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What age to watch West Side Story?

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I had a mild obsession with it when I was about... 6? I had the Broadway recording on cassette (two cassettes!) and listened all the time, and then I got the video (probably on Beta, lol) and watched that all the time. I just loved it.


I don't *think* it warped me for life! (And, of course, a great deal of it went over my head.)


I let my kids watch it when they were pretty young too. And then thought, "Ack! I can't believe I'm letting them see ___" (whatever it was)... They don't appear to have been damaged either. ;) But they had recently seen Romeo and Juliet, and I thought we should compare. :)


Ooooh, maybe we should watch it again soon...

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Guest Katia

I agree with Bill: 3....or younger even.


Because at our house, we watch musicals all.the.time. The kids see and hear them from forever and they learn to love the music and they 'get' the other stuff as they are older.


I can remember my dc loving South Pacific for years and years.....and then in their late teens watching it and finally 'getting' the racial stuff....and being amazed that they had never 'seen' that before, lol!


So, yeah, with muscials......as opposed to other video media....we don't put an age limit on them. But then, I grew up watching them all and singing them all my life as well and it didn't seem to hurt me any. I do, however, remember music teachers being amazed at the number of songs that I could easily sing, like "Summertime and the living is easy...." It still amazes my dc, the number of songs that I know all the words to.


Music knowledge is important in our house and I want my dc to know and love so many styles of music. Therefore.....no limit on ages for musicals here.

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I was under 10 when I saw West Side Story. One of my babysitters was in it at the local dinner theater. She went to our church, and the church pretty much was the entire audience opening night.


I saw Fiddler on the Roof with Zero Mostel when I was 5. I didn't understand the whole thing at the time, but I still remember the whole thing. I have since seen other productions and know the story. However, the music always conjures up images of the original one I saw.


All that to say, I need to go find some musicals on DVD's and start watching.

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