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Tackling Thursday Together, 7.18.24


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Good morning! 

The door project is supposed to happen today as long as the door is actually right this time! 

  • shower and get dressed
  • meals
  • tutor 2 students online
  • call from our health insurance company dietician (I found out last month that we can have free phone calls with one.) 
  • begin working on a class for the co-op class, which is a hands-on, have fun with math class for the middle schoolers
  • start planning the first day of online classes 
  • not sure what else with the work here at the house
  • watch something and relax before bed
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Good morning!

Still sorting out my day...

...decide on dinner (am I cooking? DH? not sure)
...make the rice krispie treats for real today, so Oldest can go back to camp
...send him off in the window between morning & afternoon rush hour
...DH has a lunch meeting out, so I will play my video game while he's gone, since I didn't get to yesterday
...maybe work on Week 6 stuff, maybe not (probably yes)

...get everything ready for fencing tonight
...do some tidying up/decluttering 
...cook dinner/eat dinner
...go to fencing
...come home, go to bed

I feel like there will certainly be more in that list, but.....not sure yet. Woke up way too early, and have started having coffee but not fully awake enough to think yet. 

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Good morning! 

Already done:

  • coffee
  • made ds's lunch (grilled chicken, coconut rice, mango salsa, pineapple, a bag of protein chips, lemon square)

To do:

  • take ds to camp
  • unload the dishwasher
  • change out the circulation pump in it
  • take the trash to the dump
  • pick up ds (maybe?  Dh might)
  • violin
  • 10,000 steps
  • dinner: build your own salad.  There are various greens, fruit, seeds, dressings, cheeses, and chicken or chickpeas for protein
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Good morning! Cooler and cloudy here today. We need rain! 

I have made coffee and started a load of laundry. And talked with Ds about schedule/calendar. Still really enjoying not being mom-taxi! 

Mail a shirt to Dd.  ✔️ 

Work on church midweek curriculum and give it to our admin assistant for printing/copying/assembling. Chat with the graphics person about a cover.

File SS curriculum and follow up with facilities mgr about locked file cabinet.

Final VBS clean up/put away.

Figure out dinner. Something with the pulled chx I have, probably a salad since Ds will be at work. He can take a sandwich. 

Bible study tonight.

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Took care of some emails

re-emailed the customer service - the package that "shipped" on Monday finally showed an update as of last night and is set to arrive late Saturday. :sigh: I emailed letting them know I'd really expected better, given that I paid for priority shipping, and requesting at least a refund of the difference in shipping costs. We'll see.  At least it's on the way.

Got Week 6 printed & organized for 1st & 2nd; DH is napping, so waiting to print K until he's up (printer is in the bedroom and noisy)

Prepped a thing to mail to someone in a different group I'm in 

Going to go ahead and make the rice krispies so they are ready when Oldest is up and going

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Dd checked on her scholarships in the college portal and everything is good. There was just a “terms and conditions” sort of info box that she hadn’t checked. She just didn’t see it the first time. Tricky to do these things on a phone instead of the larger laptop screen. 

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2 hours ago, mom31257 said:

They have started on the door removal. Please pray the rock doesn’t start coming down. 


Your door is stunning, like from a magazine.  Are you changing anything with the new door?  I hope it goes well.

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Good Morning

took pup to play outside. Got her a frisbee and tossed around she seemed to have fun.

called insurance about dh car incident

start looking up surveyors

shop for a fridge for rental. Fridges seem to be an appliance that is still taking a few weeks to get in stock.

pc to friend going through radiation for breast cancer. She has done 27 out of 30 radiation treatments.

call another company to get bid for outbuilding

We did see this Sandbill Crane this morning - they are supposed to bring good luck- we’ll see


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Good morning!! Sleep was off during the night, so I was cleaning when it was obvious I wasn't sleepy. I'm going to switch my thyroid medication to morning instead of night and see if that makes any difference. I've done laundry, had coffee, cleaned and waxed a bedroom floor, cleaned a ceiling fan in one room and a light fixture in another,cleaned the living room ceiling. Plans for the rest of the day:



check bank balance and send a cashapp if it's ok-done

completely finish painting 2 walls

do the last school video

pull weeds

clean the last ceiling fan-done

list some things for sale-done

call my parents

call ds



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Post Office
Amazon return

Next up:

change clothes
head to church to work

Realized this morning that Ds lost his raincoat on the youth group trip. Second one in a year. 🙄

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@history-fan, that's a cool bird! Thanks for sharing. 

More door drama:  the threshold isn't the right size. The company didn't bother to tell us that even thought we were ordering their biggest door jamb size that they cannot make the threshold that size. Our workers have been formulating a plan B and are starting to put it into place. 

@mommyoffive, we did order a different style door, but the transom window is staying or we would have to redo the rock. We are considering a different color for the door like a blue but might stick with red. 

The subfloor under the door was rotted out. Thankfully, this is a steel frame house or the floor joists probably would have been rotted, too.

We need to replace the door onto our deck because the deck is flush with the door and water splashes on it all the time. I think there are subfloor problems there, too. 

All the new doors will be fiberglass to help protect with the water issues. We are getting a gutter guy to come out and help us consider a different style gutter guard that would help with the flow of water, too. We have a lot of trees. 



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Oldest got safely off. 

Played a bit more of my video game and ate lunch. 

Unpacked our Prime Day order - new ink cartridge, some new games (well, expansions to games we own), headset for Middle. Nothing too exciting. 

Heard back from the company - they think it's fine and completely within the quoted timeline that my package was delayed so long from shipping label printed to actually arriving at the origin facility. Still within the stated total amount of days from "usually ships w/in" and "delivery takes" so they see no issue, even though *three full business days* of that were the package sitting, label created, package not picked up. 

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Got lots done at work.

Stopped at the neighborhood farmers’ market in the way home to get peaches. Also got some honey and a couple condiments - peach siracha and hot maple syrup. Love sweet n spicy here! Prices at the market are high, but I like supporting small businesses and don’t splurge there often.

Made a yummy chx wrap for dinner.

Moved the laundry.
About to get ready to go to Bible study. 

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