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Quick--would you drive my car w/out a cell phone?

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Aubrey, if you don't have a cell phone, and can't afford a cell phone, but want to be able to call 911 in case of an emergency, you could buy any old cell phone used at a thrift store or see if a friend has one they are no longer using, and even though it is not "active" on a network for regular phone service, it will still work to call 911.



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No. Not unless it was a choice between food and cell phone. Cell phone is way up there on my 'need' list......ESPECIALLY with young children...of which you have many. (only 4 right? :) Remember how I always think you have more than that?)


Anyway, I think there are plans for emergency use only...or what Bill says below.

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No, my ils gave us a cell phone for emergencies. It's supposed to travel w/ whoever has the kids. BUT now dh's job (for the last few mos) is such that he has to have a cell phone w/ him when he's on delivery.


So tonight, we finally have 2 cars. The dc are supposed to go to Awanas, & dh has already called in to work. We just realized that we can't both take the cell phone.


Since I'm driving a van that's broken down twice in 5x of being driven by myself after dark w/ 4 kids about a 1/2 hr away (lots of hwys), I guess I don't think it's a good idea to go.


I think I should stay home tonight & figure out a better solution for next time.

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Ummm, ok, but I need a plane ticket to Texas first.:D



Yes I would and I have (my old car, not yours). At first I felt a little naked and unprotected, but it was okay. I do prefer to have my phone with me, but if I don't have it I will still drive my car. Makes me think I should at least have AAA though..........

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Aubrey, if you don't have a cell phone, and can't afford a cell phone, but want to be able to call 911 in case of an emergency, you could buy any old cell phone used at a thrift store or see if a friend has one they are no longer using, and even though it is not "active" on a network for regular phone service, it will still work to call 911.




Thanks, Bill, that's really good to know. If I knew where my old cell phone was tonight, that'd solve my problem!

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I drive all the time without a phone I don't own a cell phone and am not planing on ever getting one. I live in a rural area with a very unreliable car the closest town is 20 minutes drive away.

I really don't know what life is like in America, but if it is anything like the movies, I wouldn't be driving at all.

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I would (I don't have a cell phone).


Stinks that you have a clunker, but if that's all you got, then that's all you got (totally know how that is).


If you want to go, go. If, however, you're looking for any reason to stay home, I think this would cover you for a valid excuse ;) I skipped dc's karate tonight, because I couldn't find my pot holders and nearly burned dinner :001_smile:

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Well... considering that until this past Fall, I'd never owned a cell phone... yeah, I drove without one...with kids... in old beaters. We had old beaters for the same reason we didn't have cell phones. Lack of $ ;)


But - we were also living on an island at the time and never drove those beaters *off* the island with the kids in them. Breaking down pretty much anywhere on the island just meant a short walk to someone's house to use their phone, or flagging another driver down (actually, you never had to "flag" anyone ...a car sitting on the side of the road with it's hood open was guaranteed to have someone stop within about ten minutes to offer you help, whether it was a boost, a temp fix, or a drive somewhere. Just the kind of place it was.


Trips *off* the island with the kids were done a) by shuttle van service, or b) in more reliable vehicles (rented, borrowed from friends' other times), or c) with my cousin-who-can-fix-anything along for the ride. :D


Here where we live now, we have a more reliable vehicle and cell phones... I *would* drive around in town without it, but heading out of town... NO WAY. Reason being, the only highway out of here goes for hours through N.O.T.H.I.N.G. .... seriously nothing. Next place of anything is about four hours of driving LOL ... Though, there's a 'dead zone' out there too, in which cells often won't work... so .... we've driven it once...both cells did keep a bar or so through there, but I've been told not to count on that.

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I really don't know what life is like in America, but if it is anything like the movies, I wouldn't be driving at all.


What movies? I'll venture a guess that they don't accurately reflect the average American life. Kinda like movies that imply all Australians are squatters in the outback.;)

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Guest Katia
I drive all the time without a phone I don't own a cell phone and am not planing on ever getting one. I live in a rural area with a very unreliable car the closest town is 20 minutes drive away.

I really don't know what life is like in America, but if it is anything like the movies, I wouldn't be driving at all.


I got a chuckle out of this. :) If life here in America were anything like the movies, *I* would not be driving at all, either! .......but I do......Life sure ain't like the movies here.;)

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You drive what you have, and I never had a cell phone when my children were little. Now I have one, but I don't really carry the cell phone with me. If I have them with me, I figure I don't need the phone - I mostly want it if they aren't with me.


Anyway, if you want to go somewhere, go.

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For AWANAS in a car that I don't trust...sorry I would just stay home. Do you have a neighbor who would have a phone you could borrow for a few hours? I have lent mine out for a neighbor in need. Or can you pass the phone back to dh later in the evening?

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