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Football Fans, I need to say something extremely petty. And I need to lament as well.

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This is so petty, and really, I'm ashamed of myself for even thinking these thoughts. But I can't help it and dh, while he agrees, won't humor me in continuing to "discuss" it with me. ;)


I do not like Andrea Kremer. I don't know how she got her gig. She can't interview for *anything*, and personally, I think she actually makes more of a fool out of herself. They make it *seem* like she was able to get information that everyone is dying to know (is LaDainian Tomlinson in or out? How badly is he injured?), but she comes on, verbally vomits, and you're left knowing the *exact* same thing that Al Michaels and John Madden already told us. Seriously, I don't know how she got her job.


Now, to lament. I am so sad that the Colts lost. The Chargers played extremely well (um, I need to remember Darren Sproles for Fantasy Football next year!), and I was really proud of our defense, but we just did things that were out of character for us (how many times can we be penalized for "holding"!?). Tony should have really challenged that catch because I think that was game changing, in my opinion. But I understood his reasoning, and I probably would have done the same thing. But still. Our offense was really under par, and I'm just so disappointed. Next week we find out if Tony is leaving. Stand by for another post with me in angst if he does.;)


That is all. Carry on.

Edited by Janna
Ack! I said Andrea Mitchell, when I meant Andrea *Kremer*!
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I can't stand women doing the sideline reporting in general! They are too short. did you see how Phillip Rivers had to crouch down just to hear her questions??? But I agree specifically about Andrea Mitchell.


It was a really good game. I like both teams.

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I don't know anything about sports. Nothing. I don't know what you're talking about. But the first question that came to mind when you asked how she got her gig is this: Does she have big booKs? And, you know, this could be why your husband won't humor you with more discussion. Maybe he doesn't want to have to say, "Honey, she's eye candy. That's how she got her gig." Because we're supposed to be beyond that or whatever.


I know that's bad. But as long as we're being petty, I thought I'd just toss in my outsider's gut reaction.

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Well, here in San Diego it is Charger-mania. Good grief! We thought the season was over a month ago because so many disappointing games.


I had to give up watching football games because I get far too stressed out. Too many years of watching the Chargers shoot themselves in their collective feet! I was in the other room last night taking down the Christmas tree while my dh was watching the game, but I'd come watch from time to time. We kept saying at the end of the game "Don't let Manning get the ball", knowing he could well control the field and win the game. I was scrounging for chocolate in the kitchen and missed the winning touch down!


Hang in there Janna, and console yourself with getting to relax during the rest of the play offs!

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Um, yeah, that is not even the same person at all! If it were, you would be absolutely right. Heck, I'd even *understand*!:blushing:


But alas, this is the Andrea to which I am referring:


Edited by Janna
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Um, yeah, that is not even the same person at all! If it were, you would be absolutely right. Heck, I'd even *understand*!:blushing:


But alas, here is she is now:



That guy behind her makes her look like she's wearing a nurse's hat. Good grief.


Well, that blew my theory. Though, she is still blonde....

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We don't watch tv, but when someone gets a gig for which they are clearly not qualified, our philosophy is that they


1. Know someone higher up

2. Know a career killing fact about someone higher up


3. Own the company


It happens all over, sadly. :glare:

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The NFL is trying to attract women fans. I've been a fan my whole life (5 brothers help) and women who don't know what they are talking about aren't helpful. In particular I don't like this woman:



But, there are plenty of men on the sidelines that I find equally annoying, exhibit A:



And please, for the love of football, I hope they keep this guy away from the Superbowl:



He had is day, with D. Patrick he was entertaining, now he's just annoying. Something tells me he'll be there though.:glare:


PS: Sorry about your Colts. I was rooting for the Chargers though because people were picking the Colts over my Steelers for the AFC Championship.

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Um, yeah, that is not even the same person at all! If it were, you would be absolutely right. Heck, I'd even *understand*!:blushing:


But alas, this is the Andrea to which I am referring:



Yeah, I'm not a fan of hers either. She totally looks like Edie Falco doing lame interviews.

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I don't know anything about sports. Nothing. I don't know what you're talking about. But the first question that came to mind when you asked how she got her gig is this: Does she have big booKs? And, you know, this could be why your husband won't humor you with more discussion. Maybe he doesn't want to have to say, "Honey, she's eye candy. That's how she got her gig." Because we're supposed to be beyond that or whatever.


I know that's bad. But as long as we're being petty, I thought I'd just toss in my outsider's gut reaction.


Yup, there are some of them working as hockey "reporters" as well.


There's one in particular (and I don't want to name names) who asks such stupid questions of the players that I'm surprised one of them hasn't decked her yet, or at least told her to go away.


Just for the record, I'm all for women having equal rights, but I don't believe women interviewers belong in dressing rooms or near the ice or playing field while the game is going on, sticking mikes in people's faces in an effort to provide entertainment. As one of my male friends put it, nobody's looking at their faces or listening to one word they say anyway.


My $.02, lol!

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Huh? Wha? :confused:


I'm just biding my time until Spring Training starts!!! :D


AMEN, sister!


In less than seven weeks, pitchers and catchers report. WoooHooo!!!!!




The best thing about football is watching the Cowboys soap opera unfold each year. This year was worthy of a....well, I won't say, it was baaaaaad. (entertaining from a non-fan point of view, but bad. ;))

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There are very, very few women sports commentators/interviewers that I can tolerate, and none of them are working in the field of American football. Actually, only one comes to mind at the moment and that's Julie Foudy of soccer-dom. She played the sport. She knows the sport. She can sit at a booth with the guys and talk shop without looking or sounding like a nitwit and/or prostitute. If you're out there, Julie, I commend you!


For the most part, though, I believe most women sports reporters got their gig because they're women. Period.


As for the football season, well...I feel for you. But take comfort. Think about how this season played out for us Seahawks fans. Wouldn't you know they had to pull out two wins in December, of all times? At that point losing the rest of their games would've been to their advantage.:tongue_smilie:

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As for the football season, well...I feel for you. But take comfort. Think about how this season played out for us Seahawks fans. Wouldn't you know they had to pull out two wins in December, of all times? At that point losing the rest of their games would've been to their advantage.:tongue_smilie:


Oh, what a season it was for our team! :sad:

The games (1 player = 1 game) lost by their starters this season due to injury were higher than ever. While the average over recent years has been 31 player-games lost to injury, this season saw 101 starter's games lost! And it wasn't just our first string...our second string players were out for 38 additional games due to injury.

Those guys weren't lined up on the practice field next to the same players two weeks in a row. Sunday afternoons with full, healthy starting lines as the opposition were difficult to be sure. Of course, you wouldn't hear a player or coach using injuries as an excuse, but how could they not have effected this year's record?


As for the late-season wins, they didn't change our draft position. Had the Seahawks lost those two games, they still would have lost the tie-breaker with St. Louis and Kansas City due to strength of schedule, and had the fourth pick in the first round.

What those wins did, especially the final home game at Qwest Field, was to give Mike a great Thank You from his players and his fans. It was a memorable way for all those intimately involved with the team, and for the regular and season ticket holders to say goodbye and to send him off to his next adventure.

There are a number of players, too, that are vying for a position on Mora's Seahawks team. None of them would have been well served had the team thought more about a possible draft pick instead of playing their best and trying to win a game.

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Hey fellow football fans! :D DH and I have been sort of bummed this playoff/bowl game season because only two teams we were rooting for won (Arizona & Utah). Considering OU has a rather big game on the 8th, we're a little worried. lol


I am totally bummed the Colts lost. :( Love Tony Dungy and Peyton Manning. The sloppy defense in the OT was painful to watch - especially with Manning just sitting, helpless on the sidelines. How frustrated he must've felt! lol I'm still hoping for a Manning vs. Manning Superbowl one of these days! I thought this might've been the year! lol Hated to see the Vikings lose to the Eagles.


Next week should be fun - I'm a huge Steelers fan & hope to see them smoke the Chargers and win the whole thing. :D (I'd be happy if the Giants won too...)


ETA: I felt the same way about Andrea Kremer last season. This year I've barely noticed her. lol I REALLY disliked the ex-Playboy bunny they had right before Andrea. She always had super-long, bright-red fingernails - wore fur, tons of makeup, tons of hairspray, and really wasn't pretty to look at either. Eeeek! She always acted like someone was coaching her behind the camera, because I surely don't think she actually knew anything about football. I think she was actually engaged to one of the NFL bigwigs or something like that. She was bumped for Andrea Kremer after her engagement. Thank goodness. I think she went on to pose for Playboy again. :001_huh:


And - that's how the NFL is trying to attract female viewers? The cheerleaders on the sidelines weren't enough? :confused: :lol: They really need to run a few more polls if they think this is how to attract female viewers...


I actually stopped watching the FOX pregame show because of that Jillian person. Oh my. :001_huh: I think she's gone, but I still watch the CBS pregame show because (so far as I have seen) they have not insulted me by throwing the (questionable) "eye candy" in my face. ;)

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