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Tackling Saturday Together, 8.3.24


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My first cousin died this week, and the visitation and funeral are today. He was only 10 years older than me. My dad and older sister are coming. My younger sister can't make it. 

  • shower and get ready
  • meals
  • tidy house
  • meal plan and grocery list
  • grocery shopping 
  • attend visitation and funeral
  • work on school stuff (I need to figure out a way to assess a class of new students without it feeling like a test.)
  • watch something and relax
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@ScoutTN, I am so sorry the job might not happen! I don't think I realized this was a new school. Did you turn down other jobs to take this one? I can't imagine moving for a job and then it not happening. What a nightmare for those people! I pray everything works out better than it seems right now. 

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  • mom31257 changed the title to Tackling Saturday Together, 8.3.24

Good Morning

pup has been getting me up at 5:00, I need to train myself to get to bed earlier at night.

today should be last hot humid day, so will early walk n sniff time

did big grocery run yesterday so clean produce today

clean kitchen and bathrooms

clean emails

talked with someone who sells premade sheds/outbuildings their website has 3d planner with price so will attempt that today. They build offsite and deliver. Having such a hard time finding someone willing to take this on. The handymen people say it’s too big of a project and the contractors say it’s too small a project. So looking at other options.


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Good  morning! 

@mom31257, so sorry for your loss; hugs to all the family. 

My day today is mostly go work/volunteer at the Abilities Expo.  It's a big gathering of vendors/service providers/etc. for all things disability related -- our fencing club always does a booth to promote wheelchair (para-) fencing, and I love to go help at the booth. We take part of our chair set-up, some years we have fencers do a demo (not this year), and just talk to people about fencing. 

We have some clubs in the vicinity who also do blind fencing, so we can share that info as well. 

Aside from that -- 
...grocery run real quick before hand, to get stuff for the D&D gang
...help as needed w/D&D set-up
...go to Abilities Expo
....come home and maybe take a nap???
....do some sewing
....possibly finish Fallout tonight if the kids are up for it
....veg out, go to bed -- maybe catch up watching various recorded Olympic things? 

Have a great day!

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@mom31257 I am sorry about your cousin. I am glad you are able to go to the service. 

Thanks for praying for my school! I did drop my very part time tutoring job for this one. The whole faculty and staff are mobilizing to recruit families. I am somewhat limited as I do not live in the county the school is actually in. I have emailed the three people I know who do, and am asking people to pray. I think we will be canvassing neighborhoods on Monday, and having a registration event (with food trucks and ice cream) at the library Monday evening. 

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Good morning!

I have started laundry and am making b’fast now. Will study math this morning, then take the Praxis midday. I expect to pass, but not with perfect or near-perfect scores like I got on the first two. Math is just not my thing and some of the questions are hard or tricky.

Might work at church some, prepping Sunday school materials, while I’m there. 

Housekeeping and grocery shopping.

Dd should be home around dinner time!! ❤️

AHG tonight, but I am not leading, just so no prep.

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Howdy, what day is it again?

I am sitting at the airport.  We got here 3 hours before the flight and there were no lines!  So I was able to relax and get some work done.  Of course there was drama ... at 5am we got a notification that our flight was delayed, to the point where we'd miss our connection to Madrid.  But then they changed it back.  So let's see what actually happens.

I sent the girls off to have breakfast while I watch the bags.  Still waiting for the aunties to get here.  We had to come separately because we wouldn't all fit in one vehicle.

I am hoping to get through a bunch of document reviews that should have been done long ago.  But I will probably be distracted once my travel-mates join me.

I was up early trying to transfer files to two external drives in case anything happens to me or my computer.  I had time to transfer all my client and personal documents, outlook, and quickbooks, to an external drive that I left at home.  But it took hours for the 2nd external drive to delete files to make room for my photos.  So I'm about to try transferring photos in a minute.  Let's see how it goes.  I have way too many photos.

Here's hoping we didn't forget anything, or if we did, the thing is not crucial.

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Good morning, everyone. I miss being on here during the week days. My plans include:

more coffee-done

dollar store-I have a $10 off coupon-got ripped off, they didn't take off the $10 plus some things that were supposed to be half price were not half price-I guess I'll go by there tomorrow, call this afternoon

work in my classroom-done

clean and wax the living room floor

make beds

buy ingredients for pasta salad-done

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@mom31257 I'm sorry about your cousin. 

@ScoutTN impressive time at TJs. 

We installed door number 4 in the basement. Even at $200 a door, quality is not great the frames are warped/twisted and overall craftsmanship is lacking. For those keeping track:

Door installation: 80%

Door frames painted: 40%

Doors painted: 20% (one side of two doors)

Heading to a friend's to pick up some succulents with a stop at Home Depot and Salvation army along the way. 

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Ate a late lunch
Put ribs in the oven
Started an oxyclean soaking load.

Played the Wordle and some other fun time-wasters while listening to some poems.

Next up:
Thrift store drop
Clean a bathroom
Make potato salad

Endured Ds17’s anger when I told him he’d have to take dinner/snack from home and reminded him that he’s had all day to eat and/or pack food. No, kid, you are not spending two hour’s worth of work on junk food from your very expensive grocery. 🙄🙄

Checked on Dd with Find My Phone. She’s about 3 hrs away still. 


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Home from the Expo, napped, and been fighting with the AC due to power issues; I think it's finally stabilized. 

DH & I caught up on recorded Olympics, and watching other TV now. 

Congrats on the good score, Scout!


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Lots of produce cleaned- it disappears so soon after I clean it. 
training time with pup done

just made it out of a tornado warning- it came on fast. Need to have pup practice going to the basement for future. Lots of rain still coming down. Wind has calmed down some. Still under severe thunderstorm warning. Should be over in an hour.







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AHG was good. Glad I went! Fun to see the less experienced patrol win a ropework competition tonight! 

Did some housekeeping, repeated my “No” to Publix impulse purchases (Ds is persistent!), and am going to get a shower. 

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@ScoutTN, woohoo for that score!! 

@history-fan, I'm so glad you are okay and pray the storm calms down and no one gets hurt! 

My dad wanted to take us out for dinner, so we did that before he went home. 

I made an essentials grocery list and went to the store. 

Everything is put away, and I'm working on a slide presentation for the first day of school. 


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