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You know, the ones that you hand to the children each week. I've been using one similar to those at donnayoung.org but last month someone posted an interesting one that I wanted to give a try. I don't remember if it was on their blog or if it was a link to an assignment sheet from a published curriculum.


Either way, I'm trying to shake things up around here and think it's time to use something that looks a little different.

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:D Really. I am. Okay, I'm really only against giving them ones already filled out. I think the kids need to learn to take that responsibility.


If they are working independently through certain subjects, then a weekly meeting to discuss the assignments is appropriate. Then the child writes down the assignments in a planner or on an assignment sheet - or a napkin or the back of his hand in sharpie (my ds drove me crazy with that).


Anyway - when my older was old enough for assigned work, we would use a regular old school planner of his choice that we would get at the beginning of the school year with the new notebooks, pencils and sharpies.

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I create a color-coded weekly at-a-glance lesson plan for my own use. It's my brain when I'm busy with one or two children and I have to make sure others are still on track. My kids have little planners I bought for $3 each. I write in them daily. I'm hoping this will help them be more organized and for 3 of them it is. My lesson plan is in Word and I can send it to you if you're interested.

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I made one each year for each dc. Every Sunday afternoon, I fill it in with the dates and assignments for each subject. Each day, they could see at a glance what needed to be done that day, and mark the checkboxes as they completed each assignment. I give assignments for Monday - Thursday, with Friday being a "catch-up" day for anything that didn't get completed earlier.


In case you're wondering... this year, EK goes to a 2-hour co-op class (grammar, literature & writing circle + art/crafts) each Tuesday and Thursday, so her assignments are light for those days.



 Math –

 Science –

 Grammar –

 Latin –

 Bible –

 Literature

 Georgia History –


Tuesday, __________________________

 Math –

 Science –

 Bible –

 Literature -


Wednesday, __________________________

 Math –

 Science –

 Grammar –

 Latin –

 Bible –

 Literature

 Georgia History –


Thursday, __________________________

 Math –

 Science –

 Latin --

 Georgia History –

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:D Really. I am. Okay, I'm really only against giving them ones already filled out. I think the kids need to learn to take that responsibility.


I'm not quite this rigid, but I do think that kids need to take some responsibility for their work as soon as they are able. For my just-turned-11-year-old son, that started happening this academic year.


Here's how we do it: I write "lesson plans" (which are really lists of my goals for each subject) for each week of the year during the summer. Every Monday, my son and I look at those goals together and fill out a table with what he wants to accomplish in each subject each day. I e-mail him a copy of the week's chart, and we both keep a copy open on our computers. As he finishes each thing, he turns that text red.


I have examples of both documents in a blog post from a few months ago:




I hope that gives you some useful ideas.

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I simply write the daily subjects on our white board. I tried printing nice spreadsheets from google docs, but ds didn't even look at them.


We are pretty much at the "do the next thing" mode in our studies so right now I don't care. Next year I plan to try the google docs again, one for myself, one for him.

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I use the horizontal "homework assignment agenda" on this page ~ http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/teachingtools.html


My bigs each have one on their clipboard. I load the pages that get pulled or copied from books for the day under it. This format works well for us. I've been just using those without my lesson planner book for the last couple months. I really like the areas for notes back and forth.


eta: My "littles" are kindy and pre-k. They just get the next page in their workbooks or Phonics Pathways, no lesson planning required.

Edited by SilverMoon
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I use a free online planner here. We just started it because I needed to shake things up. It's been really great! I put in their assignments and everyday they check their school list and work through the assignment and mark it as completed. I go in after them and check their work and grade it right away online and mark it finished.


I can see where they are behind and if an assignment wasn't completed. I can choose to either assign it to be completed that day, or move it to another day. There's also a spot for them to go in and send me any questions or comments they might have.


It helps them to get going even when I'm not available right away. It gives them a place to ask me a question even if I'm not there right away. It's helped me to streamline everything and also to keep them (and ME!) stay on task and not just skip things.

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This is very very new. As in we started it today.


I was using HST but I'm finding it busy work for me, and goodness knows I've got plenty enough work without adding busy work.


I give each of the children one of these sheets. They are the childrens responsibility to fill in (apart from M obviously) They write in this weeks date.

Much of our work is do the next thing. So I don't need to schedule specific pages etc. The children write in the gap which page/lesson they did. Some things like Chemistry have seperate lesson plans which I have created and they are on a seperate document, so for The Elements Chemistry he would just write the lesson number we are on.

J is fairly independent so he notes in his one what he does that day.

I keep a simple master sheet blutacked above my desk to refer to so I know what work needs doing on any given day.


I haven't completely decided how we will file these sheets. But I've come up with 2 options

1/ a terms worth of sheets will be bound, along with reading lists and sheets for noting more details on history and science and marks sheets. At the end of the term they get filed in the records box

2/ the sheets are kept in the childrens ring binders and then given to me at the end of each week to be filed in a master binder.


We are just playing with them in the next few weeks and tweaking them to work for us.


J's sheet

C's sheet

M's sheet

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