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Happy Birthday! Because I'm turning 40, our health ins. will cost....

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Julie, are you in a program where Blue Cross lumps small businesses together in order to decrease premiums? We've been in that here in Alabama and in Indiana. Our premium is around $800 a month and it has a very low deductible, covers meds and dental.


I can't even imagine paying that much. I wish there was an ouch icon.

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Yes, it's past time for that. Since my dh takes care of the farming finances (from which our health ins. is paid) I didn't realize just how high the price had actually gone.


I'm hesitant about searching for insurance, because I think it's going to be a miserable process. We're an overweight family as a whole, and I have hypertension (though kept well under control by meds). I'm really not sure if we can do better on pricing or not, and it doesn't seem realistic to think that we're suddenly going to lose weight and be considered less risky. At the least, we should move to a much higher deductible, probably. I think in the long run that's probably not a great idea health-wise because I know myself to be a person who just won't go to the doctor for preventative care if it's going to be another bill, but desperate times call for desperate measures!

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As a fellow self-employed person, I sympathize with you. Our rates are going up even more than normal this year, thanks to some impositions from the Washington state legislature and my entry into the 40+ age bracket. Still, our monthly premium is well below yours and I have to assume it's because we're essentially on a catastrophic plan with a high deductible. Oh, believe me, it still hurts. I mean, we shell out a thousand bucks a month just in case we have a major injury. Lovely. But no way on God's green earth would I pay what you're paying. Consider lowering your deductible or at least going to einsurance.com (think that's right) and shopping around for a lower plan.

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Self employed here, too. I just turned 40 on the 7th and my insurance didn't go up. I am flabergasted about yours. We had BCBS when dh worked for a corporation and couldn't even think about using it after he left the company. We priced all the insurance we could and ended up with Humana. Humana was less expensive for identical coverage. We made it even better by making our deductable very, very high ($10,000 ) and we use a health savings account for the deductable and prescriptions. The health savings account actually lowers our taxable income by the amount we put into it so we at least don't feel like we are being raked over the coals. The common misconception is that if you don't use the money in your hsa by the end of the year, you lose it. This is not true and it just sits there until you DO use it. This little set up means we have to plan for things and we certainly compare the price of medical services before we use them but it has been good for us to need to do so. We are certainly a little more educated about all of it now! We don't regret it at all. I hope you find a less insulting answer and Oh, Happy Birthday anyway. I hope it is wonderful.

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As a fellow self-employed person, I sympathize with you. Our rates are going up even more than normal this year, thanks to some impositions from the Washington state legislature and my entry into the 40+ age bracket. Still, our monthly premium is well below yours and I have to assume it's because we're essentially on a catastrophic plan with a high deductible. Oh, believe me, it still hurts. I mean, we shell out a thousand bucks a month just in case we have a major injury. Lovely. But no way on God's green earth would I pay what you're paying. Consider lowering your deductible or at least going to einsurance.com (think that's right) and shopping around for a lower plan.

Yes, that's my plan. Still, I'm sure it's going to be high, mostly because of me, and I've been struggling with fitness for so long now that I'm feeling a little defeated (ok, more than a little...).:sad:

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Oh, Julie! I'm turning 40 next year, and this is something I've been dreading. We too have private coverage for our family of 5 through BCBS, but we pay "only" $900/month. We just upped our deductible to $2500, and of course we immediately had an emergency room visit. :glare: We also have some pre-existing conditions, which make it difficult to change carriers.

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