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Are you like me -- wiped on Fridays?

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Dh acts like Friday night is "fun night" if you know what I mean. And by Friday I'm barely holding on.


I never noticed a pattern until the last few weeks. I think I need to make a concerted effort to have a quiet schedule on Fridays. I ran errands today (after being sick and cooped up all week) and by the time dinner was on the table at 6:00 felt like crawling under the covers and going to sleep!


Or crying. The house is a mess. The dishwasher broke so I'm washing dishes by hand. I'm feeling super overwhelmed.



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No, sorry :(


I look forward to Fridays, and feel like your DH, as a matter of fact we refer to them as "Friday Night Party Night"


Can you maybe make some changes to your schedule, or ask DH for a little extra help? I bet he would be willing to do some extra chores if it meant you were more in the mood :D We don't do traditional school work on Fridays, it's anything goes, so the whole day is more relaxing. Even if I have to make up for it on Sat. or Sun. when DH is home to help (which only happens if someone has been sick or something) - Friday = FUN.

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** I wanted to add, that I do get stressed out, esp. as the week goes on. BUT I look forward to Fridays, not dread them, so that even if I've had a hard week, I know I can count on Fridays. I didn't want to give the impression that I have endless energy :)

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When we still had coop going (we're done for the year), I was wiped out on Fridays. I still had enough energy to try to stay awake for a movie w/dh, but he is usually as tired as I am. We seem to be having a harder time staying awake for movies these days. Maybe we're just getting old.....:tongue_smilie:

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I'm usually wiped out by Friday (heck, I'm wiped out all week long:)) but DH is, too. We do occasionally go out on a "date" on Friday nights, but it's usually pretty quiet as we both sit there yawning. :001_smile:


Our preferred strategy lately is to have DH stop and get pizza somewhere (we particularly like pizza from Costco's food court, plus he can get gas and a few groceries while he's there) on the way home from work. We heat it up and plop down in the living room with the kids and eat pizza and ice cream while watching videos or TV. I look forward to not having to cook, and we all get a chance to reconnect and start the weekend on the right foot.

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We're all wiped out on Friday nights here. Last night my dd got invited to spend the night with a friend. When I picked her up from gymnastics, she called the friend and told her she was too tired, she just wanted to go to bed :001_smile:. My DH is always glad of the weekend, but we all collapse after dinner Friday night. Saturday after a good night of sleep we can all play together.

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I almost certainly would be totally wiped out on Fridays except that I generally weight our schoolwork to the first four days of the week so Friday is a little more flexible for field trips, co-op (twice a month) errands or goof-off days.


I can't get away with a four-day week, but we mostly just do memory work, copywork, math, fine arts (if we get to it) and any make-up work that wasn't completed during the rest of the week.


If you really can't adjust your schedule, maybe you could put off some of the household chores you're feeling guilty about until Saturday?


My condolences on the dishwasher. Ours died a couple of months ago. SHEESH! What a nuisance to handwash dishes for 5 people (in a very small kitchen I might add) when you've become accustomed to a dishwasher! That is a very time-consuming chore. Thankfully we are back up and running now and I hope the same for you.



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I have "delicate" energy levels (or you could call it 'chronic fatigue" ) and I have learned that I absolutely have to pace myself during the week. Mondays are all at home this year so we get a good start to the week. Tuesdays and Wedesdays I am out for some of the afternoons, and on Wednesday I work- its hard to fit in a rest those days so I have to go to bed early instead. Thursday are completely home again and I can rest in the afternoons. So I am ok on Fridays, except we leave at 11.30 for classes and get home at 4.30, then the kids have Scouts in the evening so we are out again. I am pooped. Saturdays i work again and have band practice. Sundays are home again.

Fortunately- well, for me- my dh is at home during teh day and works evenings, so there is not much expectation that I am available evenings. Its ok if I go to bed early or watch a movie with the kids.


Sometimes I get ideas of all the other things I woudl like to be doing with my time, but I have to remind myself this is a season, and I just cant spread myself too thinly. Homeschooling really is a full time job.

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I can completely relate! I feel like it's the catch up day for everything: laundry, cleaning, schoolwork, phone calls, business matters, whatever. It also has been our coop day this year. We love coop, but the planning it entails has me thinking next year maybe we'll take a break for a bit. Or maybe I'll just up my coffee intake and count my many blessings instead!

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My life has been made very hectic by my dh going on so many trips. For the last three or four weeks he has been travelling most of the time. Well that means that my teens and young adult only bother me, that I have to cook or arrange all meals, that I have take anybody who needs taking anywhere, and that I have to do all shopping. I suffer from a few chronic illnesses and it has been wearing me out. Normally, if he is not travelling, he will cook about 33% of the time and shop about half.

On top of that, I get insomnia with my time of the month upcoming and this week dh is traveling M-Th morning and we are leaving on a 12 day trip on Thursday afternoon. The girls can be some help like I have already assigned the older one to get ready the electronics (camera, laptop, batteries, etc.) and the younger one to ready sports gear. I will make up lists for clothing requirements and they will hand me basket full of those clothes.


I usually take a nap each day and I am sure I will go to bed earlier tonight.

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