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Everything posted by LAmom

  1. I think the not being alone together makes sense...at least at first. Then eventually have dates in public settings. You have to get to know each other a little more intimately. I don't agree with the propose or breakup forever. Ideally, friendship for awhile, in group settings, etc., and then love interest developing later would be best. I was good friends with my husband for over 2 years before we dated another 2 years before getting married. I knew him well and there really were no surprises. We desire this for our kids.
  2. There are definitely different levels of it out there. It can be too much, especially if the girl is much older and much more independent that they were "back in the day."
  3. My husband and I desire courtship for our children. This is in a Christian context and I don't know how it would work out for non-Christians. (Also, not saying ALL Christians practice this) For us, we would want to encourage no dating until they are actually ready for marriage. Meaning, none of this nonsense high school dating. It is unproductive, unhelpful and at more risk for sexual sin. Like one person that promotes courtship says, it is like giving a little piece of your heart away to each guy (girl) and having a tiny piece left for your spouse. As Christians, we believe that sex before marriage is wrong and, therefore, would want to aid in keeping our children "pure" in the best way we can. We are not crazy fundamentalists or overly strict, etc. I just see it as a beautiful model and a way to protect your children, especially daughters. I have seen it work out in families that practice it. Many of the highschoolers in our church don't date, though not necessarily all the parents would say they hold to "courtship." The one girl that is dating has been in numerous bad situations, caught with her boyfriend and no parental insight. When I talked to her, she basically told me it is a meaningless relationship she just likes the attention (that she is not getting from her parents). UGH. There is no contract involved. In the case of a daughter, the parents are the ones the boy would go to asking permission to date, etc. We would encourage group settings, social settings, etc. It really does depend on age. I just don't know how it works out for girls nowadays that are so independent and off to college. WE WILL ENCOURAGE our daughters to go to college. We would still desire to be a part of their "love life." It is not about keeping them in our home, though that is fine, too, if they attend a college nearby. We would encourage our boys to work with the father of the girl he was interested in. If any of our children are not Christians when they are older, then I don't think this model would play out as well. We would hope they still have respect for us. :glare: My husband asked my dad if he could marry me. My dad kind of laughed. It doesn't work when parents aren't Christians. I don't even understand how it would work for non-Christians. Definitely NOT arranged marriage. Not for that at all. We hope to raise our kids to care about our input and approval. It will work out differently for each child and for each family. I Kissed Dating Goodbye is a book I like on the topic. Meaningless dating...ugh. Doug and Nancy Wilson also have good stuff on the topic. Yes, Duggars practice it. I am not a Duggar fan but agree with their model of dating. Call it what you want. It has different meanings for different people. I am so surprised at the lack of understanding of it on the boards. Guess we are the oddballs here. :tongue_smilie: I do not know what to expect or how it will work out for us. We know our desires and standards according to Scripture but how it will all play out, we will see. We want what is best for our children--not us. They will not be little puppets controlled by their masters.
  4. Thanks for all the replies. I know I just need to be patient and wait and see what the peri says next week. I used to tell people to not to worry that the doctor was saying the baby measured BIG...seems they always ended up coming out OK and sometimes smaller than measured! I know it is not super accurate. I guess if they were telling me she seems short, I wouldn't care as much. Since the stomach was possibly measuring small amongst other things (they didn't tell me much), I am a little nervous about blood supply, etc. I have a fibroid in the way and that may be causing the problem. It is so hard to know how much to rely on the medical world vs just trusting that God is in control (he always is, even when relying on medical...). I have a lot of friends that don't even get ultrasounds and all this detail to size would not even be noticed. We have large people in this family. My 2 yo is often mistaken for much older. He is huge! Like I said, I have 10 pound babies. I don't remember the size of my first, my dd--she was smaller, but always measured OK. We will see!!
  5. Well, it never was an issue with the other 4. Especially if my babies normally run large then it seems weird to have one that is on the way, way smaller size. Though it is not just the size, it is the growth of the stomach, etc.
  6. Yes, I can relate! It is hard to give it all over to God. Things are going well and I am anxiously awaiting that huge trial. :glare: The verse I think of often is: The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:5-7 ESV) Two books I recommend (I only have briefly skimmed them but they are on my reading list!) and just stink at using the hyperlink thing: http://www.amazon.com/Calm-My-Anxious-Heart-Contentment/dp/1576830470 and http://www.amazon.com/Overcoming-Fear-Worry-Anxiety-Confidence/dp/0736905898/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1323839852&sr=1-1
  7. I am pretty positive. I keep good track and follow the calendar closely. I questioned myself today because of this, but really don't doubt the dates.
  8. Just curious. I am 25 weeks along with my 5th. ALL of my 4 babies have measured fairly large and then born from 9 pounds up to 10.5. This baby is measuring small for age. All I was told today is that she is in the 8% for size. I think they were looking at stomach, legs, overall and not just fundus measurement. Anyone have any issues with regard to this? I see a perinatologist next week and hope to then find out more. The doctor said to not worry right now. It could be various factors and possibly not a big deal....though I don't have small babies. The obvious worry is not growing well because of not getting enough blood/food supply.
  9. A 3-bedroom house for $1500? Today? I don't know. We had to rent a small 2-bedroom apartment temporarily in a not so great part of LA and it was $1200 a month. Orange County is more expensive isn't it? The parts I know, Orange and Irvine and great! I don't know about Anaheim. Looks nice from the highway. :D Let's just say I live in a half a million dollar home and in Grand Rapids, MI where I moved from it would be worth about $130,000!! :glare: Prices are much higher here as is tax. I am in LA county, not Orange, but have heard Orange is higher. Much nicer overall but I am sure it varies area to area. Live as close as possible to your husband's work so commuting is not as bad. The roads are all busy during rush hour. I can avoid them thankfully! I definitely can be mistaken, but I believe prices to be much higher than Seattle. Maybe I am wrong...it is possible. :001_smile:
  10. I have been using Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways for fun, and ETC for teaching reading to my ds6, who is considered a 1st grader. He is definitely a different learning than my dd8 (who picked up how to read very quickly in 1st grade using MFW 1st). A little more easily distracted, rather go play, seems rather bored and uninterested, etc. He still has to sound out every letter for cvc words. He right now is stuck on long vowel sounds with the silent e. He is just not getting it. Do I just keep reviewing everyday and eventually it will click? I feel like we are at a standstill and am worried that he will have to stay in "1st grade" instead of move on to 2nd next year. I will not move him ahead, so to speak, if he can't read. We get so frustrated that we don't have much time to work on any math or develop more of his handwriting skills. I am not stuck on grade levels...that isn't the issue here. I just want him to be able to read!! How do I know it is him and not that I need to change the curriculum? I use a dry erase board for the words in PP because he can't stand looking at the book. I try using letter tiles, flashcards, etc. I am struggling to be patient. I don't get why it isn't clicking. I find myself every week wishing I could send him to school so he could get a better education or at least something! We cannot afford private schools....:glare: Any tips? Persevere? Keep going? Stay patient? Ugh, but it is not going well!!!! Thanks for listening.
  11. Yikes! That is a lot. Especially considering if we spend money on a date, etc. Wonder if it matters that we are in Los Angeles where everything seems to cost more! I bet where my husband is from we could pay $5/hour still! LOL.
  12. What would you pay a teen girl for watching 4 kids? I have no idea what babysitters (or as my kids prefer, kidsitters) are getting paid nowadays.
  13. I thought we were the only ones. :tongue_smilie: I haven't read the whole post yet, but I will later. It is rather confusing to our unbelieving family members on why we, Christians, do not celebrate it. It confuses me why they do! I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas. I want the nostalgia and warm fuzzies, etc. But, my husband is absolutely opposed and I understand his reasoning. We do something special as a family on New Year's Day with gifts, etc. Our church has many that celebrate and many that do not. My husband, being the pastor, goes on preaching as normal and does not do any type of Christmas sermon. Looking forward to see what everyone else is saying on here. :001_smile: Adding in that we also do not celebrate Easter on the day called Easter.
  14. We love 1-2-3. I think it is worth it and we will keep them for when younger kids are ever at our house/grand kids,etc. They are great quality and have lasted better the Little People (Fisher Price). My 2 yo and 4 yo still play with it. My 4 yo likes the regular Playmobil but all the tiny parts are very overwhelming! Definitely not for you yet if you have one that puts things in their mouth.
  15. Thank you so much everyone for all the helpful advice! It is pretty scary right now, my husband is only 34 and consistently getting readings at 160 to 170s. The lower number has been high, too, above 90 each time!! He is getting more testing and the doctor will offer advice on exercise, eating but we need to change something. I will let my dh know about caffeine. I hear mixed things about it, that it can be good for BP. But, maybe we can limit it to the am, 2 cups, and not have it the rest of the day. Maybe that would help. He likes his diet soda. :glare: We will probably try lower carb and exercise. I have good BP but a consistently HIGH pulse rate. Don't know what that means.... I will look into the DASH diet some more and see what other books I can find at the library.
  16. My 34yo husband is overweight (as am I) and he has been having chest pains so went to the doctor to get the ball rolling with nuclear stress test (at later date), blood work, etc. Today when he went in it was extremely high (maybe nerves?!). The doctor wants him to check his BP every day. No test results in yet. My questions: Anyone successfully lower BP and how? We know we need to start with weightloss and eating habits. I get so confused in this area because deep down inside I am a CARB hater and think that is the route to go. Most will say low fat, low sodium diet. So any books, websites to recommend? What type of diet worked best for you or whomever you know that lowered their BP? Is walking good enough exercise? The doctor will share more of his opinion next visit. Any BP monitor recommendations?
  17. Thank you so much for your replies of encouragement, understanding, tips, etc. I feel like with the boys room we have decluttered 100 times....but I will do it again and maybe try to keep most toys out of it. One of the problems in this barn toy box that my husband's grandpa made him when he was little. He insists it needs to be in the room. I guess if we just keep large items in it (stuffed animals vs toy cars) it would work out better. :) Anyone have a good site to recommend for printing chore charts? I don't even know where to start. Maybe with morning routine items and then go from there?
  18. I am a very clean person and after having 4 children have found that I can't maintain my high standards. I let things go, on purpose, so that I could enjoy my kids (unlike my mom who cleaned all the time and never played/read with me). I get letting things go. BUT, any advice on helping kids keep their rooms clean? My 8yo dd can't keep a thing organized. I have helped her many times put things in place, make the room look tidy. She has stuff all over and tells me it is not messy. The boys...!!!! AHHHH. Yes, there is a 2yo and 4yo that are very messy and my 6yo seems to be a pack rat. I clean that room often and don't know how to keep it in order. They try to clean it but it tends to be shoving things under the bed, etc. I am so frustrated, overwhelmed, angry... My desk is a mess and I find myself having things very organized only for them to last a few weeks (i.e., the toy closet, tupperware cupboard, linen closet, etc.). Do most of you have to constantly be reorganizing things? What am I doing wrong? I find that generally the house is picked up every day. I clean frequently though it doesn't meet my standards overall (plus, the house is old and some things just don't look clean even when they are....). I want to not care but I can't function. I get stressed, anxious, etc. I want things in order. Do your kids have messy rooms? Do your cupboards and closets stay organized?!! To top things all off, I can't get the kids to obediently, every day do what they know they should-- eat breakfast, clear table, clean up, do family worship and then get dressed for school (including hair combed, teeth brushed, beds made). Literally every day my dd comes downstairs without her hair brushed. Today I was so fed up in general with repeating myself to ALL the kids about what they need to do that I wish I could throw them on a bus and ship them off to school. I feel like they would have a better routine in having to catch a bus and be in public. UGH. I know that in general I am just crabbier today, want to blame pregnancy hormones, etc., but when things aren't working I know I need to change them. I can't figure out how to organize a chore chart, what to do in AM chart, etc. Not an ounce of creativity flows from me. :001_huh: THANK YOU for reading all that! A little long-winded, I know. I must be venting a bit. Hope my questions are clear. I am sure I could have summed things up in a few questions....
  19. I am sorry you are going through this. I agree with the others that said spotting can be normal when there is no bright red blood and no cramping. I miscarried a baby at 6 weeks at had bright red blood and strong period-like cramps. I waited 4 days and then saw my OB to do an ultrasound and confirm I miscarried. I have a friend that miscarried 3 in a row and now is pregnant again, much further along than the other 3, and had some minimal spotting for about a week on and off and the baby is doing well. As far as I understand, there is nothing a doctor or midwife could do right now (except I understand wanting to check the heartbeat). If the bleeding gets heavier and cramping increases and the blood is bright red, it would seem there is a miscarriage. I would get things checked out after a week or so. :grouphug: I know that not knowing what is going on is hard. Keep us updated. Maybe in a few days try to go to a pregnancy resource center. They oftentimes will give you an ultrasound to check things out if you don't have health insurance or if you'd explain your situation. BTW, I have no idea what OHP means. :tongue_smilie:
  20. I feel like I am missing something, too. I want her to learn rules. Maybe that is not necessary? I am a natural speller and don't really know rules. :001_smile: Maybe I will look into Rod and Staff to supplement a little. ???
  21. Do most spelling programs cover phonics review and spelling rules? Spelling Power is just a list? With a quick rule before each test? Is that sufficient or do people find they need more. My dd is a natural speller and is doing well on the tests but fear that this is not enough.
  22. I checked out Megawords. What grade is this intended for? Looks very helpful. It is just a phonics program? Not spelling, etc, right?
  23. Thanks everyone! I guess I will have her read more to me aloud and take a peak at my Phonics Pathways book (using it with ds right now). See if we could pick up some phonics review. She only did MFW 1st phonics and since she did so well, etc., I didn't do phonics in 2nd grade. I guess I didn't think it was needed?
  24. My dd is 7.5 and loves to read. She constantly is reading and goes rather quickly through books (always wondered if she was reading it all). Anyways, I have neglected having her read aloud to me and this school year started a little more. She seems to stumble and trip over a lot of words (bigger ones). She says she just skips words in books that she can't read. Do I have her just read aloud more to me or should I implement a reading program like CLE or R&S or ______?
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