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Lux Et Veritas Academy

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Everything posted by Lux Et Veritas Academy

  1. We are on that same wave length- our church put out this standard for youth which we follow with our kids Music: Those who have listened to music understand well the impact it can have on the mind and spirit. Positive, uplifting music can bring feelings of happiness and peace. The hymns of the Church are a key part of worship and invite the Spirit of the Lord. They can be especially helpful in controlling one's thoughts. In contrast, unwholesome, negative music can encourage inappropriate thoughts and behavior. As with other forms of media, Church members are encouraged to be careful in their choice of music.
  2. I bombed it- really bombed it. I have a MS degree and taught for 6 plus years at my University.......I just never did well on those types of tests.....but look at me now:)
  3. I believe an Asian Language where you use characters is so much more visual and ASL might be another choice. We are doing Japanese - I speak and believe that Japanese, is backwards to an English speaker. Right to left and very visual- should be a perfect fit. I have one child who struggles with dyslexia and I believe I did as a child in many ways. I struggled through 2 languages that were easy to others spanish, german and then found Japanese. I ended up moving there as well. I speak well, and the visual helped me learn what I couldn't in other languages. If you want to talk more in detail - email me
  4. We are doing english right now with them and have been happy. I would take it on a course for course basis. I used to write for BYU IS department and have some personal pro's and con's with online courses. My friends kids are taking history -which I think the course looks boring. Read, multiple choice, read, multiple choice and that is not how I love to teach history. Also her kids have struggled through math. Other courses, other friends have enjoyed and done terrific in. I think you have to pick and choose and I would suggest that probably all there college courses are well done, since you have to have basically a MS to write them and they mirror the class we taught on campus.
  5. Will you please share with us what your kids highschool schedules looked like, where they took the classes (cc) home, or online.......I would love to see your path!
  6. http://www.homeaway.com is a good site and several travel agents who work for us have rented on it successfully!
  7. I wish we lived on a farm! I wish we had some farm animals. I don't want anything in the house not even a dog or cat basically to protect our musical inst. I know crazy but if a dog chewed up our harp- I would scream and cry! So what are a couple of animals we could have outdoors and how would we start this adventure? Would you start with chickens or what?
  8. I love to blog because it clears the head, has given me tons of journal entries that hopefully will be of value to my posterity. I do have to watch it though because it can become time consuming. I feel more accountable for some reason to my personal goals that I list. I have gained a ton of great ideas from other bloggers. Oh and when I am pondering my life writing and reading, I feel so much gratitude for the things I have!
  9. Because we have to live up to our motto of Live Free or Die! And this represents the Die Category!
  10. Lee at the homescholar blog wrote this a couple of days- so I will do the honors and cut and paste it from her site. I have also written on my dual enrollment experience at my blog http://www.domesticlifestyle.com Here are Lee's remarks: Dual Enrollment and Freshman Scholarships June 15, 2009 One small detail about going to college as a freshman means you have to remain a freshman until you begin at the University. Taking college classes within the context of dual enrollment is fine. When college classes are counted toward high school courses, then they are counted as high school courses, and the student is still considered a freshman in terms of the university admission. In senior year, you can take college classes that are placed on the high school transcript. Here is the big problem: the moment the student graduates high school, all community college classes are no longer considered high school classes. That means if you take even one single credit during the summer after senior year it can cancel your freshman application. One single course taken during the summer may mean you are a transfer admission instead, and not eligible for freshman scholarships. So taking community college courses while you are in high school is not a problem. Taking ANY community college courses after you graduate high school, during the summer before going to the university, can be a BIG problem and it can eliminate the freshman scholarships. It’s a good idea to contact the university you are applying to - well in advance, if possible. Each university can set their own policy about these kinds of things, so it can vary widely across states and counties and colleges. Because dual enrollment for public school students is not usually offered during the summer, they may assume that ANY summer classes at a community college aren’t dual enrollment. You want to make sure to check on that. There are some universities that are dissatisfied with the academics of community college classes. For that reason, some universities don’t accept community college courses for credit, and those classes will count just like any other high school level course. With policies varying widely, it’s important to check. Although I haven’t done research on the NCAA, I have heard people say that dual enrollment courses can affect your ability to play NCAA sports, so that is also something worth checking. These scholarships usually come from the university, and they make the decisions about the admission status of each student. I’m not sure if federal grants are tied to community college courses, or if they are distributed based on how the university determines your status. For some families and in some situations, it will make sense to take summer course at the community college and delay admission into a university. While it’s true that the student will not receive freshman admission scholarships, community college courses are so inexpensive the strategy can still save a family money. University freshman do receive additional scholarships, but that is not the only financial consideration. I hope that helps! Remember that in Washington State, dual enrollment in community college is funded by the State of Washington, and is called Running Start. Colleges refer to it as “dual enrollment” and it is common across the country.
  11. My only son is in PS tomorrow and I am in charge of the end of the year party. Any ideas for stations? Games? It is all indoor and they already have had a field day- Thanks in Advance
  12. My dad 72, fell for it and was scammed out of 20.000 dollars - different bank ! Be careful everyone!
  13. That is exactly what we are doing next fall- and it has taken some of the pressure off me, given us freedom and accountability
  14. :iagree: I was checking my daughters online course last night and her work was terrible, I hadn't really followed up too much (my mistake) and now I have big regrets.
  15. I think I have my plan in place for highschool, but I am wondering if anybody has done an associates degree while in highschool? The University my daughter wants to attend will take the entire degree from our CC and she will not have to submit any highschool grades, transcript, test scores only CC grades if she maintains a 3.6. My niece did this through public school and came out debt free. I am strongly thinking about going this route and starting freshman year with some electives by senior year she could be done and enter as a transfer student- My CC I found out will let her enter in at age 15 as a non-matric student, so I can start. I have done all of the pro's and con's of cc vs. everything else- but the cost value is completely worth it and the first two years, she would only be taking 2-3 classes a semester, mostly things like photography, music and language. I will also heavily monitor the situation and stay away from night classes etc. for safety issues. What do you think?
  16. Ok so if you go to a CC for dual enrollment during highschool, how does that affect your chances at scholarships? By the time you may be headed to your real freshman year, you may have an associates degree- so can you still apply for scholarships? PS Thanks to everyone on the board- who have responded and enriched my understanding this year- I really appreciate it more than you can imagine!
  17. We started homeschooling mid year prior to middle school. I just began at the beginning of the Saxon book, and so every year we finish a school year mid way to 3/4 through a Saxon Book. So currently we are on lesson 70 of Algebra I finishing 8th grade. So if we finish Algebra I next Dec- I can count that for a credit of HS math...right? Because your dates don't really matter right? What counts is that you complete the course...comprehendo?
  18. It looks like in NH that the CC is offered to dual enrolled high school students only in their Junior/ Senior Year at a reduced tuition rate. The program is called eStart. My question is can't a person- like my 15 year old just register and pay full tuition at a CC as a freshman or soph? How do I start the process? Does CC transfer to most Uni's? Wouldn't it make sense to get going right now on classes? Loaded- I know!
  19. If you attend a CC class and get 3 hours CC Credit, how do you put that on your high school transcript? Do you show 3 credits or 1 credit for English.....so confused
  20. I second this- your kids would love this...It is a local's favorite!
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