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Tackling Friday, August 30


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Good Morning

Good News is that I got call from city they gave me the approval to rebuild the shed on its same foundation. So thankful . Now need to empty it.

Contact contractor to set up dates for shed

contact insurance let them know moving forward with shed .

Talked with other volunteer member that organizes 6 th grade history day- in past have had 350 students with their teachers attend. Help her with activity ideas and guest speakers.

time with pup outsideΒ 

pick up Branches from last night storm

weed whip

make final pollinator garden plans and supply list

pick up produceΒ 


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@ScoutTN, I'm not sure but maybe something that is visited a lot.Β 

@history-fan, great news!Β 

Our contractor is coming to finish the work on our back door and flooring there.Β 

I made a smoothie for breakfast, but I still want some coffee. I don't have classes until Tuesday, but I will have grading and lesson planning to do over the weekend. Still, four days "off" feels good!Β 

  • coffee
  • pay bills/update big budget book
  • shower and get ready to go out
  • make grocery list
  • bank and post office
  • grocery store
  • coffee date with a friendΒ 
  • do some school prep
  • dinner
  • football game with dh??
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning, all! happy Friday!

Today I have:

...help DS with some school stuff, as needed
....check in on my mom, she's got a dr's appt today and will schedule her next surgery/stents/whatevers
....check in on my grandma, plan a visit
....plan some shopping lists/budgets for the fall

....dinner?? I think DH is cooking, some tuna steaks/fillets a friend gave us
....Dh goes to a meeting and a class mid-morning - can I admit I'm looking forward to the break?Β 
....tonight - eat dinner, watch a movie (I think finally Inside Out 2)
....veg out, go to bed

Edited by TheReader
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Good morning!

  • coffee
  • meet with advisor
  • get my student id
  • fill out my parking pass
  • linner: hot dogs or pizza
  • take ds to a scrimmage
  • dinner: burgers and fries
  • watch something with dh?

I went in this morning to tell the advising office that I wanted to start in the spring semester because the website was a LOT to try to figure out, and I'm not exactly slow when it comes to computer stuff.Β  I couldn't even set up a proper meeting with my advisor 1 on 1 because it wouldn't let me and kept marking 3 classes on my transcripts as..I have no idea what.Β  But I got all that sorted in about an hour, and those three classes have to be appealed because they meet the requirements, just in a different form.

SO...I'm ready to go for next week.Β  Wish me luck on finally finishing this degree!

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Helped DS with his English assignment -- just read through the excerpt with him that he had to reply to, shared some background info thatΒ  he didn't have, made sure he understood it, and he's writing the response now.Β 

Still have not sewn. Hmmm.Β 

DH says maybe something "normal" for dinner, and we do the tuna tomorrow. That's fine with me.Β 

Talked to mom and Grandma; Mom is having her stents put in on the 5th and will be there overnight, so I may go down on the 6th early, visit her, then go visit Grandma, then come home. (maybe stay the night...?)Β 

Resting/relaxing the rest of today, then maybe sew at some point

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Hello everyone!Β  I have zero idea why I am in such a good mood coonsidering my day so far but I will take it.

Day started w/ me having slept m hours which meant extra laundry to ge done today.Β  After eating/ drinking just kefir, I got to work. Decided to try to log into my husband's work health advocate/EAP site. Didn't work so called and they will figure out ifcided to check to seeΒ  my hospital co pay from early Feb 23f opinion hatdscs been submitted to our Tricare Supplement. Wega haven't been billed by that hospital and we want the supplement to be rebilled.Β 

When I went to my computer, I decided to check and see ifif dh's VA disability pay had been cut. It had.Β  That meant spending hours just figuring out how I got on the site before and realizing I did it through a moronic way wherecwe have to change very long nonsensenical passwords every 3 months. Nonsensical because the Bureau of Standards guy who came up w the moronic system of numbers, letters, symbols, had a chsnge of opinion and has for many years now tried to get organizations to listen - much better to use random words longer but easier passwords.Β 

Anyway that meant hours getting him an ID.me account and then giving up on uploading forms tonight. ThetThen more han an hour on formsΒ  for health advocate.


Now calling Accredo.

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School was ok. Not great, but not horrendous. My hardest kid was out of my room for most of the day because he threw a chair. Not at anyone, thankfully! LOTS of work to do over the weekend! Spent about an hour after school organizing some new shelves in my room.Β 

Got home too late to get to the bank. Had leftovers for a snacky supper, but will need something more substantial.Β 

Too tired to do YNAB tonight. That’s for early in the day tomorrow.

Doing a bit of housekeeping. Laundry, dishes etc.Β 

Gonna change clothes for the football game, eat more, and make lists. Need to leave in about 45 minutes for the game.Β 

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Dinner was good - dh bumped the tuna to tomorrow and made a pasta dish instead. Yum!Β 

Oldest finally found out what day/time he has to be back at camp for the internship (Sunday morning), so tonight is family movie night, tomorrow is board games and laundry and packing, Sunday he heads up.Β 

Off to do that now...

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Accredo specialty pharmacy took forever.Β  Somehow the last 2 times I called I got idiots so both times I had to talk to supervisors. At least I gor my shipments set up through Sept and the supervisor was wonderful- he is even going to contact the business office and square away the apparent glitch on the system were it appears I owe a lot but I don’t.

Need to take meds, eat a chocolate peanut butter cup (:we are going out for dinner sometimeΒ dh was hiking).


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Hooray for Friday Night Lights and a big win over a rival school. New coach and new QB (Junior who just transferred In this week!) The game was close for a while and there were lots of exciting plays. 29-13 final. So fun!

After last year’s 2-10 season, with huge losses, and a so-so season despite loads of talent the year before, this is an enormous sea change. The kids - players, band, cheerleaders, student section were so happy. The band kept playing and kids were dancing, til the home team kicked us out. 😎


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