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FLY lady - Do the emails help

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and are they pretty much necessary or should I just use the information in the book?




That's probably an individual thing. Personally, I was able to get a better grip on the whole system by reading the book. The only thing I use the emails for is to remind me which Zone we're in each week.

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I agree that it's pretty individual. I found the book far easier to use than the website, and I think the emails would drive me batty. (OTOH, I fall off the wagon a lot!) I go to the yahoo group to get a couple of things, and I use the website to get the Zone challenges--I just open up the sneak peek for the week page and leave it there all week.


I'd say--give it a try and see how you like it. If you hate it, do something else that works better for you. :001_smile:

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What works for me is to stop by the website and scroll down to the "Sneak Peek for the Week" section several times a week until I've completed all the tasks.The emails get to be too much for me. I had set it to come as a daily digest, but then I was always running a day "behind," which just annoyed me for some reason.

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When I did well following Flylady, I used the emails as a check off list and deleted as things were done. I didn't worry about reading everything else...just deleted them if I didn't have time. At the end of the day, delete anything you haven't finished or read to start fresh each day.

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When I did well following Flylady, I used the emails as a check off list and deleted as things were done. I didn't worry about reading everything else...just deleted them if I didn't have time. At the end of the day, delete anything you haven't finished or read to start fresh each day.


This is what I did except I read all of the email about falling off and getting back on the wagon. All those people drove me nuts. After all, her system is so very easy. How can anyone fall off the wagon?:glare: I went so very nuts that I stoppped receiving the emails.


Then, I fell off the wagon.:001_huh:



Live and learn.:lol:

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I've had the best results over the years by just following the book. It's been about 6 years or so since I first started and her methods and ideas have made a *huge* difference in my life. BTW, she lives 30 minutes from me and is the *sweetest* person you'll ever meet. I still keep my sinks shiny and *always* have a bag at the front door for donations to take to town!


Nancy in NC

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I used to find them helpful and I do LOVE the system (it has helped me a lot in the past 7 years or so), however, lately it seems there are always plugs for her products (I understand that is what makes the site free, it just gets old), and now she's got other people she's plugging consistently and an even more recent yahoo agreement has her actually plugging products for major companies. I just don't want my inbox to become a commercial ad several times a day. I just unsubscribed. I would love to receive only the morning musings and those uplifting essays, but hate sifting through the other stuff that isn't helpful.


Everything you need is in the book (in fact, she wrote the book for people who didn't have access to the emails & website) so it is probably your best bet.




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What works for me is to stop by the website and scroll down to the "Sneak Peek for the Week" section several times a week until I've completed all the tasks.The emails get to be too much for me. I had set it to come as a daily digest, but then I was always running a day "behind," which just annoyed me for some reason.


The emails were overwhelming to me and they also sucked me into a computer time warp (spending too much time there), lol. Heh, I should probably log off now. :tongue_smilie:

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The emails are wayyyyy too much, I think. They just never stop. ever. And then you get distracted by the internet whenever you go to check your email. And by the time you're done with your distraction, there are 5 more emails sitting and waiting for you :D


LOL This was my experience, too. I read the book and it seems to have everything you need in it.


I think what would have worked for me is to have a friend doing the same program and encouraging each other.

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I joined Flylady in 1994 and I used to find the emails an important part of the whole system. Everytime I unsubbed, I fell off the wagon. I didnt actually read the emails- except I found the testimonials useful for a long time- I was someone with low self esteem and a lot of difficulty not beating myself up for having a messy house- I realy needed Flylady. However, over the years, I found she kept adding more and more different reminders and included a lot of advertising for her products- that is what did it in for me. I appreciate her system is free, but I just dont like advertising in my daily email, and there got to be too much of it.


I used to just read the subject line and delete the emails. Even if I didnt do what the email said right away, or ever, it strted to embed the system into my brain and it became more and more automatic for me. A few months back I unsubscribed again and appreciate not having teh clutter in my inbox. However, I also give credit to that "clutter" in my inbox for years, for helping me learn how to "keep house".


i think there is a yahoo group you can join that jsut sends you the reminders. I would just sub to that if at all. Or try the full emails for a while and see if they help.

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