...they just think it is gross. But, I must say my kids have all been healthier than me, my husband, any of our siblings, cousins, etc., that have had tons of ear infections, etc. I think breastfeeding is God's natural design and not gross. I don't cast judgment on those who don't do it, but it was definitely what was best for my family. After kid 2 I really stopped caring what people thought. I had healthy and very happy babies and am thankful for that.
  20. I've been too large (uh, obese) for all of mine. Currently pregnant with my 5th. I haven't had extra problems at all. Watch your salt intake. I am glad to not gain. I normally lose at first due to bad sickness the first-second trimesters. I have to be careful in the third because my appetite is back full force. :glare: I have had large (10 pounders) babies but have only gained totals of 10 pounds. The thing that stinks for me is listening to moms say how great breast feeding is and how they lose baby weight doing that. I seem to gain weight during that postpartum time (nursing and all). :001_huh: So that is when I need to watch myself better. Never had gestational diabetes. Know a few thinner women who have had it. Exercise may help if blood pressure issues arise. I have had normal bp for all mine except the first was a little higher than normal. Definitely read over that plus size pregnancy website. It is helpful.
  21. The parents and child. Not ready is high school when the guy can't even provide for a family. Ideally (I use that word a lot, huh) college would be finished, but if one of our children find the one they think they should marry, then I would have a hard time making them wait. I didn't wait and things worked out fine. Ultimately, the kids get the final say if they are ready or not, we can only advise, not control.
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