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Writing program for 6th/7th grader?


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I'd love to hear some writing program suggestions please. It's one subject that we just haven't quite figured out yet. It was my absolute worst subject in high school, so I'm not much help to him (I'd love to learn right along with my son if possible).

He is currently 6th grade, but I probably won't start anything new till next year. He hates to write. I don't know if it's the actual physical act of writing or the putting ideas down onto paper, or maybe both. But I would love to hear what you guys use and why you like (or don't like) it. Preferably something simple to start out with.

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I really like WriteShop. We used it for my dd from 6th thru 8th grade. It gives you, the teacher, a *lot* of help in teaching the lesson, looking for problems in the student's writing, and helping the student correct the problems. It starts out with a series of lessons on how to write a paragraph, and progresses through writing essays. My dd's writing has become much more clear, interesting, and persuasive. You can use it in almost any grade in middle or high school, and can take either two or three years to complete it.



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I'm glad to hear WriteShop mentioned as that is one that I was looking into. And I think the only reason I haven't really looked into IEW yet is because it's too expensive. Thank you both for your suggestions. I'd love to hear more!!

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I'd love to hear some writing program suggestions please. It's one subject that we just haven't quite figured out yet. It was my absolute worst subject in high school, so I'm not much help to him (I'd love to learn right along with my son if possible).

He is currently 6th grade, but I probably won't start anything new till next year. He hates to write. I don't know if it's the actual physical act of writing or the putting ideas down onto paper, or maybe both. But I would love to hear what you guys use and why you like (or don't like) it. Preferably something simple to start out with.


Curious myself as to the names of some good books.

Will get serious this fall ourselves.

Currently doing creative writing w/dd 11, 5th grade.

Pen pals, journals, worksheets that give you a topic to expand upon, lists of this and that as it happens.

She was in a spring break naturalist camp and came home with a notebook, got my field guide (Audobon Society),and looked up and wrote down everything she'd seen that day or ever.


ETA we had dyslexic issues. and my boyfriend wants me to add this:

Boys hate to write, it sucks.

Especially in school, where you have to sit somewhere and write when you can be moving around and out doing something.

Edited by Karen sn
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Boys hate to write, it sucks.

Especially in school, where you have to sit somewhere and write when you can be moving around and out doing something.


Yup, that's my boy. He would so much rather be out doing ANYTHING besides school. He hates sitting still. And I'm trying to come up with ideas to make it a little more fun, but I'm stuck. I let him play around with clay one day while we read over stuff, but that's obviously not something he can do during writing. I just wish I could find a way to make writing a little more fun for him. Or at least not have him hate it so much.

Edited by *Kate*
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I'd love to hear some writing program suggestions please. It's one subject that we just haven't quite figured out yet. It was my absolute worst subject in high school, so I'm not much help to him (I'd love to learn right along with my son if possible).

He is currently 6th grade, but I probably won't start anything new till next year. He hates to write. I don't know if it's the actual physical act of writing or the putting ideas down onto paper, or maybe both. But I would love to hear what you guys use and why you like (or don't like) it. Preferably something simple to start out with.



Went looking based on rec. here, like WriteShop.

Here's another one I like.


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Jump In worked very well for our struggling writer / hates to write DS. He really didn't fight or argue going thru it at all! The first 100 pages of the 230 page program focuses on helping a student:

- think of what to write

- how to organize their writing

- create a structure for their writing


VERY helpful for our DS. My longer review of Jump In, plus lots of other input on Jump In, is in this thread:


I would love some opinions on Jump In



And below are 2 other threads about Jump In. BEST of luck, whatever you go with! Warmest regards, Lori D.



Questions About Jump In:



Anybody Else Liking Jump In:


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I don't know if it's the actual physical act of writing or the putting ideas down onto paper, or maybe both.


Does he type well? My son detests the pencil but is fine with typing.


I would choose based on what you want out of a writing program. And you might not know that until you get him writing a bit. There are vastly different needs in this area. For example, one of my children couldn't generate a single idea of her own. Another generates his own ideas to the point that they barely resemble the actual facts. One wrote very stubby, grammatically correct but boring sentences. Another wrote long, flowy sentences that included so much information that they lost track of their focus & grammar.


Different programs will be better at different things. And to me, if it's such a big program that it tries to cover every need, then it's probably using up too much of our time?

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I really like WriteShop. We used it for my dd from 6th thru 8th grade. It gives you, the teacher, a *lot* of help in teaching the lesson, looking for problems in the student's writing, and helping the student correct the problems. It starts out with a series of lessons on how to write a paragraph, and progresses through writing essays. My dd's writing has become much more clear, interesting, and persuasive. You can use it in almost any grade in middle or high school, and can take either two or three years to complete it.





Here's a thread from yesterday.

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We used IEW SWI-B this year and it was the best $99 I spent all year. The program did an outstanding job of improving my DD's organizational skills in writing. I wish it could improve her organizational skills in other areas too (ie: not losing things). :)


Another thing I like about IEW is that the students writes an assignement every week. I've looked at a number of workbook style programs and it seems like some weeks the student is simply reading and filling in blanks rather than completing a writing assignment. The more my DD writes the better she gets.


I'd love to use IEW SICC-B next year, but I don't want to spend that much money. We're going to try Write the the Best. I've purchased it and looked through it and I'm very happy with what I see. It's clear, reinforces grammar, and steps the student through the process of writing a variety of essays. Since DD did well with IEW SWI-B and IEW Elegant Essay this year I purchased Volume 2. There are samples for both volumes on their website so you can get a feel for which volume your child needs.


I love the concept of Classical Writing, but it intimidates me every time I look at the samples. And then I read things like the parent has to learn how to implement it - that sounds too complicated for me. From my understanding of CW, I think Write with the Best is a similar concept of imitating masters but uses a shorter and simpler format.



Scroll down to Volume 1 or Volume 2


My 2 cents,

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Thanks for posting about "Stack the Deck." It looks really interesting. Have you seen this in person or maybe already own? If so, could you walk through a complete lesson for whatever level you are familiar with?



April in WA

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