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For those of you who can see the lunar eclipse Wed. pm...

Chris in SC

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We got up at 4 in the morning to see the one last August. We thought it was well worth it. Dh dabbles in photography and he got a picture of the full moon before the eclipse, during the eclipse, and just starting to come out. He then photoshopped all three into one picture and it turned out well.


This one will be around 7:30 our time I guess, but being in Oregon, it will likely be obscured by rain clouds. That's why we take advantage of the August eclipses, even if we have to wake up at 4 in the morning!

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I'm so excited that we've got one falling during our space study!


We got up at 4AM for the meteor shower a few mos ago, too. We took a bunch of pillows & blankets out on the sidewalk of our apts, lay on the cold concrete, & watched all snuggled up together.


Ds still remembers going up to my old university at midnight to see Mars when it was "close" back in '03? He was 2!


So I think these things make WONDERFUL memories, not to mention learning experiences. Can you imagine if we'd gotten to do stuff like this as kids?

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I had been planning to let the kids stay up to watch, but here in the DC area it looks like it might be cloudy. :rolleyes: I'll check the cloud-cover at bedtime and see what it looks like then.


We won't be back in astronomy until next year, but we take fun opportunities as they come.

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I can't decide who is having more fun watching this eclipse my husband or my children. I keep hearing "You have to come see." No, this isn't one of my children talking this is my dh. We have also been able to view Saturn's rings tonight through binoculars. We will all have so much fun with our Science notebooks tomorrow.

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We stayed up to watch the eclipse and I think the boys got a little out of it. I'm sure that they would have learned a bit more if we had already been doing a study of the planets and their paths around the sun. It was sooooo cold, 6 degrees, but clear. We kept going in and out of the house every 15 minutes to check out the progress. Overall a fun experience and experiment for the family.

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My kids were so excited. This is the first one they had ever seen. Should I admit that this is the first one I had ever seen, too? :o It was awesome! My oldest is so full of questions so I think we will spend the first bit of our learning time this morning finding out more about the eclipse.




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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We were able to see it afterall. And, as a bonus, we could see it through the two-story windows in our living room so we didn't even have to stay outside! 5yo DD was very excted, but while we were waiting to see it she asked to go to bed and got onto me for not putting her to bed on time. Oh well. She and 10yo DS argued over the binoculars some but it was worth it.

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