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The great thing about being "no-fun-mom" is...

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When you actually muster up the gumption to do something....You are a hero!


It was pathetic how happy and thankful my littles were when I let them paint in the garage today. My 4yo kept saying, "thank you so much mommy". :D I'm more of a washable marker, crayon, color pencil type of person.


I may bring out a board game later and blow their minds. :D



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Yes, when my DH was on travel this week, I did a couple of special things and they were floored. I let them pick out ice cream and yogurt at the store, I had a movie night, and we played homeschoolopoly several nights (one big long game). They were beside themselves with awe.


My other big accomplishment for the week was letting them draw big gaudy pictures with colored chalk on our patio (I don't normally allow them to draw there in my "outdoor living room") because I knew it would rain that night.:D

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I remember doing things like that, too...


Life was routine and scheduled, very few times we had company.


Then, we'd have a medieval fiest with friends and have a fabulous day.


Then, we had a cowboy day and used a neighbor's well behaved horse for horse rides... that's a hard one to follow up!


They love these memories.


As I look forward to bringing several home to homeschool, I imagine the joy they will have when we stop and spend a day at the imaginarium or museums!

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I'm not an arts-craftsy type person. We occasionally do art, but not much. Due to being on a gluten-free diet, my dd(6) has never, ever played with play-doh (it's made with wheat-flour). I've been promising for weeks to make some GF play-doh. I finally did it today. I had to add more cornstarch 4 times to get it to quit being soupy, but it eventually became dough consitency. She was thrilled! She was so happy and I felt so bad that I hadn't done it years ago. :sad:

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You know this non-artsy/craftsy mom is right there with you.:D Now, in my defense I play board games on a frequent basis, but cooking together, crafting, and a whole slew of other things that my guys would no doubt enjoy doing more often are w-a-a-a-ay down on the frequency meter. When Luke turned 9 in January his greatest wish was to choose a meal and help cook it. He was in seventh heaven, chopping and stirring and so on. And now he can look forward to doing it again next year.;)

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I'm not an artsy-craftsy person, either, but my kids just die of happiness when I pull out the (washable) window markers and let them go to town on the completely-wipeable vinyl windows in the dining room. Or when I sit down and do puzzles or play board games with them. I think if we did things like that whenever they wanted, though, nothing would be as memorable or special! That's what I tell myself, anyway.

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I'm not an artsy craftsy kind of mom either but somewhere along the lines my kids just quit asking and starting doing things of their own accord. Now I have paint splattered walls :glare:, various decorating treatments in their rooms (they have stripped and stained furniture, hung shelves, etc.), sewing and craft projects everywhere (clothes, bedding, curtains) and I find that no only do I not mind, I am sometimes quiet impressed with the results. :)

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