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Lux Et Veritas Academy

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Everything posted by Lux Et Veritas Academy

  1. I have been a contributing photo journalist for two years to a local paper- my best advice would be trying CNN iwitness journalism and buy a journalism for dummy book. I don't believe there is much to it and everyone can get quality experience now reporting live to major outlets. Citizen journalism is in!
  2. My DD just turned 17- she is officially a junior in HS, duel enrolled at a local CC where she has two semesters left before getting an associates degree. She is taking 4 classes this semester and 4 classes next semester. We didn’t anticipate her finishing as quickly as she did and now we are trying to decide what is the best option for her. Should she graduate this year and leave to college? Or should she teach english in China next year, which she sort of wants to? She is fine doing either- Here is the problem- 1st- College Exams If she graduates this year, we have to hurry and take ACT/SAT/PSAT as quickly as possible- like in 4 weeks, giving her an option to take it again in November if needed. We have to do a test prep course probably too, on top of a loaded CC schedule. She has taken college Algebra, but hasn't take trig/or the next course needed to graduate from the CC. She takes that winter semester. I am afraid she won't have the math for the exams until after next semester. And we have to apply to school- yes, we have narrowed down the choices. Her number one college choice would let her transfer her credit, but she still needs to apply as a freshman and take the ACT. If she goes to China or waits a year, then she becomes a transfer student and avoids the college exams but loses scholarship opportunities. She might not get accepted to the college of her choice, since the particular school she is looking at are very test heavy and hard on home schoolers. She does have dyslexia, I fear for the standardized test. If she transfers she would have no problem, because she has straight A’s from the CC and a big portfolio. 2nd- Scholarships She is eligible for several scholarships both as a transfer and as a senior in high school. She would apply for both. If she transfers, some of the future scholarships cannot be deferred, hence she would lose the money if she received it and didn’t get accepted or ended up choosing the China year. We have said if you get the money you are going to college. The school won't let her defer as a freshman. Side Note: (She has won 3 National Awards and has already received close to $18,000 in earlier cash scholarships. Some of which has been used for community college.) If she chooses to go to China, Do we not graduate from High School? Do we try everything again next year, scholarships,exams, etc.? If she isn’t graduated from HS, she may not be able to officially graduate from CC and the whole process begins again. We don’t have to decide on China immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------- Finally if she wants to go to top tier school- they don’t accept any CC credit and we start from scratch. We hope that she goes somewhere affordable that won’t have a ton of college debt. She could wait to see what pans out in scholarship aid, but she can’t wait to apply to college. I think she should apply to college regardless, and if things don’t pan out go to China and then transfer. What do you think? I need therapy on this one! __________________
  3. My DD just turned 17- she is officially a junior in HS, duel enrolled at a local CC where she has two semesters left before getting an associates degree. She is taking 4 classes this semester and 4 classes next semester. We didn’t anticipate her finishing as quickly as she did and now we are trying to decide what is the best option for her. Should she graduate this year and leave to college? Or should she teach english in China next year, which she sort of wants to? She is fine doing either- Here is the problem- 1st- College Exams If she graduates this year, we have to hurry and take ACT/SAT/PSAT as quickly as possible- like in 4 weeks, giving her an option to take it again in November if needed. We have to do a test prep course probably too, on top of a loaded CC schedule. She has taken college Algebra, but hasn't take trig/or the next course needed to graduate from the CC. She takes that winter semester. I am afraid she won't have the math for the exams until after next semester. And we have to apply to school- yes, we have narrowed down the choices. Her number one college choice would let her transfer her credit, but she still needs to apply as a freshman and take the ACT. If she goes to China or waits a year, then she becomes a transfer student and avoids the college exams but loses scholarship opportunities. She might not get accepted to the college of her choice, since the particular school she is looking at are very test heavy and hard on home schoolers. She does have dyslexia, I fear for the standardized test. If she transfers she would have no problem, because she has straight A’s from the CC and a big portfolio. 2nd- Scholarships She is eligible for several scholarships both as a transfer and as a senior in high school. She would apply for both. If she transfers, some of the future scholarships cannot be deferred, hence she would lose the money if she received it and didn’t get accepted or ended up choosing the China year. We have said if you get the money you are going to college. The school won't let her defer as a freshman. Side Note: (She has won 3 National Awards and has already received close to $18,000 in earlier cash scholarships. Some of which has been used for community college.) If she chooses to go to China, Do we not graduate from High School? Do we try everything again next year, scholarships,exams, etc.? If she isn’t graduated from HS, she may not be able to officially graduate from CC and the whole process begins again. We don’t have to decide on China immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------- Finally if she wants to go to top tier school- they don’t accept any CC credit and we start from scratch. We hope that she goes somewhere affordable that won’t have a ton of college debt. She could wait to see what pans out in scholarship aid, but she can’t wait to apply to college. I think she should apply to college regardless, and if things don’t pan out go to China and then transfer. What do you think? I need therapy on this one!
  4. We are thinking about doing a relocation to the Orlando area. Can anybody recommend areas to live in? We would continue homeschooling but what are the best high schools for sports- football and baseball in particular. Is Orlando a nice place to live? Safe? Culturally diverse? We have only been there on vacation so it is hard to judge.
  5. Has anyone found that hidden parasites may be the result of skin problems? Long story short- Came home from a trip to Turkey three years ago, had pinworm-treated, and noticed a round patch, small on my leg- thought it was ringworm, put lanolin on it. It eventually went away after a couple of months, then another scaly, dry patch appeared on my other leg. It went a way, then this year, a patch appeared on my arm, I have had it 6 months. I travelled to Costa Rica this year, upon arrival home in the spring, I was sick with an upper resp/sore throat and stressed, two weeks later, I have spots all over me. My dermatologist trained brother said pitrysis rosea and wait 8-12 weeks-only saw photos. It has been 10 weeks- started tanning some spots have dried up. Others still look as awful as day one. A whole other camp of people think parasites which could have been in me for years, causing skin issues. What are your thoughts? Headed to a internal medicine doctor today- to get a biopsy/referral for psoriasis. I have been completely healthy my whole life. I did start getting vitaligo about the same time. But that is in the family not so shocked. Could I possibly be just falling apart? I am wondering if I should change my entire diet to raw, trying to get to the root of this but the medical community just seems to diagnose, not resolve.
  6. Our family foundation, Color My World is collecting Hygiene Kits for Japan. What is included in one kit? (4) Toothbrushes, 2 Bars of Soap, Hand Towel, 2 Combs, Toothpaste in a Ziploc bag. http://www.colormyworldkids.org I lived in Osaka Japan for 1.5 years- hugs to my friends!
  7. Thanks everyone for the feedback on my thread about "Being taken off guard by the comment someone made about my daughter not being able to relate to other teens." 1. I shouldn't have responded and simply asked the question back "Why did you say that?" As many people pointed out. That would have been much more mature on my behalf and less defensive. Doing so would have given the person and opportunity to defend his comment as many pointed out. Best advice yet! 2. I certainly wasn't implying that all teens are terrible. I am surrounded by high caliber teens and think there are many great parents still doing a great job both inside and outside of the homeschool community. 3. I know my dd's teacher thinks she is fantastic. I am sure that he has questioned my out of the box thinking on homeschooling and a variety of issues that I have engaged in, in his mind on more than one occasion. His children were very successful both in high school, college and in their personal lives, I am sure that he has questioned my approach because it is different than his choices were. He treats her with respect and values her opinion. 4. The most important thing I have learned from the feedback you posted is to not worry about comments and concerns. I have no reason to believe that I should take offense to this situation. I think mentally, I overreacted. 5. I have no reason to believe that my daughter doesn't fit in, since there are plenty of people to choose from in the entire group, outside this particular class setting. She has never displayed any reason to not want to participate and has gone out of her way to make others feel accepted and welcome. She is mature for her age and her interest are probably more on a college level. I am well aware of that. But that is her personality and from her upbringing. I have other HS kids that are grade appropriate and even have to be reminded. 6. I realize how much I miss not being on the boards! I appreciate the feedback and your support! Blogging today on "TIME- The New Currency"
  8. Thanks everyone for the feedback on my thread about "Being taken off guard by the comment someone made about my daughter not being able to relate to other teens." 1. I shouldn't have responded and simply asked the question back "Why did you say that?" As many people pointed out. That would have been much more mature on my behalf and less defensive. Doing so would have given the person and opportunity to defend his comment as many pointed out. Best advice yet! 2. I certainly wasn't implying that all teens are terrible. I am surrounded by high caliber teens and think there are many great parents still doing a great job both inside and outside of the homeschool community. 3. I know my dd's teacher thinks she is fantastic. I am sure that he has questioned my out of the box thinking on homeschooling and a variety of issues that I have engaged in, in his mind on more than one occasion. His children were very successful both in high school, college and in their personal lives, I am sure that he has questioned my approach because it is different than his choices were. He treats her with respect and values her opinion. 4. The most important thing I have learned from the feedback you posted is to not worry about comments and concerns. I have no reason to believe that I should take offense to this situation. I think mentally, I overreacted. 5. I have no reason to believe that my daughter doesn't fit in, since there are plenty of people to choose from in the entire group, outside this particular class setting. She has never displayed any reason to not want to participate and has gone out of her way to make others feel accepted and welcome. She is mature for her age and her interest are probably more on a college level. I am well aware of that. But that is her personality and from her upbringing. I have other HS kids that are grade appropriate and even have to be reminded. 6. I realize how much I miss not being on the boards! I appreciate the feedback and your support! Blogging today on "TIME- The New Currency"
  9. Thanks everyone for the feedback on my thread about "Being taken off guard by the comment someone made about my daughter not being able to relate to other teens." 1. I shouldn't have responded and simply asked the question back "Why did you say that?" As many people pointed out. That would have been much more mature on my behalf and less defensive. Doing so would have given the person and opportunity to defend his comment as many pointed out. Best advice yet! 2. I certainly wasn't implying that all teens are terrible. I am surrounded by high caliber teens and think there are many great parents still doing a great job both inside and outside of the homeschool community. 3. I know my dd's teacher thinks she is fantastic. I am sure that he has questioned my out of the box thinking on homeschooling and a variety of issues that I have engaged in, in his mind on more than one occasion. His children were very successful both in high school, college and in their personal lives, I am sure that he has questioned my approach because it is different than his choices were. He treats her with respect and values her opinion. 4. The most important thing I have learned from the feedback you posted is to not worry about comments and concerns. I have no reason to believe that I should take offense to this situation. I think mentally, I over reacted. 5. I have no reason to believe that my daughter doesn't fit in, since there are plenty of people to choose from in the entire group, outside this particular class setting. She has never displayed any reason to not want to participate and has gone out of her way to make others feel accepted and welcome. She is mature for her age and her interest are probably more on a college level. I am well aware of that. But that is her personality and from her upbringing. I have other HS kids that are grade appropriate and even have to be reminded. 6. I realize how much I miss not being on the boards! I appreciate the feedback and your support!:) Blogging today on "TIME- The New Currency"
  10. I was at church last week when a teacher of my 16 year old daughter came up and said - "Wow, she is just so sharp. I just love having her in my class." I said "Thanks" and smiled. (Background-My daughter says that most of the kids sit in class, lean back in their chairs, don't listen and don't care to answer any questions-so it is not hard to look good in there.) Shortly after, he said..."My only fear is that she will have a problem relating to other teens." I was tounge tied..and responded by saying "I guess that is better than the alternative." I didn't even make sense, because I was so flabbergasted. I wanted to say- "Wow" ....She plays the harp, has won several national awards for community service and several scholarships, dual enrolled in CC. What more could people want in a teen these days? Would you rather have her dysfunctional on drugs and alcohol, hanging with the goths all tattooed? (No offense please!) I admit that she hasn't fit in well with two or three girls who don't have similar interest as her. Infact, one of the "more popular high school" girls last year found out she was spending a month in Sweden on an exchange with a family we knew in Europe, responded by saying "That sucks..why would you want to spend your whole summer doing that and post-pone getting your drivers license?" (She received her DL 3 months later when the next class was available.) I wish I would have been more quick to defend myself against the teacher. What would you have done? ------------------------------------------- Blogging today on "A discussion on The Art of Homemaking and Motherhood"
  11. I was at a youth group last week when a teacher of my 16 year old daughter came up and said - "Wow, she is just so sharp. I just love having her in my class." I said "Thanks" and smiled. (Background-My daughter says that most of the kids sit in class, lean back in their chairs, don't listen and don't care to answer any questions-so it is not hard to look good in there.) Shortly after, he said..."My only fear is that she will have a problem relating to other teens." I was tounge tied..and responded by saying "I guess that is better than the alternative." I didn't even make sense, because I was so flabbergasted. I wanted to say- "Wow" ....She plays the harp, has won several national awards for community service and several scholarships, dual enrolled in CC. What more could people want in a teen these days? Would you rather have her dysfunctional on drugs and alcohol, hanging with the goths all tattooed? (No offense please!) I admit that she hasn't fit in well with two or three girls who don't have similar interest as her. Infact, one of the "more popular high school" girls last year found out she was spending a month in Sweden on an exchange with a family we knew in Europe, responded by saying "That sucks..why would you want to spend your whole summer doing that and post-pone getting your drivers license?" (She received her DL 3 months later when the next class was available.) I wish I would have been more quick to defend myself against the teacher. What would you have done? ------------------------------------------- Blogging today on "A discussion on The Art of Homemaking and Motherhood"
  12. I am thinking about going towards more RAW foods. Can you recommend a juicer? Do you make more green smoothies or juice? Any good recipes out there
  13. I have had both for 10 years and couldn't live without it. My recipe does 6 loaves and that is about the capacity of my bowl. You have a different bowl though- newly designed. We make everything in there! My parents had theirs for 25 years before they needed a new one!
  14. We weren't broke when we started and in actually good shape- but it has helped us a million times over with our money. We are in a much better situation now that we use the principles.
  15. 1. Would you try to include?: I would definitely include everything at Lexington and Concord Louisa May Alcott's, Emerson, Hawthorne's House and Walden Pond, North Bridge and the Battle Green are a must. Bunker Hill and the entire freedom trail. *Boat tour? Depends when you come- You can catch these near the Wharf by the Aquarium. Would one of Boston Harbor be enough? That is personal! I tend to max things out. Or the Charles River? Kayak on the Charles, you can rent for an hour there are several sites on line. I would rent in Cambridge near MIT for the best photos. I didn't realize the Cape was 1 hr away. I would love to do a boat tour to Martha's Vinyard and Nantucket,but I think that is for another trip...) This is a whole other trip and can be outrageously expensive. You would near a car to get to the cape and the ferry to the island. *Over to Cambridge? to tour Harvard and walk through the Sackler Museum *I would love to take the subway over to Watertown bc my Armenian heritage is there, but no family that I'm close to- just lots of distant relatives. I could take them to Sevan Bakery to sample some of my childhood memories that I don't know how to make. This might take too much time, I'm not sure bc guidebooks don't include Watertown excursions! You can talk a subway to Cambridge- Students offer tours right in Harvard Square. In Boston we will walk through the Freedom trail, museums, etc. We're planning the trip around tickets for 1 ballgame at Fenway, my son is a HUGE Red Sox fan, I was too growing up. You can walk to Fenway from your Marriott. We park there all of the time for the games and it is about 10 minutes. Set up the Fenway tour online for your son 2. Do you think an Old Town Trolley Tour would be beneficial? We used it DC, but what we want to see in Boston is pretty compact and we'll use the subway to Fenway, Cambridge, and a couple museums farther way. The old Town Tour would be fine, but many of them don't run in the winter months so double check before you come. The tours include Lexington and Concord too. I am not sure how you were planning on getting out there without a car. 3. How many nights would you stay if we flew in super early the first day- 2 or 3? Definitely 3 if you want to see it right. You might want to include Salem and could do that on a day tour- super great for homeschooling and brings totally light to the Witch Trials plus the early settlers. I would also think about a day trip to Plymouth Plantation if you are interested in the colonial period. 4. Can you recommend any places to eat?- budget and family friendly Boston landmarks? Plenty everywhere- Cheers has terrible food but worth a stop for fun! PS Feel free to contact me-I would love to meet other homeschoolers and meet up with you!
  16. We are meat and potato lovers born and raised and we have done the same thing with my kids. Roast beef every Sunday, hamburgers and chicken with everything it seems like. How have you successful switched to a more plant based/veggie/organic diet etc. without complete anarchy? I am raising 4 kids 16, 13 , 10 and 7 who are not going to like the change! I must mention that we are good about our grains. We grind wheat and make plenty of homemade breads.
  17. I guess what really bothers me is "Why would they accept a community college transfer post high school with credit... no problem ...(with limited spots of course) but not a high schooler?
  18. Just went through this- totally rent! The economy doesn't justify buying right now....over the long term it won't make much difference. You will have flexibility this way!
  19. I agree- read Dave Ramsey and use Mint.com! Invest early and spend less!
  20. I just discovered that if my daughter wants to go to an Ivy League, her dual enrollment credits from CC basically act like high school credit. I find it odd that if she had an associates degree from a community college after high school, she could transfer with ease (relatively speaking with the few spots available for cc transfers), but applying to an Ivy League right from high school, requires a complete restart of college credit. I understand this on one hand- let's be honest, it is community college, not Harvard, but why in the heck don't some of the credits count? Yep, a little rant and rave here- Now we are knocking off about a dozen schools from the future list. In today's economy, it would be stupid to retake everything for the sake of retaking everything- comprehendo? There are plenty of colleges that take the complete degree and she would transfer in as junior right out of high school. But why not the top tier schools? Mad at the top tier schools-:glare:
  21. Can you recommend a grout cleaner? I need one that can make tile grout look white again. Gees it really is Labor Day!
  22. OK a sharp spatula flew out of my hand and really dented a spot on the side of my fridge? (Not the stainless front-but side) Does anyone know if that can be fixe? It is down towards the bottom but only a month new. I feel terrible. Just my luck!
  23. Thinking about building a new house- Have you ever been your own General Contractor? What was your experience? Did you save money? What are the pros and cons based on your experience? Would you do it again? Is it possible if you don't have any building experience?
  24. I have to agree on the trend thing, (I was only speaking regionally):001_smile:....I do realize other states have had these options....the Northeast has not been on board ..and we basically crossed our fingers and hoped it would work out. In NH only in the last two years are the dual enrolling highschool students at least where we live with online class. Ridiculous- my highschool offered it 20 years ago.
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