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Tackling Wednesday Together, 7.31.24


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Good morning! 

I had a terrible night. I woke more than once from weird dreams and thinking about them. I felt really strange and just in my head way more than I normally am. I got up and read scripture and prayed. Then I played a couple of games on my tablet just to get my mind off of things. I am going to quit taking the PPI even though it seems to be helping my reflux. I wonder if it is making me anxious. 

All of this comes on a day I'm leaving town.  My best friend in my old hometown drives buses. A few weeks ago, she drove her church on a mission trip to help another church, and the bus broke down. She needs a ride to get it. I will drive to her house today. We'll drive there tomorrow and spend the night. On Friday, she'll take the bus home, and I'll come home. 

I had my shower and need to get ready. 

I tutor 2 kids online before I leave town. I am stopping by my sister's house on the way. 

I hope you all have a good and productive day! 


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@ScoutTN, I read your post from last night. This is such a big change for you and change isn't easy. I pray it is a smooth transition and you find so much joy in the job that it won't feel so hard. I pray you have good co-workers and students you can connect with easily. I will miss you being on the boards as much, but I hope you will pop in when you can! 

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@mom31257, praying the anxiety subsides - maybe a different med will help w/the reflux w/o so many side effects?  Praying for the travel as well. 


Today's plans...
....double check my 1st & 2nd grade science plans/assignment sheets against the syllabuses
....start printing stuff I need for orientation next week -- syllabus, info sheets, contact lists, etc.

....text Grandma, see if she figured out why her windstorm check was less than expected, see how she's doing otherwise
...make sure Middle is up in time for their boxing today
...look over all my school lists and make sure what else needs to be done 
...wash my wool stuff
...take Middle to their appt this afternoon
...DH is in charge of dinner

....grocery shop at some point since I forgot yesterday
...figure out the new grocery shop plan -- w/DS driving his own self to church on Weds (and that goes away in a few weeks anyway), we need a new weekly shopping time
....maybe Forged in Fire tonight, maybe Alone
...veg out, go to bed

It feels like the next few weeks are going to fly by. Oldest comes home from camp for good on Saturday; I'll be working Abilities Expo (our fencing club does a booth every year there, and demos parafencing), the weekend after we have a fencing tournament and DH leaves for a week in Brazil, that Monday is in-service, that Weds is Orientation, then DH gets back that Sunday, and then we start school. Feels very full and rushed, and while I have prepped ahead most of what I need, I'm feeling "ack, need to get moving!"  So I think if I put my hands on everything that will reassure me. 

Have a good day, all! 

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Woke up early with my head spinning about all the things. Today is a day to get some things finished or at a point where I can coast for a bit.

AHG emails
Cull inbox ✔️ 
Meeting at church ✔️ 
Work at church. ✔️ 
Meal planning
Study math
Take mom to Costco to get her hearing aids!  Tech is out for medical emergency so this got rescheduled.

Check in on Ds - homework, housekeeping, etc. ✔️ 

Pack my lunch for tomorrow and get a shower. 

Finish a podcast.

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I primed the door frames already this morning. I just woke up the teenagers because they need to help me set the doors on saw horses so I can start priming those. 

Today will be dedicated to painting doors and then young one and I have the dentist this afternoon. 

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double checked the syllabuses and printed those

put away some laundry

DH is home early, so he's in charge of getting the kids up for boxing

have a note that I already printed the stuff for orientation, but I have no idea where it is, so.....next up, find all of that

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The first coat of paint is on both the doors and the frames for these first two. We have a total of five doors but I will be working two at a time. Only three are hung so far.

I'm going to eat lunch and then youngest and I might go run some errands before the dentist. I also might cut a few more quilt strips so I can work on the next steps. 

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I’m late today, but I’ve gotten some stuff done. 
pillow washed
bedding washed  
order gift for my cousin’s son’s wedding. 
supper. Chicken and veggieS. 
self care stuff   
clean out dog’s ears   
pick up house   
pay off med bill 

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Home from the grocery, plus returned a thing to Target that was broken. Got everything put away, DH & the guys got home and carried in the cases of water - serendipity, there --- our neighborhood is doing scheduled maintenance to the water system, so we have a planned outage tomorrow for most of the day. Lo & behold, HEB had packs of bottled water on sale, so stocked up on that. That's smart this time of year around here anyway (and we'll have a boil water notice after the outage, for an as-yet-unknown amount of time). 

Eating lunch, then will run Middle to their appt. 

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Also late today.

Things that are done:

  • two loads of laundry
  • shopping with dh.
  • lunch

To do:

  • yoga
  • violin
  • dinner
  • work on some writing
  • a walk?  We'll see what the weather dictates


Dh and I went to see Deadpool last night.  It's hilarious if you like Deadpool sort of movies. BUT, I am so over theatres.  The one we went to was just obnoxious.  The showtime was 6:40.  Nope.  That was what time the previews started.  The movie actually started at 7:10.  It was also so loud that it hurt to listen to it.  I've been to concerts that were better than that.

This is the second movie we've watched in that theatre and I told dh I'm not going back. I like our little theatre down the road from our house.  It's quiet, the prices are right, and because our ds used to manage it years back, it's run more efficiently.  He set up protocols and routines that are still in place to make sure the trash is always taken care of, someone is managing the machines, and the lobby is well organized.

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Ran to JoAnn and found a second fat quarter that matches the other one. I bought 2 the other day and they ended up being similar but not identical, I wasn't paying attention so I had to go back, but I'm glad they had it. 

Stopped at the thrift store and youngest found a couple of things and she gave us half of so bonus! 

Stopped at Costco and looked at dishes. Feel free to weigh in. 

Set one they sell grey and blue in store for $40

Set two  this one is $20 in store. 

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@HomeAgainyes to the too loud movies. 
@mom31257 hope you’re able to resolve your health issues. Not getting good sleep is very hard to deal with.

We are in a severe thunderstorm warning now. The weather has been hot and humid.

dog walked for shorter time she was panting cuz of the humidity 

laundry going

fruit cleaned

Dishes done

emails sent to contractors

pc to insurance done

the person yesterday said they wouldn’t give a bid  till I gave them the paperwork from insurance saying how much they would pay. I won’t do that, have never heard of that.

pc to cousin who just lost her sister. I lost my sister a while ago and she just wanted to talk.

watch Olympics 

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3 minutes ago, LifeLovePassion said:


Stopped at Costco and looked at dishes. Feel free to weigh in. 

Set one they sell grey and blue in store for $40

Set two  this one is $20 in store. 

They are both very pretty. The blue or gray color come with 2 different sized bowls vs the white only 1 bowl. Does your family use bowls a lot. I’d think of if they would fit in dishwasher and if I have cabinet space for 2 different bowl sizes.

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15 minutes ago, LifeLovePassion said:

Stopped at Costco and looked at dishes. Feel free to weigh in. 

Set one they sell grey and blue in store for $40

Set two  this one is $20 in store. 

I really like Set 1.  We have white plates but recently have bought black and blue to see how it feels.  They make the food look STUNNING.  I love setting the table with them.  The pop of color brings out the best in the ingredients.

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re: the dishes, I like set one, but I joke that I'm "allergic" to white & solids, so take that with a grain of salt (I have fiesta, with no color duplicates, and my heart sings when we set the table all mismatched but coordinated).  More practical - do think of how they'll fit in the dishwasher and such. 


I'm home from Middle's appt; DH says probably soon we'll stop these, as we seem to be past the point of needing them still. I'm indifferent on that, so will defer to him. 

Heard from Grandma; she talked with the roofers some more, she can get a much better price going  with normal shingles vs. she currently has designer fancy shaped ones, so that should take care of the price descrepency between the quote and what the insurance sent over. Hopefully. In other news, though, if y'all don't mind a general prayer request -- her pastor retires in September. I have no idea what will happen to her little church when that time comes, and I have no idea what that will do to her. All of her social life now is wrapped up in that church -- food pantry, friends, etc. It's absolutely her lifeline, but the pastor serves w/a very minimal salary, so not sure what will happen/how the church will continue on. 

I still didn't get to binding the quilt. 

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Remembered that lunch is provided tomorrow, so just packing a snack. 

Did a smidge of meal planning.

Working on dinner.

Read for tomorrow.

Double check with Ds about the Rx and the flashcards (that he did wrong, or at least incompletely) ✔️ 

Prep clothes ✔️
Set my alarm

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I was very much looking forward to a quiet evening. I do not have that.  I feel like I live with people who are destined to make my life frustrating.  Everyone left between 2 and 2:15.  As soon as dh left, ds's gf came back from her workplace.  Why?  I don't know.  But she has asked me what is for dinner.  I don't know.  Nobody was supposed to be here.  DH and ds1 are at work.  Ds2 is at camp.  I was going to snack, shampoo the rugs, and play the violin.  Then I was going to curl up and watch bad tv.  And frankly, if a person cannot figure out how to adult at 25 years old, there are deeper issues.  I cook because I have a 14yo who eats EVERYTHING and is on an eating plan for his working out.  I do not cook because it is my job.  If ds is not here, there is no menu beyond "there's food in the fridge".   There is also food in the lunchbox she took with her, and probably still food in the lunchbox of ds14 that she borrowed and has not returned........4 weeks later.

Our electric bill was over $500.  A normal year this time, it's $300.  It's up that high because we cannot turn up the temp in that area of the house.  Usually, ds14 would be out of his room by 8am, the temp would reset to 80 on the top floor, and then would come back down to 74 at 8pm, an hour before he headed up to bed.  These two stay up all night, sleep half the day, and she stays to game the other half on one of the two gaming computers in their room or watch their tv with the PS5.  So it never gets lowered and runs constantly to try to keep up with the heat their machines produce.  I'm so ready for them to move out, and the two to realize that their severe lack of competence makes for relationship dysfunction, but ds can't find anything to move to.


Vent over.  Thanks for letting me get it out of my system.  I only got halfway on my walk before the rain poured down and that's usually my outlet.

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@HomeAgain - that sounds really rough. I'm sorry your quiet evening was interrupted, and sorry that the issues with ds/his gf are still being problematic.  Are you able to ask them to pitch in with the electric bill? Or other expenses? (are they already doing so?)  (I mean, you don't have to answer me, just thinking out loud) Hopefully things improve. 

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Well, Oldest just texted, camp needs some of them to stay one extra week, and as he doesn't have school waiting on him, he's going to do that. Which is good, but also, waah. 

Dinner was good; DS is driving his own self to church, so DH and I are going to watch what Olympics we have recorded &/or a movie or TV or something, and discuss when to make the new regular grocery trip. 

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1 minute ago, TheReader said:

@HomeAgain - that sounds really rough. I'm sorry your quiet evening was interrupted, and sorry that the issues with ds/his gf are still being problematic.  Are you able to ask them to pitch in with the electric bill? Or other expenses? (are they already doing so?)  (I mean, you don't have to answer me, just thinking out loud) Hopefully things improve. 

We have, but the "them" becomes "ds", and we really want him to move out and have the funds to do so.  When she moved in a year and a half ago, she had gone back to school for a different degree after changing from her original plan.  Okay, doable.  We helped her find a job in the area.  She quit that job in April this year and decided to change her degree plan again to a certification.  Similar focus, but different.  And there's a 90 day lapse between the end of the 4 week course and the ability to take the test.  She decided to pick up hours at her old work place 1 day a week. I was very excited it was tonight when everyone else was gone.  But between her degree hopping and lack of real job, there's no real income source to tap.  Still something we could work with.  But I just don't like her.  DS picked someone who is very opposite of everyone in the house.  She's loud, has no concept of moderation of anything, and is overly dramatic.  I have given up watching anything I want to see because it is inevitable that she will come in, make some sort of snarky comment, and drop in spoilers.  There are more personal dislikes, but as an introvert with high sensitivities to noise, touch, and smells, it feels like an assault to have her in the house some days.  Plus, I feel like I walk a fine line between telling them exactly what the issues are and doing so in a way that isn't overly blunt and rude because he has become more like her.  After months of back and forth about how to wear cologne and him insisting that my opinion doesn't matter because she likes it, I had to be extremely blunt when we couldn't smell our food at the table over him.  "Child, nobody cares if your gf likes it.  We care that you are holding us hostage when she should be the only one able to smell you.  You are literally making me sick and giving me migraines because you can't figure that out.  Go shower so we can enjoy our food."



I miss my home.  I miss the space I constantly am losing.  I miss feeling like I can relax.

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Moved laundry, tidied the kitchen, finished my reading, got a shower.

Then got an email about registration numbers being problematic for our school. Will hear what’s happening tomorrow, I guess. ☹️🙏🏻 I hope I still have a job and the school is still happening. 

Ds is being a mean jerk tonight. 😢

Gonna read and maybe listen to a podcast. Maybe get some sleepytime tea and a cookie. Gotta wind down and go to bed.

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