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Please share 8th grade plans...


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Oof, I haven't started planning next year yet :)




Latin Prep 2


Spanish for Children


I'm not sure where we'll be in math, if we'll finish the algebra I this year or not, or what we will use after that - that's DH's department


Classical Writing Chreia, and hopefully Intermediate Poetry


TOG Year 3/4, Dialectic


Classical Studies - The Odyssey, The Aeneid


Literature - from LCC, Classical Writing, and TOG; NOT that I mean a huge reading list by this. I do not. But by using these resources, I can cull together a short list of the most important books; also, often LCC and CW, at least, dovetail - many CW selections can be used for our classical studies. This year one of the CW selections was used for one of our LCC lit selections, as well.


I hope to continue piano lessons. We also do Scouts. I am not yet sure about science. Again :)

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She is currently studying:


Galore Park So You Really Want to Learn:

Latin book 2

History book 2, alongside other history book reading

English book 3

French book 2


Lightning Literature: Shakespeare's comedies, moving onto the Well Educated Mind and sharing discussions in her reading with me.


Singapore NEM Book 2 for maths and Mensa Logic Puzzles.


Science: Ellen McHenry's Carbon Chemistry, and a study of Charles Darwin, moving onto Ellen McHenry's The Brain


Engineering and thinking strategies using the Think! challenge website and The Young Engineer's Club (here in the UK)


Swimming, chess club, yoga and horse-riding

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I'm just starting to plan for next year, so I don't have it all worked out. This is the direction I'm heading:

*finish Lial's Basic College Math, decide if he needs pre-Algebra or move on to Algebra

*finish Analytical Grammar season 3

*Apples Spelling 2

*for writing, I think we might cycle through Jump In again and make the assignments longer, and complete them faster

*Bob Jones for history and literature (also considering Sonlight 100)

*Apologia Physical Science

*online class for Latin, either Memoria Press or Potter's School

*online or coop class for Spanish

*coop class for Logic, or Art of Arguement

*work on Draw Squad, guitar lessons, Drama Club, soccer

*not sure about Bible

----or I may just order the whole 8th grade package from Covenant Home ---

I really like the looks of Potter's School, so I want to try some of those classes out. If I can't talk my BIL into teaching a computer class, then we may do one online at Potter's.

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Hmmm, I saw this post and suddenly remembered that I will have an 8th grader next year.


She will be doing.


History Odyssey 2 Middle Ages

CLE Math

CLE Language Arts

CLE Reading combined with Lightning Lit 8


Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry 1 & 2 plus finishing Zoology 3 if need be


That is the plan so far.



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Here are my plans for now:


R&S Artpac 8

R&S Grammar 8

R&S Spelling 8

NT Greek for Beginners

Latin Alive! Book 2

Omnibus II with Streams of Civ II

CW Diogenes Maxim & Intermediate Poetry

Modern Algebra Structure & Method Book 1 by Dolciani

RS4K Chemistry Level II & MODG Natural History using Fabre's Book of Insects

Logic ?? --maybe Traditional Logic I


I'm still trying to decide if I want to do Logic in 8th or 9th grade. I think he could do it next year, but in 9th grade I'm dropping grammar & spelling, so there would be more time. However, he loves logic and wants to do it. He's already read The Thinking Toolbox and Fallacy Detective. Right now, he's doing The Art of Argument because again, he wanted a logic course this year.

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I have an 8th grader this year and here is what he is doing:

History: Biblioplan - finish 3, in 4 do the Civil War and reconstruction. He does reading, notebooking, mapping, and a timeline. I am considering having him do 20th century (maybe Sonlight) in high school.

Language Arts: CLE grade 8 and then a unit study of Tom Sawyer; Word Roots B1; cycle 3 of Analytical Grammar; IEW SWI B and begin SWI B CC

Science: Apologia General Science outsourced

Total Health (just reading textbook)

Logic: The Fallacy Detective and Thining Toolbox

Math: TT Algebra 1

Computer Science class


He does not do every subject every day - logic is twice a week and the computer science assignment he does over the weekend, for example.

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My 8th grader is using:


Chalkdust pre-algebra

Apologia General Science

R&S Grammar 8

IEW Ancient History based Writing

Latin for Children A

TOG Year 1

The Thinking Toolbox


Next year my upcoming 8th grader will use:


Chalkdust Algebra I

Apologia Physical Science or BJU Physical with DVD's

R&S Grammar 8

IEW Medievel History Based Writing

AAS 3 & 4

Latin for Children B or Latin Alive

TOG Year 2 or MFW RtR with K12's The Human Odyssey

The Thinking Toolbox

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I'm planning now but it may (and probably will) change:


Math:Key to Algebra and LOF Beginning Algebra

LA:BJUP Grammar and Writing grade 8,LL 8,vocabulary

Science:Maybe Apologia.Maybe physical science from Oak Meadow.Maybe something else.

History:Core 7 from Sonlight.

Music:Something from the Teaching Company.

and I think maybe CLE's Home Ec and computer science programs and Spanish of some sort.Swimming and dance for PE.

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I have one in eighth this year and one next year.

Ds1 is taking:


TT Geometry

Abeka Grammar

Abeka Health

Abeka Science

IEW Ancient History Writing Lessons

Omnibus 1

Aurolog Spanish Level 2 /w Breaking the Spanish Barrier 2


Material Logic

Henle Latin 2

Typing Instructor Deluxe

Trail Guide to Bible Geography

Wordsmart vocabulary




Ds2 will be taking:

Rosetta Stone Spanish Level 2

Typing Instructor Deluxe

Spelling Workout H

Abeka Science

Abeka Health

TT Algebra

BJU American History

Fallacy Detective/ Thinking Toolbox

IEW US History Based Writing Lessons Vol. 1

Analytical Grammar

Trail Guide to US Geography

Christian Light Education Literature


Ds3 will not be in eighth for awhile but this is our plan for him.

TT Algebra

Rainbow Science 8

GWG 8 ?

Rosetta Stone Level 2

Mystery of History 3

Megawords 7 /8

Fallacy Detective/ Thinking Toolbox

CLE or BJU Literature?


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My current 8th grader:


finish Kinetic Books Algebra and start Jacobs Geometry

Megawords 5 and 6

Word Roots A2

Winston Grammar Basic

Winston Grammar Word Works

Daily Grams

Fix-it Grammar - Frog Prince

US History-Based Writing Lessons volume 1 (IEW)

four or five Prentice Hall Science Explorer books

first half of SL Core 100 (US history)

readalouds and history from SL Core 3 also (US history)

Easy Spanish Step-by-Step (trying out Tell Me More Spanish)


when my oldest was in 8th:

Jacobs Algebra

Hake Grammar 8th grade

Student Writing Intensive B (IEW)

SL Core 7

4 books from Prentice Hall Science Explorer

Word Roots A1 and A2

Instant Immersion Japanese

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Our plans (so far) for 8th grade next year:


Math: Finish Jacobs Geometry in fall, begin Foerster's Algebra II in the winter

English: Daily Grams (high school), Sequential Spelling, K12's Literary Analysis and Composition

Science: Conceptual Physical Science - Explorations (chemistry only)

History: 1800-present using K12's Human Odyssey and Spielvogel's Human Odyssey

Latin: Latin Prep 2

Spanish: Rosetta Stone 2

Music: Violin lessons

Art and PE: Outside classes

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My current 8th-grade ds' schedule:


Math: Saxon Algebra I; moving into some Human Endeavor chapters to finish the year out.

Science: Apologia biology with outside labs

Latin I: Florida Virtual School

History: American History & Govt using a variety of sources, BJU spine (co-op class)

Literature: An introductory (but intense) lit analysis tutorial

Grammar: Shurley English 7 (yes, we're finally finishing it!)

Writing: first semester: Sentence Composing for High School; still unsure for second semester

Elective: Shakespeare play -- Macbeth

NCFCA Speech/Debate

and possibly, maybe, if I can pull it together: Intermediate Logic



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I am not set yet....


math tt prealgebra and lof

History Sonlight core 6

La Sonlight la6, spelling, wordly wise

science fl virtual school or apologia physical science

logic thinking toolbox

spanish I believe abeka spanish 1

cooking daily cooking and prep.

PE Daily at home

Writing Ancient History IEW

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