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There's a library theme in my life.

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Next library problem -


Last week, we "lost" a video from the library. It wasn't even a GOOD video (think Blue's Clues. Ugh.)


I've looked everywhere. Our house is on the market - I mean, it's been scoured! I don't even remember it coming out of the car.


What say you - pay for it tomorrow (it's about a week overdue), or beg off another week to look?


Sigh. They should build a new wing and name it after me.:glare:

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This has happened to me. I told them I was pretty sure I remembered returning it, but being very pg w/ littles in the house could never be 100% of anything. They rechecked the book for me, so I'd have another couple of weeks to look & also put a search out thr the system for me.


I'd already scoured the house, but I went home & prayed. The book turned up in the baby's toy bin immediately--I would *never* have looked there.


Good luck & lots of sympathy.

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One time my son swore that he gave me a World War 1 movie to return to the library. I just couldn't remember actually returning that one. We looked all over the house. This had happened before when I would tell the library I had returned something, and they would find it in the library. Because I had such a good track record with this sort of thing, they believed me. The movie was never found at the library.


Two years later, my son took out Clue Jr to play with Nathan. Lo and behold, the video was inside the box. Come to find out, the surface had been sagging, so Aaron stuck the video inside the box to support it -- and forgot to take it out.


So, maybe it's in your Clue Jr box? :)

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Check for it at the library. I've found 2 books that the library said I still had out that way. (Of course, that's only 2 out of millions, but now, whenever I can't find some overdue book, I run to the library hoping to find it there....)



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We had a book slip under the couch and somehow get on top of the corner support slats of wood.....so when looking or feeling under the couch nothing was found.


Our then 3 year old found it after receiving a flashlight for a gift.


No matter how careful I try and be, occasionlly library material still escapes me.



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We found a book in the camper last week when we went camping that I was supposed to return last summer. I looked EVERYWHERE for that book. I guess it's mine now, since I had to pay for it.:001_smile:


If my husband knew how much of our money the library gets for overdue fees, he would have a heart attack.

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If you go to the library and pay for it, you're going to have to pay full price, what you would pay for a new tape, even tho it wasn't new, so they can replace it. I would look some more first.


I had a book once that was returned, only it didn't get checked in for some reason, and the librarian and I dug in the children's room of the library till we finally found it.


But a few weeks ago we had a book checked out from the main branch that I swore up down I turned back in, and had those ladies searching all over the library. Couldn't find it. I thought they checked it back out for, but when I got to our local branch the next week I found out they hadn't and I was being charged a quarter a day. I explained what happened to the librarian, she called the main branch, and got them to drop the late fees for me. A couple days later, I was pulling books out of a milk crate we keep some school supplies in.... there was the missing library book. I was so embarressed, I didn't even go in the library I just put it in the drop box.


Usually my kids will loose tapes behind the TV, but sometimes they show up in toy boxes, under beds, or even in the bathroom cabinet. Or if my 3 yo had it, in the garbage, the dog pen, or under the kitchen sink where he built his baby a bed.

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I would ask them to check for it at the library. I have had them miss a returned book. Easy to do when I return 10-15 at a time. Of course, recently I insisted I had returned a book that dd took out. Had them looking for it the library, etc. My dd found it in her room under some toys a week later.

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when something like this happens at our house, I go to the library- offer to pay any fines on it all ready, and let them know that I am looking for it but cannot find it. They have always then renewed it for me so I can keep looking.


I then offer a cash award to my kids to the one who finds it. This motivates them to look actively for it.


hope you find it!

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Next library problem -


Last week, we "lost" a video from the library. It wasn't even a GOOD video (think Blue's Clues. Ugh.)


I've looked everywhere. Our house is on the market - I mean, it's been scoured! I don't even remember it coming out of the car.


What say you - pay for it tomorrow (it's about a week overdue), or beg off another week to look?


Sigh. They should build a new wing and name it after me.:glare:


Look under the seats of the car, push the seats up and back (ask me how I know:glare:)

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I pay the kids to find the missing library item.


And the price goes up as the deadline approaches & passes.


And look under the seats of the van indeed.


We've stopped checking out smaller-sized books because they're harder to find.

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No one will probably read this thread, but it feels good to post. . .


I found the blasted movie. It was up high, on a shelf in the garage, INSIDE the clear rubbermaid box we store Easter & Valentine's decorations in.


I'd like to know how it got there. But I'm just happy it's found!

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No one will probably read this thread, but it feels good to post. . .


I found the blasted movie. It was up high, on a shelf in the garage, INSIDE the clear rubbermaid box we store Easter & Valentine's decorations in.


I'd like to know how it got there. But I'm just happy it's found!



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No one will probably read this thread, but it feels good to post. . .


I found the blasted movie. It was up high, on a shelf in the garage, INSIDE the clear rubbermaid box we store Easter & Valentine's decorations in.


I'd like to know how it got there. But I'm just happy it's found!



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Yeah, I'm such a dork.


I had just come BACK from the library, returning TWO movies that were lost (and due yesterday) but we found them this morning! You know that drill, run to the library before 9 when they open, right?


So, anyways -


I look up, and see the Blue's Clues DVD.


I start screaming, "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!""


Pathetic. I know. Scared my kids half to death.


Now, if there's a check in the mail - we're in business! ;)

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