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Question for nursing moms or those who have btdt...

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Ds is almost 8 mos. old and yes, I've btdt several times before but...I have a question. I am extremely sore. Ds is a restless nurser (I've posted that before) but this is different. My n*pples are red on one side and very sore. Ds has had a red diaper rash for the past several days. Could this be yeast related and if so, how do we get rid of it? I cringe whenever I think of nursing him now and have to bite something when he does nurse to keep from screaming or crying. It's horrible. I've never experienced this before. I'm going to try plain yogurt for him and we've cut out anything made w/ flour (i.e. toast which he loves, pancakes which he loves, etc.). This is the baby who refused baby food but now eats everything and anything he gets his hands on. Crazy. Anyway, thanks for your advice!

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I've dealt with this 5 times - all 5 kiddos!


The treatment is nystatin for the baby's mouth, and then a nystatin in cream form for your poor sore parts. Your pedi can prescribe for baby, call your gp for the cream.


That, and keep it dry, dry, dry. I'm so sorry! That pain is WAAAAAAY worse than labor, imho!

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It sound like thrush to me. Check out the Kelly Mom website for some great resources. Basically, if it is painful like this, I would get it treated ASAP. both you and the baby will need to be treated or you will pass it back and forth to eachother. Treatment options include nystatin, diflucan, probiotics (the kind that are refrigerated), gentian violet. If you co-sleep, your dh may need to be treated as well. Also, all bedding and towels will need to be washed and dried on Hot.


Since you have been nursing this long, it is unlikely that it is a latch problem, unless he has changed his latch due to some discomfort (nasal congestion, ear infection or something like that.)


Good luck to you. Please get this looked at ASAP. If your the doc recommends treating only one of you, or recommends weaning or pump-and-dump while on meds - get a new doctor!!

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It does sound like thrush. If it is, take care to treat both your baby and yourself simultaneously, or you will keep reinfecting each other.


Here are the two best links I have found on-line for treat thrush:



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That was my first guess but he doesn't have the tell-tale white patches inside his mouth. Could it still be thrush? And, he doesn't seem to be in pain while nursing. Hmmm...I'll check into it though. I *think* I remember having this problem w/ my last child and used probiotics and that icky purple genetian violet stuff. Nice. Oh and the sheets and blankets...oh the laundry. Ugh and double ugh. I'm off to wash some sheets and check into different treatments. Thanks everyone!

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I am utmost emphathy for you.

I actually considered formula for the first time EVER with my third because of this. The cringing...tense through latch-on...the whole bit. I am sooo sorry.


All I can say that hasn't been said before is treat it right away.Do not wait. Now I know the early signs of it and don't let it get that bad. As soon as I start feeling *that* pain, I put nystatin on and it will clear right up. I hate going into the doctor and I have used the Nystatin for the babies mouth right on my breasts...yes it is sticky and messy but does the job. My father-in-law nurse practioner suggested it.


I do hope it clears up soon....my goodness my stomache even hurts thining about the pain you are in...someone said worse than labor...yes!


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Citricidal Grapefruit Seed Extract (from a link on kellymom) worked great. I mixed mine with Olive oil and dabbed on my nipples after nursing. Also mix it with water and dab in baby's mouth whenever you can with a q-tip (hopefully b4 nursing. It did not get totally rid of the yeast (we still have thrush in our mouths months later, and Rx drugs) but it did get rid of the symptoms. When we went to the doctor, there were no obvious signs of thrush at all, but it was there.

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When my sixth child was just six weeks old, he had thrush and I used the genetian violet stuff on him and then had him out at a store. A very concerned lady stopped me and pointed out that my baby's lips were blue and "shouldn't he see a dr. for his difficulties in breathing?" I tried not to laugh as I explained what the blue was but she just looked at me like I had sprouted two heads and walked away.


Oh, the memories . . .

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does he have teeth yet? My dd was bad for resting her teeth on my nipple from that age until about 13 months, I was perpetually sore and really thought about gving up bfing as a result. NOw she only does that if extremely tired. If it is not thought to be thrush that may be the cause.

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