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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. :bigear: I'm debating, too. Trying to figure the differences btw WS, WWE, and IEW. IEW is too expensive so I'm looking at the other two more right now.
  2. We love Jamie Soles' version. It is on his Good Advice CD (we like all the songs). There is a sample on his website. Just scroll down to the books of the bible song. Here: http://solmusic.ca/discography/good-advice.php Maybe the mp3 works: http://solmusic.ca/samples/ga-books-of-the-bible-sample.mp3 It is also on iTunes. We've memorized lots from his CDs.
  3. :bigear: My son wakes up frequently with huge bug bites. I've always suspected a spider ... Or bed bugs. :glare: I haven't been able to find evidence of bed bugs though.
  4. Well, I don't want that box curriculum. I'm just wondering how to put it all together and remember those common sense (of course they need to learn the days of the week) little things. How does everyone else put it all together and have a nice flow? Yes, I've read and reread WTM. I still can't put it all together especially adding in other kids, etc. I hope I'm making sense. :tongue_smilie: I don't think I'm explaining myself well.
  5. I'm not exactly sure how to word this question right. I guess I'm looking for a neat,organized, all written out for me kind of thing. Kind of like a very detailed scope and sequence. I am thinking my Ks and younger miss out on simple things they would normally get in school. I try to do some of what I am talking about, but what else is there. For example, when do kids learn months, days of week, etc. It isn't in any curriculum I use. Or learning their address, phone. I know that is common sense but is there other things that is routine to learn? Weather, seasons, etc. :confused: I know feel like I have left out geography this year and need to squeeze in yet more stuff to the week. I hope this makes sense. It is hard to explain exactly what I'm looking for. I can't remember all the examples. It is something I feel I would get if I used a complete curriculum from day 1 until the end and had everything covered. I feel like my piecing everything together will leave gaps and things not done. This at all levels now, not just K.
  6. Do you do anything else for geography besides the map work in the AG? If so, what? If not, is this sufficient? Is there a long term plan for geography? What to cover when?
  7. How do you figure out what CLE to use with MM? We currently are in MM4a for my oldest. Do I just start CLE 4? Do you use both as complete programs? Seems like for us that would be too much. Ideally, I'd like to go with CLE and somehow supplement with MM.
  8. Wow! Thanks for all the great input. Very helpful. I never really knew the phrase mental math meant other things.
  9. This is what I mean. Except my daughter would do (for 36+18) add 2 to 18 to make 20, so 36 plus 20 is 56 and now take away 2 getting an answer of 54. Does CLE teach in that way?
  10. So, if MM and Singapore are mental math (Asian/Finland), then what are CLE and Saxon and others? How are these taught vs the mental way? Counting fingers? They still memorize facts, Of course, but just use a paper and write things out? I think I was taught that way. Can't add/subtract well in my head. You would be even more helpful to me if you have used MM and CLE and could explain what you see as the differences in the way, say, addition and multiplication are taught. I'm amazed at how MM teaches stuff. I was not taught to do some of the math mind gymnastics like my daughter does.
  11. I'm actually talking about my 7yo ds. He is "in 2nd grade" and in my opinion behind. I know people say don't worry, different levels, etc. But if he were in school he would be held back at the level he is at. I know he isn't in school so it doesn't matter as much but still! My 5yo ds is going to pass him soon.
  12. Thanks for the input. Maybe I can try to make PP more of a spelling focus when using the white board for lessons? I just feel like we hit a brick wall and am trying to convince myself it is the curriculum (along with ds's allergy to reading). He does have ants in the pants during a lesson and I let hi fiddle with something in his hand....he doesn't squirm the same during math or if he is doing snap circuits, meh is able to it and focus. Maybe I just need to go back to cvc words and build his confidence and work on sounding out more...:tongue_smilie:
  13. So, what is the difference between say programs like OPGTR/Phonics Pathways and something like Saxon Phonics, CLP Adventures in Phonics, MFW 1st, and CLE Learn to Read? I've used (successfully with first child) MFW 1st. I'm using PP now with my second (different learner than first child) and he is struggling. All of a sudden he is even struggling again with CVC words. Would the latter types of reading programs be more beneficial for him in the sense that it is more hands on, visual, exercises, etc? I try not to make him stare at PP and use a dry erase board, tiles, etc. No go. My main question is that I'm wondering if there are too many sight words and not good phonics teaching (he guesses enough as it is). I'm looking into CLE. How do children learn to read in a classroom setting?! My child gets 1:1 and struggles. :tongue_smilie: Hope the above ramble makes sense. I don't "get" the differences in ways to teach reading....:confused:
  14. What are the differences between these programs? If you have used one and switched to the other, why? Or are they just too similar for it to matter? The only thing I remember hearing as different is that OPGTR is very scripted.
  15. Do you do anything special? Do you generally start the day with a morning board/circle time? Or just simply sit down and jump right in (to math, English, etc)? My 5yo is very excited to start doing some school....and I'm thinking, yeah, not after the first few days. :tongue_smilie: Let's just say overall last year was a failure. Bare minimum was done and it was a battle (for the older two). My ds 7 is so hyper and bouncing off walls in the morning; up at 6 am and ready to go (and not to sit at table for school). The rest of us are not morning people! Anyways, I know, a lot of random thoughts but just looking for some ideas. :001_smile:
  16. We will be on the 70. Thanks for mentioning Glenwood Springs! I think we have a shorter drive that day so definitely will think about stopping!
  17. Green River, Utah is where we will stop. Wiki says 4000 for elevation. It also say 233 for LA. We couldn't sleep outside here without being cold (and I'm not easily cold! But from Chicago).
  18. Next week we head on our road trip camping adventure (yikes) and I'm wondering how to pack for nights in Utah and Colorado? Is it cold at night like in California? I am trying to pack as little as possible but will pack warm pjs, socks, etc if needed. Also looks like lots of thunderstorms around the areas we are going!! Kansas, Missouri, Indiana are some other stops.
  19. I have Clark flip flops and while they are generally comfy, I could not comfortably walk in them all day. Ouch!
  20. These are what I had for 3 years. So comfy and I did a lot of hiking in them. I felt they were a little less ______ than the normal Arizona birks. :001_smile:
  21. We watched part of Story of Us on Netflix. Where did instant Liberty's Kids on Netflix go? Boo! :glare: Oh, I also downloaded Liberty and the Littles from iTunes but haven't watched it yet. Don't know much about it.
  22. I'm a mom who lives in LA. I don't really like my avatar since it makes me look sporty/sports fan (Dodgers). I like them and all but not a sports fan in general. At least not enough to want their symbol as my avatar. :glare:
  23. Yikes, you guys are scaring me. We are road tripping from CA through Utah,,Colorado, Kansas to Pennsylvania. I'm not an outdoorsy type nor have I camped before. My family of 7 has a big tent we are using. My kids drop crumbs and food and get sticky stuff everywhere. Tell me KOAs don't have bears. :tongue_smilie: So, what do you do if you see a bear? At a conference I was at in the "woods" where we stayed in cabins, I was outside visiting with some people and slowly around a corner came a bear. What did I do? I didn't tell the 4 guys I was standing there with, I didn't scream, I froze and then turned around and RAN. Bad. I don't think the bear had any interest in us. It went on its own way. Two of the guys ran after me but the other two laughed at us. Sorry! Didn't mean to take over the post. I'm just anxious......:tongue_smilie:
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