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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. Here is a list of subjects I'd like to do: Math Grammar Writing Spelling Handwriting Phonics/ETC (for youngers) History Science Literature Bible Health (required in CA) PE Art Music Logic Latin And someday... Spanish Now how do you all schedule these?! I know WTM has a section. I have the old version. But it just seems like so much! I am just looking for a way to schedule. History 3x, grammar daily, etc. Maybe a blog that has a nice schedule already?
  2. I use Rod and Staff English and Math Mammoth. I also spend a lot of time with my current 3rd grader helping with math, helping with spelling (not a natural speller like older daughter), helping with reading because he still is not very good at it, etc. Then I do some work with my K student (only about 10 min!). My older dd takes a long time to do math...so sloooowww. It bores her, she hates it but gets it done...eventually. Mornings are about 10 until 12. We get the basics done in that time. Everything with MFW would have to be after lunch. We could do another 2 hours but that's about it. I am working to adjust morning start time to earlier but this is what works right now... Thanks Crystal for you insights.
  3. So I'm still confused as to why one would use Biblioplan if they were not using the Companion? Why not just use SOTW and use the AG which gives suggestions for extra books, has maps, coloring pages, etc.? This is what I am trying to figure out. If I want to use Biblioplan, should it be because I want to use the Companion and the Cool Histories? Don't bother with the Cool History worksheets unless you are using the Companion? I guess I could email the company, too!! Just wondering what people here use and why. I have a hard time thinking my spine will be on my ipad (I'm not huge into kindle or reading on my ipad...). But, the hardcopy is way too much. :/ I like that it lines up things like MOH, SOTW, etc...but not sure it is worth the 35.00.
  4. Any other MFW users? How much time do you spend on the lessons not including the basics (math, phonics, etc)?
  5. So if I don't use the Companion can I still use Cool History worksheets? What are the questions based on? SOTW/MOH and Companion or just Companion?
  6. So what do you buy from Biblioplan? If you use SOTW or MOH for the spine do you also buy the Companion? Do I need SOTW AG or just use Biblioplans questions (is it Cool History?) and their maps?
  7. It's that time of year again where I have the great debate about what to use for history! TOG, MFW, Bilbioplan, just MOH, just SOTW, etc... So, regarding MFW, I am always so attracted to it (have used ECC, Adv, and 1st in past) but never really loved it--don't know if it was me or why exactly. My question is how much time do you spend using it? I take my mornings to just get English, Math, Phonics, Spelling done. Then after lunch we quickly do some history, etc. It seems like MFW has a lot more involved--using English from Roots Up, adding in Bible, Art, Music, Science (more than once a month, lol). I am looking to use RTR. I want it to work but am worried that I won't have time to utilize the best I can since I spend most of my time with the basics. Do I have to do a lot of reading aloud? Any input on time, scheduling would be great!
  8. I was looking into MOH and see that in the book included is tests, questions, maps, activities, etc. If you use Biblioplan what do you buy and why exactly to you need it vs just using MOH or SOTW/AG? What does it add?
  9. Thank you all so much for the encouragement and help. Yes, he can read at a certain level. I get frustrated that he seems to forget the rules and messes up words like what with that and reads "for" instead of from or of. He tries to rush so I think it is a lot if guesses. I'll keep patiently trying and reviewing!!
  10. What next? My 7yo (almost 7) is at the end of PP. We are still reviewing. He can read Frog and Toad, Little Bear, etc., slowly but struggles in general with most reading. Every morning he reads from the Bible and does not do well. Guesses a lot, etc. So what now? Go back through the book until he gets it?
  11. I have been using the new as they come in. I used the older versions for 1, 2, and 3 grades. I like the newer ones. Seems like there is more review. Can someone explain to me why common core is so disliked? It is behind? How do you know? How could I look at MM newer version and know what is missing or where it is not accelerated? Do my questions make sense? I'm sure there is a post on the boards somewhere about common core and why it is disliked.
  12. I want to start some Latin with dd age 9. Should I start with Prima Latina or skip to Latina Christiana?
  13. So I've never done a lapbook....I thought I'd try one for Presidents' Day. I found a free template on homeschool share here http://www.homeschoolshare.com/president.php. Anyone ever make this? Do you have pictures? I don't know how to put this together. :).
  14. Has anyone here used Visual Latin? What are/were your likes or dislikes? It seems like a good way to "get it done" since I can have my dd sit and watch a lesson. I haven't fully checked it out yet. Are there worksheets to do, etc? Any input you have on VL would be helpful. I did a search and found a couple mentions but not much. Thanks!
  15. I guess I should say hi since I have been following this thread! I don't think I was a part of the "old group", at least not where I participated in conversations. :) Soooo, shall I introduce myself? I live in Los Angeles, my husband is the pastor of a church here, and I have 5 kids! I think you all are reading some great stuff!! Anything else? I don't think I saw other intros, so sorry if this is the wrong place! LOL. Anyways, thought I should let you all know I am lurking. :) Oh, and to answer the original question, yes, I love the church I go to! And I think the pastor is pretty cute. We are an RPCNA (reformed presbyterian church of north america). Conservative, biblical worship.
  16. I was reading online that nausea may mean liver dysfunction. I have in the past AND today had pain on my right side under ribcage. Wonder if it is all connected. I may schedule an appointment with my doctor and get some blood work. I will mention the progesterone...though not sure if he'd be for or against it. I will take some tonight instead of in am. I did reduce dose this morning and haven't felt as nauseous. I took 1/8 tsp. How do I know if I don't actually NEED progesterone cream? Maybe I just need to change my diet, habits and PMS will be better??
  17. Thanks. I will look into that site. I will lower the dose tomorrow and continue on.
  18. Is Emerita not safe for breastfeeding? I thought it was.... I have the tube form so I have been measuring out 1/4 tsp. I was going to move up next week (PMS) to 1/4 in am and 1/4 at night.
  19. After being a bit more patient and looking through the website more, I have decided my MAIN question is can I skip the 10-DVD course and just start with the Student Writing Intensive A? Or is the Structure/Style DVD a necessity?
  20. I started Pro-Gest Emerita on Thursday (today being Saturday). Haven't noticed any side effects except today I felt extremely nauseous, the thought of chocolate made me sick (not NORMAL!!!), and I was very sleepy. Yes, just like I have felt in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. I am not pregnant. Maybe I don't need this progesterone cream? Or am using too much? Any advice? I use 1/4 tsp in a.m. I am planning to take it 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off for PMS (severe) symptoms. I have been reading online trying to understand what causes nausea during pregnancy....increased hormones. Should I stick with it for a bit longer? Maybe reduce dose to 1/8. Next week starting around Thursday begins my normal PMS. I want to see if it helps. Though the past year or two I have been having symptoms as early as 2 weeks before my period starts. Blak, I knew it may be too good to be true. I can't handle nausea...especially when I don't get a baby as a reward in the end! lol
  21. I have looked a IEW several times and even have a catalog in front of me but still can't figure out where to start and what to get. I buy the Teaching Writing/Student Writing Package? I would use it for my 4th grader (next year 5th) and possibly my 2nd grader (next year 3rd) or when he is ready, probably more 4th grade. So I just need Level A? Or is there a cheaper route? Is it videos explaining how to write? I watch some (10!) and my kids watch some? There seems to be a lot of add-on choices. Do you add on? What would you recommend? Also, how time consuming? Should I do it 3x a week or 2x week, etc? Where does the theme-based lessons come in? Do I have to buy that in addition to the TWSID? If you really want to answer more questions, can you compare to WWE/WWS? What is the big difference? Lots of questions! Thanks for helping. :)
  22. Thank you, Merry! That was very helpful.
  23. If you use or have used Sonlight, can you tell me how it works? 1. History is not the 4-year cycle like SOTW, MFW, TOG, etc., right? So, it is a year of world history, american history, etc? I couldn't find a timeline of what is studied on their website. 2. How does it work for multiple children? I see many people with a bunch of kids use it but it seems like I would need several CORES to make it work. So, I would be juggling more than one instructors guide? And buying more than one core? Yikes. Does it work for you? 3. I am studying SOTW 1 this year. So where would I start next year with my 5th grader and 3rd grader. I would have a 1st grader, too (and 2 youngers), but he could just listen to the stories? 4. How does it compare to SOTW, MOH, MFW, TOG, etc? 5. The price is outrageous to me. Is it as bad as it looks?! :) Thanks for any input you have. I see it recommended often but don't see how it would work well for a wide age range.
  24. Thanks for all the responses. Anyone know why I don't get notified via email when someone responds?
  25. We have only used MM. Well, actually, I tried Singapore 1a and didn't like all the books. Lol. I like that I hand her a sheet and I can teach my others while she does math. Maybe I should give her more time. She does understand concepts. It seems to be boredom. Is SM really teacher intensive? I understand the importance of teaching math at times. I sit with my 2nd grader while he does math (mostly to help him read directions). Is it the mastery that might be boring? Maybe she needs spiral?
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