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Singapore Math... Do you


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I mentioned this in your fractions thread--we supplement with Horizons. I think the breadth of problems and the review in Horizons will help my dc be prepared for the testing that we have to do in this state. I cross out a lot of it to keep the work load manageable (and I cross out problems that drive me crazy--like teaching a fraction shortcut before the real method has been learned.) Singapore is our primary program--I really appreciate how it develops mathematical thinking.

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Only if there is a specific topic that is causing an issue. Time did for us last year, so I got the Mammoth Math Clock unit and worked on it. Needed more drill for math facts---Timez Attack and Math Windows cards.


In general we use the textbook, workbook and Challenging Word Problems ( a level behind). We switched to the standards edition this year---in level 3B now.

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In Singapore math, we do the textbook, workbook, Intensive Practice and Challenging Word Problems.



K - Saxon 1: Part One

1st - Saxon 1: Part Two and Singapore 1A

2nd - Saxon 2 and Singapore 1B

3rd - Saxon 3 and Singapore 2A

4th - Singapore 2B, 3A and 3B

5th - Singapore 4A and 4B

6th - Singapore 5A, 5B and Dolciani Pre-Algebra (first half)

7th - Singapore 6A, 6B and Dolciani Pre-Algebra (second half)

8th - Dolciani Algebra 1

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For my 2nd grader, we use Horizons in combination with SM. They seem to go together well.


For my 4th grader, I am just using SM. This year she has completed 3a, 3b and is nearly done with 4a. We tried supplementing with BJU, but she really enjoys SM. I decided to just stick with that.

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We use all of Singapore--TB, WB, CWP, IP. I have supplemented with a fractions workbook from a school supply store when my 8 yo had a bit of trouble with fractions. Being comfortable with manipulating fractions is so important, but the workbook cured her, and she's now the self-proclaimed Fraction Queen. She just did one random page out of the workbook every day for a few weeks.

Of course, I wouldn't dream of teaching the multiplication tables without Times Tales.

We spend a lot of time in the car, so we do mental math exercises in the car to ease my guilt, but I don't think that counts as a supplement.


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