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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. Is Dulles close enough to DC? I'm from LA so a 30 minute trip can be 1-2 hours depending on time of day. I'm assuming that would be the same for DC? A friend mentioned College Park but that seems far too. Sorry--not meaning to hijack!
  2. This is great info! Looks like we may be going in May. I am trying to find an affordable place for 7 of us though....:( Any ideas? I have heard Alexandria but I can't seem to find something that work under 150.00/night.
  3. Just thinking things through here. My first year using TOG (started January). My dd is doing UG and some dialectic and my one ds is doing LG. I am wondering if TOG will actually work out if ds age 8/almost 9 does not step it up with independent reading. I can keep him in LG for fourth grade hoping for UG readiness in 5 th. Will TOG be worth it doing the bare minimum? I don't know what he will be like in the future or my other young learners, up and coming, but I'm hesitating and foreseeing the reading as problematic. I guess eventually he will have to just step things up and read/study on his own anyways? Reading aloud does not happen frequently here ( little one is distracting). Sorry for the ramble. I hope I got my point across. I sometimes wonder if I have too heavy of a history/lit focus in our school. My ds just wants to talk about cars.... I'm sick of debating history every year. I love SOTW but wanted some Christian perspective too. I like the looks if MFW but it seems too weak in Lit for my dd who loves reading!
  4. Makes sense. Know anything about whether I should use the old MM 6 or the new one?
  5. Thanks. Glad to see they are free for kindle. I will have her read those to me.
  6. I've read a few pre-algebra posts. I've noticed that many people start their dc in 6th grade. How do you know when your child is ready? Why do pre-alegebra in 6th vs MM 6 (we use MM)? My daughter is not necessarily bad at math, she just dislikes it and works through her daily assignments slooooooowly. Maybe she is ready for a change from MM? I thought maybe getting some LOF books to change things up a little. Anyways, looks like AoPS pre-algebra may not be for my dd? She is not what I would call mathy. But, I have no idea what would work or not work. Just looking for advice on how to determine readiness, etc. I know looking at the diagnostic test for pre-alegebra AoPS she does not know negatives yet or fractions. I think fractions come later in the year for MM 5. If you do 6th grade: pre-alegebra 7th grade: alegebra I Then what? Thanks.
  7. My 5th grade dd loves to read and reads frequently to herself. I realized that when she reads aloud though she struggles with pronunciation on a lot of larger words. I gave her a quick reading test (I think ElizabethB links it) and she got 4.7 reading level missing words like molecule, symmetry, physicist, wretched, philosophical, compliance, obstinate, etc. I already knew she struggled a little with words that are harder. Any suggestions on how to help her read "larger" words better? Something to read aloud together that would challenger her reading skills or some phonics instruction? We did MFW 1st grade phonics but nothing after that. Thanks for the help!
  8. I usually stick to nonfiction and Christian topic/theological books. I am wanting to find a good book, probably fiction, to read while on vacation. Any recommendations on one that would especially be helpful for educating myself? Like one of your favorite, MUST READ classics? I did buy Unbroken (not a classic...) and was looking forward to it and then realized I do not want to read a book about a man stranded at sea (not to make light of his story). I do struggle with spending time on fiction at all, feeling like it is a waste. I read Hunger Games this past year and an Alexander McCall Smith book. I enjoyed them but would maybe do better with a fiction book that also will help educate me and prepare me for better teaching my kids! Know what I mean? So, what are your recommendations? :)
  9. I recently purchased year 2, unit 1 and they let me beta test on the ipad. I LOVE IT. As a person who prefers books, holding paper in my hand, it is not 100% ideal, yet I am finding out it is not too bad! Since I am just trying out TOG I did not want to pay for the paper and just bought the DE. By having the ability to use it on my ipad I am able to look up answers to the student pages (don't have to print), look up the answers to the maps (another thing I don't have to print), and even reading the teacher's notes are convenient on my ipad for now. When I have an R student I may want to hold the paper in my hand unless I get use to it this way. It works without the internet, saved in the LockLizard. BUT, for now, I am sooo glad to use it on my ipad. It was really easy to set up, too.
  10. This is such a hard topic. My husband was very overweight as a child and allowed to eat whatever he wanted, and mostly junk. I was normal to bigger than normal and then in college to now gained 80 pounds! Dh and I are carb addicts and we know we need to watch the sugar, junk, carbs, etc. I get frustrated, too, when people assume we eat crap. We actually have a fairly healthy, whole foods diet at home. I don't let my kids drink juice, pop, and their snacks are fruit or veggies. My kids eat way healthier than many of our friends and yet my one son is what appears to be overweight. I know a lot of it is genetics but he also needs to learn some self control. That is my problem--being able to take small portions, say no to that cookies or 5 cookies... I was into Ellyn Satter for a bit and a nutritionist (was it from Raising Healthy Eaters blog???) gave me some pointers. I am now at the point where I strongly disagree with the advice. Yes, as the parent I provide the food. But, then allowing my child to make their own decisions on how much they will eat. THAT DOES NOT WORK. My poor ds can eat more than me or my husband and would take triple his portion size if we let him. I understand the concept, I just can't figure out how it would work well. I know my son needs to learn self control and needs to learn to tell himself no. He will crave these sugar, yummy, junk carbs. He will struggle with his weight his whole life. He does need to be more active. We do at times comment too much about his eating. My daughter is much pickier than him and craves carbs, too, but is stick thin. We tell her it may catch up to her one day. :/ We try to teach our kids to eat healthy. But, I have not figured out how to best guide them so as they grow older they can make good decisions for themselves. When I watch my kids at parties or at church dinners on Sundays, they grab the pop, the cookies, etc. They do eat salads and good foods but they also love the junk. I know moderation is key and I have not deprived them from treats of ice cream or chocolate, etc. I have enjoyed some of the tips here. I have yet to find someone to help with how to best deal with my son. I am worried about his bodyweight. I know he is designed bigger but he also is 8 years old and wears a size 16 pants, if lucky. We just realized he no longer fits in boys xl underwear but had to buy him mens small. He was sad about that. He is chubby but not obese. He looks like he sits around playing video games all day and eats doritos and drinks pop. Not the case. I am going to save this thread and read the comments again. I still feel at a lose of how we are to help kids that struggle. Maybe I should try some of the advice of Ellyn Satter and let him just eat as much as he wants for 2 weeks. I bet he gains lots of weight... will the cravings and food obsession go away then? That is her claim. I don't buy it. What do you think? My son definitely knows a lot about carbs, good and bad, and fats/sugars, etc. I make all my kids eat healthy and choose wisely so I don't single him out. He is the one that constantly wants seconds and thirds and gobbles the food down before anyone has eaten their first portion. Sorry for the ramble. This is hard for me.
  11. Thank you everyone for your helpful responses. I definitely plan to keep to it for units 1 and 2. I bought unit 1 and have unit 2 as a free trial. So I want to figure out how to best use TOG and see if it is something I will like as my oldest moves up to D and R. She would be my primary focus. I will work on establishing a better schedule for the week and I like the advice about reading the teacher's notes to help get the whole picture of what they are to be learning for the week. I will keep using SOTW as it lines up for my younger kids. Then love listening to Jim Weiss and then at least things will seem less disjointed for now. I appreciate the details given how you all use it! I'm sure I will have more questions as I tweak throughout the next few weeks.
  12. I am starting TOG Year 2, Unit 1. I did not feel like I had much of a fog as I was going through things and getting it ready to use. Since it is the middle of the year I just jumped in and did not worry too much about student notebooks, etc. Now that I am on week 2 I am feeling a little bit of the fog. I have been use to a spine for history, having used SOTW and MOH. I enjoyed sitting down with all my kids (that are students) and reading with them and then doing coordinating activity. Now using TOG I feel a little scattered. With the younger 2 LG boys, we just read a little out of Usborne Medieval Book and for my UG dd I give her the assigned reading for history and she goes off on her own and reads it. It all seems very disjointed to me. I switched to TOG in hopes of getting used to it by the time my dd is dialectic (next year?) and so I could implement the discussion questions, etc. I feel like I need the hand holding for high school years. So, any tips on how to make my weeks flow better. I don't have a good routine yet and can't really figure one out. I do have my kids listen to the corresponding SOTW but don't want to only use that--what would the point be of TOG then....I could just buy SOTW. I also have not liked the first 2 weeks of literature for the LG. I want TOG to work. Maybe if you can let me know how your week looks with various ages. Maybe I should just stick to a spine? Maybe I will understand full benefits once I have D and R stages?
  13. If any of you use only DE, how do you organize what you print for yourself? I don't think I will want to read Teacher's notes online so I will probably print those. BUT, I will only print history background and not all of it yet. I quickly printed all of YR2 U1 today that I thought I would want in my hand-- reading assignments, threads, etc. I'm still confused on what is being put in workbooks for the kids? The literature page and ?? Thanks so much for the help you have given me so far! Can you believe I just jumped in and in the middle of our school year am starting TOG? Hope it goes well! :)
  14. So the workbooks you make for your kids include the literature sheet (for appropriate LG, UG, etc) and the maps? Anything else? I see the loom has workbook content where by unit you can pick LG or UG, etc., and then print the whole set for the unit. Is all of that in your workbooks?
  15. I should add that a hesitation is assuming I will use it through high school and investing a large sum into it then have it not work out for then!
  16. I feel pretty comfortable with the DE free unit I have. YR1, U2. I am actually considering getting U1 to start....now....since we are approaching that age period. I could slowly ease into it with focus on the history core reading and some literature, using SOTW audio and see how it goes? Then next year add more in. I am struggling to see where the difficulties with the "fog" come in--but maybe that will come for me when I try to actually implement TOG!! The younger kids really are still focusing on basics, though do enjoy history lessons. My older daughter needs more and I was thinking the literature in TOG and extra read alouds would be just the right fix. I am not sure if she is UG or D so maybe I will try out UG for her. I'm not so sure my 3rd grade ds is ready for LG!! The literature part independently at least... SO, should I buy unit 1? I do love having things in my hands but it seems like a lot to have with a binder per unit. It seems easy from the loom to print the pages the kids would need and I would read online or print things I want to write on (the reading schedule). They are doing CC right now so I am not sure if I would use the geography or not. Maybe just have them look things up on a map. Or should I dive in and get MapAids? What does a typical week look like for UG? Thanks.
  17. That was very helpful! Where is the read aloud book listed?
  18. I've been looking at TOG...well, drooling over it, for years. I, in the past, decided my kids were too young. Now I have a child that will be 6th grade next year and ready to step things up a notch. I have Yr 2, Unit 2 free from the offer they were having. Yes!! Anyways, after we finish MOH2 I will be able to start the free unit and see if I like it. Part of me wants to just start it now, since we will soon be doing Fall of Rome, so I could start Yr 2, Unit 1. Do you think it is worth it? It seems like I may get overwhelmed and then just end up using SOTW audio on hectic weeks. Then what is the point? The Literature part is really tempting but why not just use some lit guides (like Memoria Press)? I do like the information provided for dialectic and rhetoric. I am not sure that I would actually have time for the discussions like they suggest. Are they time consuming? I think that I could probably plan, though having to get to the library every week or every other is one reason I wasn't that crazy about MFW. I am tempted to just go back to MFW but the years overlap of MOH and MFW don't match up well. So, anything about your experience would be helpful. I have 5 kids, one being a very busy and loud toddler. I guess I'm not sure if I'd use enough of TOG to make it worth it. Not planning on Writing Aids, but would use the Lit., History core and SOTW, geography, though my husband wants the kids to stay in CC so that would be a lot of geography... FWIW, I'm already struggling to get the basics all done before lunch. I have an hour or 2 after lunch for history and OTHER. That would be enough for TOG? THANKS!
  19. Well, thanks so much everyone. I know math shouldn't be completely independent...but it is easy to just make MM that way! I will try to do more 1:1 with the older 2. I keep wanting to switch curriculum but I know that probably isn't the main problem! OH, so frustrating. I emailed Maria about how long expected for a test, too, and she says she doesn't time. But, I know that it probably shouldn't take my dd 3 hours!
  20. How do you use MM if it is your math curriculum? With my 5th and 3rd graders I have them take out 2 pages, read the instructions and let me know if they understand or don't understand. Then they work independently.....very slowly.... Today it took my 5th grader almost 3 hours to do a review section! ACK. I asked her if it is because she doesn't understand or what is going on. She says she just doesn't like math. Anyways, do you sit with each child and go through the work together? Do you spend longer than 1 minute teaching how to do the section of math? There have been a few cases of me not understanding how to explain a problem. I can sometimes look at the answer and figure out how that way. But not always! And my poor 3rd grader loved math up until he started learning 5 methods on how to subtract. It has really confused him. It is actually book 2B. :( Two kids that don't like math. BOO. Anyways, I don't just want to jump ship. Maybe change how I do some things. I don't really want time-consuming math for the teacher (me), since I am working 1:1 with my first grader while juggling other little ones. Does Singapore or Saxon have better helps with instruction? I may switch to Singapore because of the HIG but things I've read here makes it seem quite frustrating to juggle the textbook, workbook and HIG compared to just handing a sheet of MM to your child. Make sense? And who knows if Saxon is what would be best for my kids?! It works for many of my friends.... Maybe it is just the right style for them. I really can't tell if they are mastery or spiral kids or what the deal is but we fight about productivity and math daily. :/ Thanks for listening to my long, loaded ramble. I just need something to change. I can't stand watching my dd10 just space out when math is put in front of her. She loves learning....just not math. :( I want her to at least be able to sort of enjoy it. DD10 has a test tomorrow. Do I time her? I don't know what a normal time frame would be for a test. I know that I want her to work quickly and be prepared for test taking in high school/college! Any suggestions?
  21. Pioneer Woman has a yummy mashed potato recipe that I just recently made and plan on making for Thanksgiving. She says you can make them the day before and then reheat when you need them. Here is the recipe. It looks similar to the above posted recipe with cream cheese but no sour cream.
  22. I've really been struggling with my dd10 and ds8. They work independently doing math while I work with ds6. All while dd1 and ds4 play and distract in other room. DD1 likes to be by us, too. My point is lots of kid juggling for me and I am not able to give each kid the needed time. Poor dd4 gets about zero attention....I'm trying! Anyways, I am looking for tips/advice in regards to keeping things moving. I feel so pressured trying to get in math, spelling, english before lunch. This then gives us time to get in (barely) history after lunch. I've been slacking on dd's IEW and we slack at getting science done. DD is 5th grade and though i'd like to, I haven't been able to do Latin with her (anything extremely independent she could use??) or logic, etc. My 3rd grader can barely write a decent sentence (spelling, handwriting, etc.) so he needs a lot more help with his work. Math needs to be done in 1 hour or less. SOmetimes they work quickly but generally they work slowly, barely having time for the other things we need to do. I will move to the next subject but then we get behind. I threaten it to be work they have to do later instead of free time but they struggle with having to sit and do school for such a "long" time. Ideas? Is it a discipline issue? How do you teach your child to focus and work diligently? I allow for stretching, snack time, etc. Maybe we need to start earlier? We usually start around 9:30-10. This is mainly because my husband is home until that time and we slooooowly get breakfast and dressed for the day (well, it is them that are too slow not us), and then do family devotions (which is important and gets done consistently if done in A.M.). It also doesn't help that I am a little stressed about how dd8 seems to be "behind" where I'd like him to be. He is suppose to be 3rd grade, doing 2nd grade math, barely can spell or write. Grammar is like pulling teeth. Thanks for listening to me vent. I know something needs to change since every day I am frustrated and wanting to send them to school (which is not an option due to cost--no public for us).
  23. Well, I thought I would chime in on my experience so far. This is my first year after having debated joining a community for the past 3 years. I finally did it! LOL. I have friends in different places that LOVE CC and can't imagine schooling without it. They all have young kids ages 5 and under. I am fairly indifferent. Glad I finally tried it. To me CC has been a fun enrichment/supplement. My kids LOVE the history timeline and history sentences. I try to keep up with that part of the memory work. The rest of it.....meh. We don't get to Latin or math skip counting or even do the grammar part. They learn what they can in class. My older 2 (8yo and 10yo) have a different experience based on tutor than my younger 6 yo. I am glad my 4yo is not in it, though he like singing the timeline song with us at home. I hate the science experiments and art was boring and disappointing. The tin whistle---not sure what they are learning there. Nothing you can't teach in 1-2 piano lessons. The geography I like because we don't get that done at home otherwise! I have enjoyed getting to know other moms which has been hard to do being relatively new to the area. I like the presentations the kids do in class. I don't like how rushed class is moving so fast from topic to topic that you don't even have time to take it in. Things in science and history have at times come up in what we are studying at home and the kids get excited at the connection. Overall, I am not sure if we will do it again next year. Mainly based on price. The kids enjoy it enough where I may want them to experience it again, but it really depends on if we have the money or not (for 4 kids then!). It really doesn't seem like something to be overly debated. Just like Saxon vs Singapore, some parents love one and it works for them and the other is of no interest. CC is for some but not for others. Those that swear by CC--well, some how they have made it work for them. I don't see how you can fully study history without rushing through it from week to week. I definitely see how the tutor can make the class experience a good one or not so good. Memory work-wise, I can see buying the CDs and then being able to just do it at home. It is expensive for just getting to know people; I realize that....but we like that aspect with the bonus of some school work getting done. Anyways, I think it definitely has a classical flare. The conversation part--I understand what you mean! The tutor really has to stay on task and it feels so rushed. I can see it being used well for younger years 6 and under (?) where you can just review and focus on memory work during the week, adding in things here and there. Fun memory songs (except for the grammar which the tunes drive the whole family crazy!!) But with older kids (still in Foundations) we have to use another history and science curriculum during the week. I would go crazy trying to stick with CC's schedule. I wish I could use their Latin more... That has been a waste. Just a long ramble. I am allowing myself to not be disappointed because there are enough positives--but overall, I'd like to see the program do a huge revamp taking in parents' criticisms and working with that. It has great potential to be an excellent program. What I see it as now is a great enrichment to the normal education I am providing. That may be an overstatement. I think for all my friends with younger ones doing it--I think they love it because it gives them confidence and hand holding.
  24. I finally was able to download YR2 Unit 2 (it took a LONG time....my internet?). Something I've wondered for awhile and now that I have a real unit to look at I can't find the answer-- Is there a list of all of the readings/books done for the unit? I know each individual unit has reading assignments but I am looking for an overview of the books used. I couldn't find anything on the LOOM or introduction. It is A LOT to go through so maybe I am just missing it. I'd like to know ALL books used and see it on one page. I don't have to figure that all out myself do I? I know Bookshelf Central has books listed for each year and how long each will be used, but not lined up in an easy way. Anyone know?
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