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Hey Admin!

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I know you love to consolidate threads, but since we don't have a way to update the subject line -- er, at least I don't *think* we do -- to reflect a change or whatnot, could you please allow followup threads to stand alone?


For example, if there's a general concern broadcasted for a co-worker or kid or situation, and time passes, then someone posts a followup and labels it as such, would it be really wrong to leave it as its own thread? I know that I don't go back into threads that are quite old that pop up again if I think I already know what the concern is.


I'm thinking specifically right now of Quiver's update on her dd. If it stands alone without further consolidation, more people will see it. Or if you'd allow changes to subject lines by the OP -- and I think I'm going to go back and see if that's allowed and then possibly edit this post -- that would work, too.




*Aha! So the OP can edit subject lines by going into the "Go advanced" edit mode. Okey doke. But my request still stands, I think.

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I know you love to consolidate threads, but since we don't have a way to update the subject line -- er, at least I don't *think* we do -- to reflect a change or whatnot, could you please allow followup threads to stand alone?



You can edit your subject line! When you go to edit a post click on "Go Advanced." VOILA!

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I know you love to consolidate threads, but since we don't have a way to update the subject line -- er, at least I don't *think* we do -- to reflect a change or whatnot, could you please allow followup threads to stand alone?


For example, if there's a general concern broadcasted for a co-worker or kid or situation, and time passes, then someone posts a followup and labels it as such, would it be really wrong to leave it as its own thread? I know that I don't go back into threads that are quite old that pop up again if I think I already know what the concern is.


I'm thinking specifically right now of Quiver's update on her dd. If it stands alone without further consolidation, more people will see it. Or if you'd allow changes to subject lines by the OP -- and I think I'm going to go back and see if that's allowed and then possibly edit this post -- that would work, too.




*Aha! So the OP can edit subject lines by going into the "Go advanced" edit mode. Okey doke. But my request still stands, I think.


It's like a prisoner edit---only visible on the inside.

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Well [whine], why are YOU special and I'm not special? [/whine]


Oh, Pam, you ARE special. You get to carry a sword :D.


I'm wondering if it has to do with replies. As in--you can change it on the outside without any replies. But once you get replies, it won't show up. But I'm just guessing.

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I agree with Pam and All Her Letters.


I found it amusing when people were still telling me that contacting my daughter's college would be a waste of time....while she was sleeping in her new dorm room. Because sometimes you simply cannot read the whole thread looking for the update!! Life is just too short to read every word of long threads.


I think it is confusing when the updates get stuck in the original thread.

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It comes across to me as very...how shall I say this?...dismissive on the part of the Powers That Be when a thread is consolidated. If people want to tack an update on to the original discussion, they can do that. In most cases, though, it makes far more sense to simply post a separate update. And goodness, it's not as if it's happening on such a frequent basis as to push aside all other threads.

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In other boards I frequent, threads are only combined in exceptional circumstances: (1) the threads are lists of resources and brought together to form a sticky; or, (2) threads are combined in a moderated and low traffic forum, e.g. admin issues. I greatly prefer a hand's off approach by admin's.

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Separate, 'updated' threads for an existing thread is not how we want this board used. The 'updated' thread was necessary for the old board format because the original post would be buried. That is no longer true with this new format.


'Updated' threads are exceedingly frustrating for those who aren't on the boards enough to know what the original thread was about. Split threads on the same topic making searching more cumbersome.


To make finding the new posts easier, we suggest you use the "New Posts" link at the top of the page, or use the linear mode.


The Admins.

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