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Help with Pre-Algebra Choices

Laurie In Carmel

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This is my first post, and I do appreicate everyone's feedback. I've just finished Singapore 6B with ds, and need to decide on a pre-algebra curriculum. While math has always been a struggle with Singapore, I have felt the benefits of this curriculm outweighed the extra effort and teaching involvement. With that said, although I have Singapore NEM 1 & 2, I think it is time for a change. I'm looking for something my son will feel more successful with, and allow him to work more on his own. I've considered TT Pre-Algebra, but am concerned that it is toooo easy. I may be wrong about that.


I would appreciate any recommendations and comments.




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Aufmann's Prealgeba text used by Chalkdust or Lials BCM, I have them both with the DVT's and I really like Mosley's teaching on the DVT's better. We also used this after Singapore 6A and B. I got a bit through NEM but even though I could do it, I just couldn't explain it to her in the way she needed it. So we opted for a different venue:)

Good Luck!

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We've called this year "prealgebra" and used various resouces. We completed 6B at the beginning of last year.


Here are some options and my observations of them:


Chalkdust - strong program, good text, long video lectures, covers more algebra than others, the teacher can be longwinded and a bit pedantic, really expensive ($330)

TT - shorter video lessons, a bit piecemeal, not very rigorous. ($185)

BJU - good text, clear explanations, can purchase separate DVD program ($105)

Lial's BCM (Basic College Math) - really good basic math, little algebra, can purchase video CD to go with it, very cost effective. (under $50)


There are other prealgebra programs like Math-U-See and Life of Fred. I didn't consider them.


A lot depends on how you like to teach and your student likes to learn; via CD, video, or text.


HTH, Stacy

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Chalkdust - strong program, good text, long video lectures, covers more algebra than others, the teacher can be longwinded and a bit pedantic, really expensive ($330)

HTH, Stacy


If you go to the CD website they list the textbooks they use. I went through Amazon and bought the same text, solutions manual, teachers manual and the DVD with Dana Mosley for under $60 with shipping, no need to pay $300 unless you want it to say Chalkdust:D

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Thank you for your ideas! I was asking my ds today about the format he might want to change to, and surprisingly he said "not video". This is a shock because he loves movies, games, and anything media driven. Before I take that as his "final answer", I will have him try a few demo's from VideoText, TT, and perhaps Chalkdust, if they have something on-line. Honestly, I think his big concern is being on his own.

Has anyone tried Kinetic Books? Also, does anyone have any feedback of Life of Fred (LOF)? Lastly, what does Lial stand for, and how would I look at that program.

Thanks so much,


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If you go to the CD website they list the textbooks they use. I went through Amazon and bought the same text, solutions manual, teachers manual and the DVD with Dana Mosley for under $60 with shipping, no need to pay $300 unless you want it to say Chalkdust:D


WHAT??? I have to know your secret!!! This was all readily available on amazon????

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Lials is titled Basic College Math, this math text, like Aufmann also offers DVT (Digital Video Tutors), you only need to use/order if you want them the program is not dependent on them.


I use LOF as a supplement, my dd loves to read and she loves the stories in LOF, my ds is a down to business type kid and does not like to read any extra than he has to:)


Here is the CD (Chalkdust site)scroll down a little and you can see the textbooks they use:)

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WHAT??? I have to know your secret!!! This was all readily available on amazon????


Yes, it is on Amazon. I have the DVD and it's Dana Mosley teaching. I can give you the ISBN Numbers if you need them. I have the text, souutions (odd problems), teachers guide (all problems) and the DVT (on CD's).

From my understanding, Dana Mosley does this for CD but also for publishers as DVT's(Digital Video Tutor). I am sure CD would not like that to get out because then he really isn't exclusive for them.

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I have an idea that hasn't been recommended here yet, but it's been mentioned on the forum before by Sue from St. Pete, who may have got the plan from someone else here, I think. I think it would be an excellent, esteem-building choice for your son as well as being a solid bridge to algebra given his Singapore background.


I would do Math-U-See Pre-Algebra followed by Math U See Algebra. These two could be completed in a year. This could be considered your pre-algebra year. Then go on to Foerster's Algebra, a rigorous, clear algebra.


My dd went from Saxon 87, which she hated and left unfinished, to Math U See Pre-algebra and it was a breath of fresh air. She started liking math again. I could hear her humming in her room as she did it, and the lessons were completed lickety-split. She finished that in less than three months and started Foerster's Algebra. We finished two chapters of that last year. We have continued it this year, and it's going so well. I'm so glad of the choice we made.


If I would have started Math U See first in the beginning of the year, I would have done their algebra, too. But even without it, dd is doing really well.


Also, it's not an expensive choice. I don't think you need any blocks or other stuff, just the DVD, teacher's manual and student book.


Just some more food for thought!

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Yes, it is on Amazon. I have the DVD and it's Dana Mosley teaching. I can give you the ISBN Numbers if you need them. I have the text, souutions (odd problems), teachers guide (all problems) and the DVT (on CD's).

From my understanding, Dana Mosley does this for CD but also for publishers as DVT's(Digital Video Tutor). I am sure CD would not like that to get out because then he really isn't exclusive for them.


I would love the ISBN numbers. Thanks!

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This is what we did.


The first 20+ lessons of TT were totally review. We skipped those.


Fractions, decimals, percents, and measurement of length, area, and volume are covered in the rest of the first half. This was review also, but welcome and necessary for my son. Simple algebraic equations are covered in the last half of the book.


I do find TT to be too easy and we will find a different program for algebra. Each TT pre-algebra lesson has about 25 total problems to solve - the first five problems are specific to the lesson learned. At least half of the remaining problems are review of previous material. There are not enough problems (for my taste) specific to the lesson learned. And, there are not nearly enough word problems (we were totally spoiled by Singapore).


My children don't like the voice of the teacher on the videos. I think his voice is fine and that he is funny:).


I like how the textbook is designed and written. The language used to explain math concepts is excellent - very concise. The video lesson is verbatim from the book. Then, the book has the key concepts highlighted for ease of reference.


TT has lots of pluses, and it is a great match for my 9-year-old daughter (who absolutely despised Singapore). But, we'll be using something else for algebra for my son.

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I would love the ISBN numbers. Thanks!



Student Solution Manual (4th Edition)Aufmann~Barker~Lockwood

ISBN 0-618-37265-2


PREALGEBRA TEXT(4th Edition)Aufmann~Barker~Lockwood

ISBN 0-618-37262-8


DVD/DVT with Dana Mosley(4th Edition)

ISBN 978-0618372706


Teachers Edition

PREALGEBRA (4th edition edition) (2005)

ISBN-13: 978-0618372638

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Student Solution Manual (4th Edition)Aufmann~Barker~Lockwood

ISBN 0-618-37265-2


PREALGEBRA TEXT(4th Edition)Aufmann~Barker~Lockwood

ISBN 0-618-37262-8


DVD/DVT with Dana Mosley(4th Edition)

ISBN 978-0618372706


Teachers Edition

PREALGEBRA (4th edition edition) (2005)

ISBN-13: 978-0618372638




I wonder if one could pull this off with the other levels of chalkdust as well?

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I love Kinetic Books.


My middle dd did Singapore through 6B, then did one month of aleks pre-algebra (free trial), and then worked through Math Smart Junior (just $0.99 + $3.99 shipping on amazon). After that she started working in both Kinetic Books Algebra and Jacobs Algebra.


She did both programs until she got just past the halfway point and then switched to KB only.


The things I like best about KB are the immediate feedback, the stepped hints, and the simulations. It's a great program. Right now they only have Algebra I, but their Algebra II will be released soon. Their next program after that is going to be pre-algebra.


They have a free trial, but it's only 3 days, so make sure that you're going to be able to explore the program when you sign up for it.

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It gives full step solutions to ALL the problems not just the odd ones that are in the solutions guide.

Because I don't watch the video with my dd, it's easier for me to pick up the TM, and glance through it to help her if she gets stuck. There are some support materials sprinkled in the TM also.

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Haven't read all the posts, but I think I'm probably going against the flow here. All my sons worked through Singapore 6B. At that point we changed with each son. Oldest went through NEM until concurrent enrollment in College Algebra in 11th. Second son went directly into Lial's Algebra, third son is doing Jacob's Algebra, and 4th son is doing Life of Fred Algebra.


Not one of these boys did a pre-algebra course. Singapore math through 6B gives the student all they need to know to begin an algebra program. I would definitely not burden a student who has gone through Singapore with Lial's Basic College Math. As for other pre-algebra programs mentioned here, I think you need to assess your student's performance in Singapore before making a decision. Unless your child is very young and needs more reinforcement of mathematics, he/she should be ready to move on. My current 8th grader moved through Singapore more slowly than his younger brother. Consequently they are both doing algebra 1 this year.


I will say, too, that NEM has a different feel than PM so you might find that your son does fine with it. My sons don't like video programs, but I chose Jacobs Algebra with the Dr. Callahan videos (short 5 minute or less segments) for the 8th grader. He is less 'mathy' than his brothers. He is doing fine with the program.


I have a lot of friends who use TT and from talking to them, I would hesitate to use the pre-algebra with a Singapore math student. You would probably need to go right to the Algebra. Personally, I'd suggest looking at Jacob's for him.


Best wishes in making your decision.

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I think I found it:party:


If I am right, I just ordered the DVD's for $16 and the books for under $40, the whole set for under $70 including shipping. I had to go through custom publishing to get the ISBN for the Text, TM,Solutions guide and the DVD's were hardest to find because the VHS had a different ISBN because they were not updated just the edition changes, if the format changes, this took ALL night to figure out!

If this is right, I can easily find the rest of the ISBN's to the other levels. I already ordered everything for Alg. 1, as soon as it arrives, if it is correct, I will post the ISBN numbers.

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I'm gonna jump in here and agree with the posters who are suggesting going on to algebra 1 after SM 6B. That is what ds did years ago, and what I will do with dd next fall. I looked at several pre-algebra curricula (no experience with TT), and they were just way too simplistic after have completed Singapore. The student's problem solving abilities are already developed quite beyond what is presented in pre-algebra. While they were not using algebra in SM 6, the student was using that thought process on very complex problems.


Time is on your side here. You can take alg 1 at a little slower pace if need be. I recommend either Jacob's or Foerster's. :001_smile:



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I think I found it:party:


If I am right, I just ordered the DVD's for $16 and the books for under $40, the whole set for under $70 including shipping. I had to go through custom publishing to get the ISBN for the Text, TM,Solutions guide and the DVD's were hardest to find because the VHS had a different ISBN because they were not updated just the edition changes, if the format changes, this took ALL night to figure out!

If this is right, I can easily find the rest of the ISBN's to the other levels. I already ordered everything for Alg. 1, as soon as it arrives, if it is correct, I will post the ISBN numbers.




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Student Solution Manual (4th Edition)Aufmann~Barker~Lockwood

ISBN 0-618-37265-2


PREALGEBRA TEXT(4th Edition)Aufmann~Barker~Lockwood

ISBN 0-618-37262-8


DVD/DVT with Dana Mosley(4th Edition)

ISBN 978-0618372706


Teachers Edition

PREALGEBRA (4th edition edition) (2005)

ISBN-13: 978-0618372638


I ordered all of these from Amazon. Somehow though I realized I ended up buying two of the Student Solution Manuals (need to check my cart better next time) when I was checking all my emails from the various sellers this morning so if you plan on buying this way let me know if you need the solutions manual. The two cost me $4.46 and $4.48 w/the $3.99 shipping included so this is really an inexpensive way to go. Thanks so much for the ISBNs, Pongo! I really appreciate the work it must have taken to figure this out.

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When I go to Amazon and try to pull up these two:


DVD/DVT with Dana Mosley(4th Edition)

ISBN 978-0618372706


Teachers Edition

PREALGEBRA (4th edition edition) (2005)

ISBN-13: 978-0618372638



It doesn't work. Is anyone else having the same problem? I get something completely unrelated to prealgebra.


Thanks so much.


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When I go to Amazon and try to pull up these two:


DVD/DVT with Dana Mosley(4th Edition)

ISBN 978-0618372706


Teachers Edition

PREALGEBRA (4th edition edition) (2005)

ISBN-13: 978-0618372638



It doesn't work. Is anyone else having the same problem? I get something completely unrelated to prealgebra.


Thanks so much.



I got it, try just googling it, an Amazon link should come up. HTH's

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The description didn't match the ISBN for the DVD. The one posted is the 13 not the 10 ISBN. Most books have both. I took a leap of faith that the ISBN was write and the description wrong. I can let you know whether it works out or not.

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Guest Ellie M

Yech. Stay away from the Algebra I book by Kinetic Books. I had a friend who got it for her 14-year-old. It was pretty easy for her at first, but then the lessons started getting sketchy. The statistics section was probably the worst; there was quite a few statements in the chapter that were fallacious. As a math teacher myself, I pride myself on giving students a broad and in-depth understanding of algebra. This book is incredibly shallow, and some of the definitions and theorems are actually FALSE! I hope this book was a fluke, because their physics books were top-notch.

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I have some news on the Algebra 1 stuff.


Okay, so far I only received the text book, it is the custom published book put out by Chalkdust (CD) here is the ISBN-13: 978-0618107742 for the custom publishing by CD (exactly like the picture on the website), your other option is to buy the text directly from CD and the DVD's elsewhere, they are running for under $40 with shipping.

If you are looking for a cheaper textbook than the custom publishing you can try this ISBN 9780618753536, this should line up with the DVD's perfectly, it just won't say CD but the savings are substantial. I see these going for under $10 easily.


I am waiting for the solutions guide and videos to come so I can verify they are the correct Alg. 1 solution book and DVD.This is the solution guide I purchased, ISBN-13: 978-0618107773 this is for the custom published one by CD. If you decided to go with the other one it's ISBN: 9780618388196.

The videos I got are ISBN-13: 9780618388233, just make sure you get 6 DVD's, I am pretty sure they would work for both, I'll let you know when mine arrive.

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I have some news on the Algebra 1 stuff.


Okay, so far I only received the text book, it is the custom published book put out by Chalkdust (CD) here is the ISBN-13: 978-0618107742 for the custom publishing by CD (exactly like the picture on the website), your other option is to buy the text directly from CD and the DVD's elsewhere, they are running for under $40 with shipping.

If you are looking for a cheaper textbook than the custom publishing you can try this ISBN 9780618753536, this should line up with the DVD's perfectly, it just won't say CD but the savings are substantial. I see these going for under $10 easily.


I am waiting for the solutions guide and videos to come so I can verify they are the correct Alg. 1 solution book and DVD.This is the solution guide I purchased, ISBN-13: 978-0618107773 this is for the custom published one by CD. If you decided to go with the other one it's ISBN: 9780618388196.

The videos I got are ISBN-13: 9780618388233, just make sure you get 6 DVD's, I am pretty sure they would work for both, I'll let you know when mine arrive.


Thank you!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used the ISBNs Pongo posted for the PreAlgebra set and wanted to say the DVDs say produced by Chalkdust. I have the solution manual, text and DVDs. I just checked the prealgebra preview on the CD website with what arrived today and they are exactly the same.


So a huge thank you to Pongo for all her hard work on figuring this out. It saved me a bundle. The only problem I've had ordering (besides ending up with two texts and two solution manuals due to my hitting the wrong button on Amazon) is with the Teacher's Edition. I ordered it from Better World Books, but they sent me the Student Text instead so I just mailed that back yesterday after they said they wouldn't exchange it for what I wanted and blamed Alibris for the mistake even though their paperwork stuck in the book said Teacher's Edition. I'll probably order a new one that actually says it's the Teacher's edition instead of trust the ISBN with that.


Fingers crossed the Algebra works out for you, Pongo. Let us know please!

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I used the ISBNs Pongo posted for the PreAlgebra set and wanted to say the DVDs say produced by Chalkdust. I have the solution manual, text and DVDs. I just checked the prealgebra preview on the CD website with what arrived today and they are exactly the same.


So a huge thank you to Pongo for all her hard work on figuring this out. It saved me a bundle. The only problem I've had ordering (besides ending up with two texts and two solution manuals due to my hitting the wrong button on Amazon) is with the Teacher's Edition. I ordered it from Better World Books, but they sent me the Student Text instead so I just mailed that back yesterday after they said they wouldn't exchange it for what I wanted and blamed Alibris for the mistake even though their paperwork stuck in the book said Teacher's Edition. I'll probably order a new one that actually says it's the Teacher's edition instead of trust the ISBN with that.


Fingers crossed the Algebra works out for you, Pongo. Let us know please!


Try this link. It matches the ISBN Pongo gave.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Idomath2

All of Dana Mosley's videos are excellent. He has videos from basic math through calculus. I work in the math lab at a community college and we receive videos for the books we adopt. Our latest videos are for Larson's Calculus 8th ed. with Dana Mosley. There are 12 DVD's for the entire calculus text. The students are googling the ISBN number for the videos (ISBN 0618528040) and buying the complete set for $55 or less. To see some of the math subjects Dana Mosley covers on video visit


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  • 2 weeks later...
Student Solution Manual (4th Edition)Aufmann~Barker~Lockwood

ISBN 0-618-37265-2


PREALGEBRA TEXT(4th Edition)Aufmann~Barker~Lockwood

ISBN 0-618-37262-8


DVD/DVT with Dana Mosley(4th Edition)

ISBN 978-0618372706


Teachers Edition

PREALGEBRA (4th edition edition) (2005)

ISBN-13: 978-0618372638


I just ordered the entire set for $85 including shipping.

There's no way I could have ordered Chalk Dust for $350 right now.

Thank you for researching this and sharing it!

Thank you!!!!

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I just ordered the entire set for $85 including shipping.

There's no way I could have ordered Chalk Dust for $350 right now.

Thank you for researching this and sharing it!

Thank you!!!!


Your Welcome. I felt the same way, I could never had gotten it:) I love a great deal!!!!!

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