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History for gr 5-8: what do you use?

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If you used SWB's SOTW volumes for history is approximately grades 1-4, what do you use for gr 5-8? Her books came out when my older sons were past gr 1-4, and I've yet to begin ancient history with my youngest next year in gr 5--for various reasons, I spent his gr 1-4 years on world geography and Canadian history and geography. I've been looking at such programs as WP for ancients, but I'm not impressed by the samples I've seen of one of their main texts, Mystery of History. Can one use WP's ancients program without it? I do own the Oxford First Ancient History, which I do like, so could focus on that...(though looking ahead at WP's middle ages program, I see that they use MOH 2....)


Just wondering what others have used and liked for ancient history for the gr 5-8ish years.

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We are doing History Odyssey Ancients 2 from Pandia Press for my 4th (soon to be 5th) grader. We love it!


It uses the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia as the spine along with several supplemental books. It is teaching outlining and summarizing skills, and it includes the maps and assigns mapwork in the guidebook. I also really like how it is broken up by lessons instead of weeks, so I can assign it as I want to and not feel overwhelmed. I also add in some historical fiction to make it more fun.


It really makes WTM history very simplified for us for this age group. Pandia Press offers a generous try it before you buy it free download so you can see what it has to offer and whether it will fit your family.


Good luck! There are a lot of good history programs to choose from.

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We're not at the logic stage yet, but we are planning it. The tentative plan is to use the WTM method with the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia and the DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide. We are, however, waiting for the revised WTM before finallizing it, just in case something besides the encyclopedia recommendation has changed and we like it better.

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We're doing SOTW all over again. My oldest is going further and deeper, lots of extra readings and assignments to match his skill level. My second and third are being exposed to most of the SOTW stuff for the first time and it keeps us all on the same path. :)

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If you used SWB's SOTW volumes for history is approximately grades 1-4, what do you use for gr 5-8? Her books came out when my older sons were past gr 1-4, and I've yet to begin ancient history with my youngest next year in gr 5--for various reasons, I spent his gr 1-4 years on world geography and Canadian history and geography. I've been looking at such programs as WP for ancients, but I'm not impressed by the samples I've seen of one of their main texts, Mystery of History. Can one use WP's ancients program without it? I do own the Oxford First Ancient History, which I do like, so could focus on that...(though looking ahead at WP's middle ages program, I see that they use MOH 2....)


Just wondering what others have used and liked for ancient history for the gr 5-8ish years.


We are beginning our second cycle with ancients next year, and we are using Diana Waring's newly revised "Ancient Civilizations and the Bible." I love it because it uses multiple intelligences ideas, and gives many "outside the box" assignment options. I bought the package at her website, and you can download a sample chapter there. I can't wait to get started on it!

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Are you looking at the Jr. High or the 4-6 grade program?


QAW actually has three spines: MOH, Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ancient World and Oxford First Ancient History. There has been people who have dropped one of the spines and did fine.


For QMA I would think you could buy the Jr. High program, which uses World Atlas of the Past: The Medieval World and between that text and Famous Men of the Renaissance and Reformation you would be fine.


Though you might want to look at samples of MOH 2. Their difference in detail level between the two. MOH 2 has a lot more detail and longer chapters. Unless you don't want the coverage of Church History (and Biblical history in volume 1), in which case you would just want to drop it.


Another possibility would be to add SOTW. There are multiple schedules that show how MOH and SOTW line up, so that might be an option.


My 5th grader is doing TOG, using History of the US as a spine with other books added in. For 6th grade we should finish the 20th century, and for 7th start Ancients again. This time with TOG as our frame work and MOH and Guerber books (I think) as her spines....though I reserve the right to change my mind a lot between now and then. :D




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Are you looking at the Jr. High or the 4-6 grade program?


QAW actually has three spines: MOH, Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ancient World and Oxford First Ancient History. There has been people who have dropped one of the spines and did fine.


For QMA I would think you could buy the Jr. High program, which uses World Atlas of the Past: The Medieval World and between that text and Famous Men of the Renaissance and Reformation you would be fine.


Though you might want to look at samples of MOH 2. Their difference in detail level between the two. MOH 2 has a lot more detail and longer chapters. Unless you don't want the coverage of Church History (and Biblical history in volume 1), in which case you would just want to drop it.


Another possibility would be to add SOTW. There are multiple schedules that show how MOH and SOTW line up, so that might be an option.


My 5th grader is doing TOG, using History of the US as a spine with other books added in. For 6th grade we should finish the 20th century, and for 7th start Ancients again. This time with TOG as our frame work and MOH and Guerber books (I think) as her spines....though I reserve the right to change my mind a lot between now and then. :D





This would be for approximately gr 4-7. I'm trying to streamline this as much as possible as I'm considering offering Ancient History in a co-op setting again. Last time (a few years ago), I used The Pageant of World History as our "spine" so that all the kids (gr 6-8 or so) would have at least oen common source of info. They then used assorted other books of their choice to add resources for assignments. I'd much prefer not to be juggling several spines for convenience sake, and also because I suspect most parents will not want to spend lots of $$ on materials. I'm not sure MOH I would work for me personally, as I don't tend to care for evangelical Christian material with a strong young earth emphasis.

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This would be for approximately gr 4-7. I'm trying to streamline this as much as possible as I'm considering offering Ancient History in a co-op setting again. Last time (a few years ago), I used The Pageant of World History as our "spine" so that all the kids (gr 6-8 or so) would have at least oen common source of info. They then used assorted other books of their choice to add resources for assignments. I'd much prefer not to be juggling several spines for convenience sake, and also because I suspect most parents will not want to spend lots of $$ on materials. I'm not sure MOH I would work for me personally, as I don't tend to care for evangelical Christian material with a strong young earth emphasis.




That makes sense to me, but means WP is probably out.


Hmmm, have you looked at which spines TruthQuest uses? I was just thinking that if you are looking for more of a booklist, then TQ might work really well, but only if one of the spines it schedules would work for you. Not sure that is what you are looking for, but that is the only other option I can think of that might fit.




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For 5th and 6th we used TQ History (for commentary and history/lit suggestions) with the Guerber spines (love Guerber!) and KQ for mapwork.


This year for 7th we did a little bit of Beautiful Feet but didn't get very far ...too much LIFE happened...


For 8th we are using the history portion of SL 100 (mainly the SL notes for History of Us) and a Hewitt Hisory of US Guide. Included in the Hewitt guide are test, projects and scheduled research papers.



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We used Streams of Civilization I along with the Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament for Ancients. I would put Streams right at a middle school level, but perhaps a bit too much for 5th grade. I've used other things, but not so successfully and now my dc are doing history in a co-op.


By the way, good to see you back on the boards. I pray that all is well with you and your boys! :001_smile:



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We used Streams of Civilization I along with the Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament for Ancients. I would put Streams right at a middle school level, but perhaps a bit too much for 5th grade. I've used other things, but not so successfully and now my dc are doing history in a co-op.


By the way, good to see you back on the boards. I pray that all is well with you and your boys! :001_smile:





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