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Square foot gardening - best square dividers?

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I don't use dividers. I have raised beds which are 4' x 8' and I just tack string across the top to use as a visual guide when planting, then pull it up and take the string to the next box, etc. When I am done I remove the string and save it for tying vines. I find that I only need to do it this for the first planting, once the plants start coming in they act as a guide for future planting.

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I just pulled out my square foot gardening book a few days ago and decided to use that method for my rather small patch. I have some bamboo stakes, so I am using them for now. I might evolve to 1 inch square tomato stakes if I find some cheap because the bamboo stakes are not quite straight-but they will do for now.

I saw in the book someone had used tomato stakes.

I feel better if my squares are clearly delineated. If I were to just used string, I would end up not using the method at all- it needs to be very visual for me.

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My boxes are ready to plant, I'm so excited just waiting for the weather to cooperate. We are dividing the boxes using 19cent untreated, wooden, lattice slats. They were super cheap and even cut to the right length at the local hardware store.


What is everyone planting? I just can't wait for the season to start:001_smile:.

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I'd like to not be worried about chemicals, but since the old ones I have were made in China, I have to assume they have lead in them. If it were just flowers in the garden, I'd be less concerned, but food for my dc? Not going to happen.

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