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Want to come try to buy groceries or cook for my family? (food allergy update)

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I'm thinking of having my daughter tested with the thing that you're in the office in a controlled environment and see if they're truly allergic to the food. We've had the test on the back thing...and that says she's allergic to alot...but especially, peanuts, hazelnuts, shellfish...other nuts... And some other stuff.

I watched a news show about false positives...I wish...it's hard to go anywhere with her! Poor baby...she's constantly excluded from food...


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I'm going to email you. Please know that I tried. It's so pathetic. Dh got me a new Mac. But the emails are now forwarded to my machine from the old one. So the email I thought I sent you? It went to dh (the sending computer) and I didn't figure it out until today. I'm pathetic at this e-stuff. Tomorrow my goal is to load my address book to my machine.


I'm thinking of you.




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Oh my gosh! It is hard - I feel for you!


This week I received my ds(6) test results -


He scored off the charts for









all dairy


He's eating rice, beans, what little veggies he'll take at this point, fruit (except for citrus) and some meat and potatoes. He doesn't like fish.


No more typical breakfast foods for him. And treats of any sort must take on a new definition.


I hope he feels better, though....and you and your kids, too, especially if food was making you all sick the way it was with him. I hope the rest of your results provide good news.


Edited by Linda in Oregon
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We are dealing with this as well and it has really been a struggle. We've been doing it for long enough that we are all used to it, but it sure takes the fun out of things sometimes.


The good news is that they are making progress with a cure. If clinical trials are successful, there should be a cure for at least some of the more common allergens, if not all, in 10 years. I wish it could be sooner, but it is encouraging to me to know that it will not be forever.



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For those of you who posted all your allergies, etc here, feel free to join the Special Diet social group. Our family deals with many allergies and sensitivities, as do others. There may be some resources already posted there, or you can start a new topic and ask. It's still going (I know some groups start and then fade away.....)


Majorie Hurt Jones has a great book out there that can help with some of these and it gives alternatives, but there are others, too.

Edited by Karin
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2 of my dc suffer from allergies, and I am so tired of trying to keep them away from "everything"! A friend of mine just took her dd to a homeopath. He claims that homeopathy can actually change the childs reaction to the allergen. That the childs system can actually change from treating an allergen as something dangerous that must be fought.... to just something harmless (like people without the sensitivity). Have any of you heard of this or tried anything like this. I'm thinking our lives could be drastically improved if this could work....



If I should have posted this as a s/o, I apologize....

Thanks, Jackie

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2 of my dc suffer from allergies, and I am so tired of trying to keep them away from "everything"! A friend of mine just took her dd to a homeopath. He claims that homeopathy can actually change the childs reaction to the allergen. That the childs system can actually change from treating an allergen as something dangerous that must be fought.... to just something harmless (like people without the sensitivity). Have any of you heard of this or tried anything like this. I'm thinking our lives could be drastically improved if this could work....



If I should have posted this as a s/o, I apologize....

Thanks, Jackie


I don't have food allergies (thank goodness) but I do (did?) have horrible environmental allergies and was on Zyrtec for years to be able to breathe at all. Almost two years ago, I decided I'd had enough and got the Bio-Allers outdoor allergy formula. I took it for a few weeks and then stopped the Zyrtec and have never looked back. No allergy symptoms, even during tree pollen season (used to be my worst). I do have occasional itchiness when handling our cat (my skin test for cats swelled up to the size of a half dollar) but that's it.


So, yes, I think homeopathy works well. I would see a homeopath or naturopath for serious allergy issues, though.


I really feel for all of you that are dealing with these allergens. They appear in so many foods, I can't imagine how difficult it must be to try to cook / eat and not make yourselves or a loved one sick. :grouphug:

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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My son (7) has been deathly allergic to most foods all of his life, despite the fact he was totally breastfed. He's been hospitalized close to death 4 times, with asthma and whole body eczema that makes him look like a burn victim. It's been so very hard, but I've learned to cook REALLY healthy. He's now doing very well.


When he was hospitalized a couple years ago, they ran allergy tests on him and there wasn't one single food that he wasn't allergic to. Wheat scored sky high and off the charts. But I found that he can eat bread I make from wheat that I sprout and raw honey from a neighbor's hive. He can't tolerate nuts, but when I soak almonds he can eat them fine. He can do raw free-range egg in nog, but reacts terribly to cooked egg. He scored very highly allergic to dairy, but he thrives on fermented raw goat milk (kefir). Grains are a no-no according to the test, but quinoa soaked overnight in water and whey(goat) sits very well.


I have researched allergy tests a little, and found that the substances they use to test is the same ingredients that is found in the "normal" processed foods. The body, most of the time, reacts much differently to food in it's natural state. So, sometimes if you just change the way a food is prepared, it will not give the body reason to react. Cooking this way should actually be looked at as an adventure...daring to go where no man dares to go (at least in our fast food culture).


Hope this gives you another avenue to look at.

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My son (7) has been deathly allergic to most foods all of his life, despite the fact he was totally breastfed. He's been hospitalized close to death 4 times, with asthma and whole body eczema that makes him look like a burn victim. It's been so very hard, but I've learned to cook REALLY healthy. He's now doing very well.


When he was hospitalized a couple years ago, they ran allergy tests on him and there wasn't one single food that he wasn't allergic to. Wheat scored sky high and off the charts. But I found that he can eat bread I make from wheat that I sprout and raw honey from a neighbor's hive. He can't tolerate nuts, but when I soak almonds he can eat them fine. He can do raw free-range egg in nog, but reacts terribly to cooked egg. He scored very highly allergic to dairy, but he thrives on fermented raw goat milk (kefir). Grains are a no-no according to the test, but quinoa soaked overnight in water and whey(goat) sits very well.


I have researched allergy tests a little, and found that the substances they use to test is the same ingredients that is found in the "normal" processed foods. The body, most of the time, reacts much differently to food in it's natural state. So, sometimes if you just change the way a food is prepared, it will not give the body reason to react. Cooking this way should actually be looked at as an adventure...daring to go where no man dares to go (at least in our fast food culture).


Hope this gives you another avenue to look at.


Sprouting might eliminate the allergen as it changes the nature of the food, but not always. Good discovery!


Also, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth--they're not grains. Buckwheat is a fruit, for one. Soaking can also remove certain problem ingredients.


Have you tried a rotary diet? Very good in cases like this!

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