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trying to find a book...written by a mom with 12 boys

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"The Family Nobody Wanted" is a book about a preacher and his wife who adopted 12 children, most of them racially or ethnically mixed, before this was even remotely 'normal'. Loved that book.


"Cheaper by the Dozen" and its sequel, "Belles on Their Toes" are about the Galbraith family, raised by early efficiency experts who were real characters (especially the dad).


"Yours, Mine, and Ours" is the story a widow with 8 children and a widower with 10 who get married and have at least one or two more. This was the family that was featured in the Langendorf Bread commercials on TV when I was very young.

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I know I have this book but can't find it. She was on a show long ago and wrote a book about raising a family with all boys. The book was full of practical ideas.







Practical ideas on how to deal with 12 boys?? I need that book, too, then. Because I only have 1 boy, but there are days it feels like I have at least 10 or 12. :D

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This was a very old book. Probably written around the 1991 to 1993 years. I can't believe I can't find the book. I know I have it!! :glare::glare: I would love to read it again.


Believe it or not, it was one of the books that got me started thinking about homeschooling. I know they weren't homeschoolers but there were stuff in that book that clicked.



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10 sons not 12, published in 1997, not 1991-1993, but it too has practical advice: Good Families Don't Just Happen by Catherine and Joseph Garcia-Prats. Is this the book? It was excellent - I should read it again!


YES YES YES!!! That is it! :party:


Thank you so much! I guess my memory is not what it used to be. :glare:





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10 sons not 12, published in 1997, not 1991-1993, but it too has practical advice: Good Families Don't Just Happen by Catherine and Joseph Garcia-Prats. Is this the book? It was excellent - I should read it again!


Thank you! I've never heard of it, but have it on hold now at the library :001_smile:.

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