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Anxiety, coping mechanisms for poor executive function (I had a foster sister who took years to learn not to do things like hide her underwear in the closet when she had an accident (due to CP) rather than just tell my mom and deal with the laundry, because when young she had been constantly shamed and punished for the accidents. Her "hiding" it was never very effective. She would still do it, and she was much older than a 7 yo.


Poor working memory could also be an issue, ADHD maybe? General immaturity?



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Sounds like attachment disorder or fetal alcohol syndrome to me. We've dealt with similiar behaviors while fostering. The lies that are a) pointless b) obvious are what I call 'crazy lies' because they just don't even make sense. And they're not uncommon. Parenting DD often feels like talking to an Alzheimer's patient here too. She did NOT understand time when she came to us. Like 4 days and 4 months were the same to her in stories she'd tell and she couldn't approximate "oh, dinner is at 5:30 so it's in about 2 hours."


A few things that I've found helpful:


1) time - we've had no stealing issues in a long time! I really think this is just something some foster kids can outgrow.


2) making a life book telling EVERYTHING I know about her in simple scrapbook form so she has a clearer timeline of her own personal history. Before this she often mixed up people/events and had no clue when things happened in relation to one another. This was partly poor memory, partly that birth parents will lie to the kids a lot to cover their own bad choices. I think this is beneficial for current events too. I keep meaning to catch up on our family's yearly scrapbooks partly to help DD though she's got a much firmer grasp of time and chronology now.


And definitely check with a professional to get an fasd/attachment disorder assessment. Can't hurt to see a neuropsych too because there could be legitimate memory delays going on. Anxiety is almost a given for foster kids but maybe a diagnosis would get her extra support to learn better ways of coping.

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Deleted quote at the request of the OP.

The time concepts are very common in Fetal Alcohol but also in kids with other delays and/or chaotic pasts.  Calendars and picture schedules might help her.  We had one that needed his own calendar in his room with his activities, therapy, visits, etc. on it.


Some of these kids have had such chaos that the lying and stealing is so common.  For the lying, don't ask if she ...... or why did you......, etc. just say, "you did ............therefore..........."  If it is crazy lying about things, just say "you and I both know that isn't true but it is fun to think about it" (ex....if she says that she has 3 horses at home and rode in the circus......things that are obviously not true).  No need to argue with her about it, just say, "we know that isn't the truth" and move on with life.


The balance thing could be a TBI, very mild CP, lack of exposure/opportunity to be outside, etc.  If this is a longer standing problem then an evaluation by an OT and TP might be helpful.


Sometimes these kids are very bright but just have holes in their education, reasoning skills, etc. (even some kids with FASD can have higher IQs) and other times the kids have a mild cognitive impairment or LDs but have very good coping skills and can come across as understanding a lot more than what they really do.  My oldest is like that.  Many don't realize how impaired he is in causal settings as he has good social skills and can hide it well when he doesn't understand things.

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